Rugrats Wiki
What the Big People Do Gallery Transcript

(The episode begins with a spinning shot of Didi Pickles' lipstick, a reflection of Tommy Pickles trying to get it is shown, the camera zooms out showing Tommy doing the same thing, Angelica walks over, crosses her arms and looks at the lipstick)

Angelica: (teasingly): What? Little babies wanna play with Mommy's lip-stitch crayon?

Tommy and Chuckie: Uh-huh!

Angelica: Okay. (she walks to the lipstick, grabs it, and then shows it to the babies) Say pretty-pretty-pretty please!

(As Angelica was talking, Tommy was trying to get it)

Tommy and Chuckie: Pretty-pretty-pretty peas!

Angelica: Close enough. Here you go.

(She throws the lipstick as Chuckie grabs it)

Tommy and Chuckie: Ooh...

Tommy: Gee, thanks, Angelica!

Angelica: Sure, Tommy, no problem. I mean, what are big cousins for?

Tommy: Open it, Chuckie! Open it! (Chuckie removes the lid and spins it elevating the lipstick) Hmm...

Angelica: (teasingly still): Do you like it?

Tommy and Chuckie: Uh-huh.

Angelica: Are you happy? 

Tommy and Chuckie: Uh-huh!

Angelica: Good! Aunt Didi, Aunt Didi, the babies are playing with your lip-stitch!

Didi: (takes it away from Tommy): Tommy, no! (takes the lid away from Chuckie) Now, how did you get this? It's my favorite lipstick.

Angelica: They sure are tricky, huh, Aunt Didi?

Didi: (looms over showing the boys her lipstick): Tommy, this is not for babies. This is for big people. (leaves)

Angelica: Yeah, for big peoples, and not for you. Nyeeeh! (razzes, in a tune): For big peoples, for big peoples and not for little babies! (runs off)

Tommy: (sits down and plays with his car): Well, at least we had it for a little while, Chuckie.

Chuckie: (sits down on some pillows): Yeah, a real little while. It's not fair, it's just not fair! If we were big peoples, they couldn't stop us!

Tommy: Yeah! If we were big people, we could do anything we wanted!

Chuckie: Yeah! Like what?

Tommy: Well, like lots of things! Like stay up late, or eat chocolate ice cream for breakfast, or even take baths standing up!

Chuckie: Baths standing up?! (shakes his head): Now you've got too far.

Tommy: Being a big people is the most funnest thing in the whole wide world! (Chuckie lies down in the pillows and looks at a mobile on the ceiling) You get to do all kinds of neat stuff all day, and it all starts when you first wake up in the morning!

(The screen fades to Chuckie sleeping in bed, Chuckie wakes up to the sound of Tommy, off-screen): Chuckie, get up, get up! We're big people!

(Chuckie wakes up now with a fully grown body)

Chuckie: (does so and stretches, notices wearing a suit): Huh? AHHHHHHHH!!! TOMMY, LOOK WHAT I GOT ON!!!

Tommy: (with a fully grown body): 'Course that's what you got on, Chuckie! These are the kinds of clothes big people wear!

Chuckie: I don't like em, Tommy, and I'm takin' this off! (pulls his bowtie)


Chuckie: (lets go of his bowtie): Why not?

Tommy: It's a tied! That's the thing that keeps big people's heads from falling off!

Chuckie: Whew! Thanks, Tommy, that was close. (lies back down): Boy, being a big people is really scary.

Tommy: (jumps on the bed): No, Chuckie, it's great! (spins on the mobile) Now we can do anything we want! We can throw our toys... (throws a jack-in-a-box, opens the closet): ...and... and squirt our milk... (squirts milks near Chuckie, opens a drawer revealing lots of lipstick pens and grabs several of them): ...and even... draw all over the walls! (laughing and does so)

Chuckie: Maybe you're right, Tommy. Maybe there's something a little bit fun about being a big people.

(Chuckie laughs and jumps off the bed and grabs some lipstick pens to draw on the walls, scene cuts to inside a cupboard revealing countless boxes of Reptar Cereal)

Tommy: Let's see... What should we eat today? There's Reptar Cereal, and Reptar Cereal... (opens the fridge revealing more Reptar Cereal) And look! (opens the oven, which reveals even more Reptar Cereal): Reptar Cereal!

Chuckie: Decisions, decisions...

Tommy: I'll make the breakfast and you make the coffee.

(The screen wipes to a shot of Tommy pouring Reptar Cereal in his bowl, Chuckie walks over with a jug of coffee)

Chuckie: Coffee, anyone?

Tommy: (tosses the cereal box): Sure! I'll have a glass of Jobe! (Chuckie pours coffee on Tommy's cup, Tommy takes a sip and then spits it) Oh! This coffee tastes like mud!

Chuckie: (drinks his cup, streaks of mud appear on his cheeks like Chas's moustache): It is mud.

Tommy: Oh. (Wipes his mouth clean then grabs his Reptar comic. Depicted is Reptar destroying a city and citizens running, gasps and looks at his wristwatch): Oh my gosh!

Chuckie: What is it, Tommy?

Tommy: It's time to go to work!

Chuckie: Work?! But Tommy, do we have to go to work?

Tommy: Come on, Chuckie, work is fun! And besides, I get to drive!

Chuckie: But Tommy, you don't know how to drive. (scene cuts to Chuckie in the car, screaming): YAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! (Tommy is driving the car very fast as he starts laughing and honks the horn, he passes over a bus, an army tank and a truck, a bird's eye view of the road reveals many vehicles crashing, between the two bridges is Reptar) Gee Tommy, don't you think you should slow down a little?

Tommy: Slow down? But if I do that, how am I going to get a ticket?

Chuckie: A ticket? A ticket to what?

Tommy: I don't know! But to want one, you got to go fast. (a police siren is heard) See? Now we're going to get a ticket!

Chuckie: (goes worried): Oh...

(Tommy pulls over and a motorcycle cop stops behind them before walking to the driver's side)

Tommy: Uh, is there a problem, officer?

Angelica: Yeah, there's a problem. (takes off her shades revealing herself): You babies were going a thousand miles a hour. (takes a lollipop out of her mouth): Now, I'm going to have to give you a ticket! (writes a ticket and gives it to Tommy) Now, hit the road! (holds a thumb up)

Chuckie: Well, Tommy, you got your ticket. What's it for anyway?

Tommy: Chuckie! It's a ticket to go see Reptar on Ice!

Chuckie: Wow!

(Scene cuts to a skyscraper that has "Work" on it, the skyscraper is in the same style as the Pickles residence, the front yard has a lot of toy vehicles all over, Tommy and Chuckie arrive and go through the spinning doors)

Tommy: Ooh!

(Inside the workplace shows many toddlers with grownup bodies carrying balloons and kites, the screen moves up to several stories, Chuckie gasps seeing many more grownup toddlers having fun)

Chuckie: Wow! This is work?

Tommy: 'Course it is, Chuckie. What'd you think work was?

Chuckie: (shrugs): I don't know--I always thought it was something... harder.

(A yellow balloon comes between Tommy and Chuckie)

Tommy: (takes the balloon): That's what the big people want you to think. C'mon! (lets the balloon go)

(Tommy and Chuckie walk off)

Chuckie: What big people stuff are we going to do now, Tommy?

Tommy: What all big people do at work: ride the elevators up and down.

(An elevator comes down and Tommy and Chuckie enter in, the gate latches closed, and Tommy presses a button)

Tommy and Chuckie: (as the elevator levitates faster, screaming): AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!

(The elevator stops, and Chuckie presses another button making then descend faster, Tommy and Chuckie start laughing and press more buttons making them go up and down continuously until Chuckie goes totally dizzy, Tommy giggles and presses more buttons)

Chuckie: Tommy? Tommy? (stops him)

Tommy: Huh?

Chuckie: I think we "rided" the elevator enough already. Let's do something else from work.

Tommy: Like what, Chuckie?

Chuckie: Well, we could always do what my dad does.

Tommy: What's that?

Chuckie: Push paper.

(The elevator opens as Tommy and Chuckie see the toddlers pushing paper on the floor with their brooms)

Tommy and Chuckie: (they walk in): Ooh...

(They see giant stacks of paper filling the whole room with a paper machine ejecting out more sheets of paper, one lands on Chuckie as they walk around, Phil and Lil are pressing paper as well pressing a double broom)

Phil: (laughing): Hey, Tommy, this is fun! (grabs paper and throws it in the air)

Lil: (giggling): Yeah, grab a broom! (leaves with Phil)

Tommy: C'mon, Chuckie, let's push paper!

Chuckie: Well, uh...

(Tommy and Chuckie push paper with a double broom until they see the twin run around pushing more paper, Tommy and Chuckie smile and have fun, the twins are heading their way.)

Tommy and Chuckie: (yelling happily): YAHHHHH!!

(Tommy and Chuckie and Phil and Lil crash into each other, and Tommy and Chuckie fly up in the air and onto a pile of paper, Chuckie pokes out of the pile from beneath Tommy)

Tommy: See? I told you work was fun!

Phil: (solemnly): It's not all fun, Tommy.

Lil: Yeah, don't forget about the boss.

Tommy: Boss? What's a boss?

Loudspeaker: (an intercom is shown): Tommy?! Chuckie?!

Tommy and Chuckie: Yeah?

Loudspeaker: Go to the boss's room right away!

Tommy: Why?

Loudspeaker: Because I said so!

Phil: You guys are in trouble now.

(Tommy and Chuckie look at each other, scene cuts to the two babies walking along the hallway with portraits of angry and frightening people)

Tommy: Ooh...

Chuckie: Tommy, I'm scared!

Tommy: Don't worry, Chuckie, it's just the boss. What can the boss do to us?

Chuckie: Well, I've always heard my daddy say he's afraid the boss is going to fire him.

Tommy: Fire him?

Chuckie: Uh-huh. He always says, "I just know the boss is going to fire me today". Tommy, I don't want to get fired.

(Tommy and Chuckie reach a set of giant door with "Boss" flashing in neon lights above it, the two babies look at each other and Tommy pounds on the door, they gasp as the doors swing open, the entire room is dark, as the two babies look in, the long carpet waves up forcing them inside)

Tommy and Chuckie: (screaming from getting forced in the office): AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!

(They land on their seats as the doors slam shut, Chuckie gets nervous until the lights go on, Tommy and Chuckie see a desk with golden Reptar statues with a desk between them, , smoking torches are seen by the steps, blazing fire is shown outside the window, a big chair is turned facing the window, Tommy and Chuckie walk closer to the desk, Chuckie goes scared and clings on to Tommy's arm)

Tommy: (nervously): Excuse me, Mr. Boss Lady Man, sir. Y--you wanted to see us about something? (no answer, the chair bounces and squeaks, Chuckie holds his hand in his mouth going totally afraid) You had something you wanted to say? (the chair continues bouncing and squeaking, still no answer, Chuckie shrugs) Hello? Anybody home?

(The boss is shown to be a very familiar female)

Angelica: Yeah... there's somebody home. (turns revealing herself, her hair is in the shape of devil horns, stands up): ANGELICA THE BOSS! (laughing evilly): Ha-ha-ha-ha! (Tommy and Chuckie hug each other) And if it isn't the big people, Tommy and Chuckie! You babies think you're so big! HA! (points at them): You're not big! You're just big babies!

Tommy: That's not true, Angelica!

Angelica: SILENCE!!!!! (sits back down): I'm the boss around this place, see? And that means you have to do everything I say!

Tommy: But Angelica...

Angelica: That's "Boss Angelica" to you!

Tommy: (he and Chuckie trembling in fear hugging each other): B-B-Boss Angelica?

Angelica: (files her nails, sweetly): Yes?

Tommy: You don't have to be so mean to us.

Angelica: Oh, I don't, eh?! Well, let me tell YOU something! (points her nail file at them) If I wanna be mean, I CAN be mean! Know why? (Tommy and Chuckie shakes their heads) 'Cause I'm the BOSS!!!!! (thunder strikes outside the window, torches flare up) I can do ANYTHING I want!!! And if you don't like it...I CAN HAVE YOU FIRED!!!!

(The Reptar statues breathe out fire)

Tommy and Chuckie: (screams in horror): AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Angelica: (laughing evilly): AH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Chuckie: I'm getting outta here!!! (runs off)

(Fire flares up between the passageway to the doors)

Tommy: (runs after him): Chuckie, come back!!

Angelica: GET THAT BIG PEOPLE!!!!!

(As the two babies make a run for it, the portraits come alive and try to stop them)

Chuckie: (runs screaming): AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Tommy: (dodges the hands and feet): Wait, Chuckie, wait!! (Chuckie runs in the rotunda elevator room and desperately pushes on the buttons, runs in): Wait up, Chuckie!

Chuckie: No, Tommy! I'm getting' outta here! (crouches): I want to be little again! I don't want to be a big people anymore!

Tommy: Don't worry, Chuckie, we ex-caped from here. There's no way the boss can get us now.

(Just then, three robots in business suits and briefcases appear from an elevator behind them, Tommy and Chuckie gasp seeing them)

Angelica: (comes out and points): THERE THEY ARE!!! GET 'EM!!!

(The robots gaze down, and their smiles turn to evil glares)

Tommy and Chuckie: (runs away screaming): AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! YAAAHHHHH!! AAAAAHHH!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!

(The two babies are surrounded by robots as they continue screaming, they run to the spinning doors from where they first came in, but the doors are not spinning as they try to pry it open)

Tommy: Oh, no, it's locked!

(Tommy and Chuckie gasps seeing Angelica and the robots approaching closer to them)

Chuckie: (fearfully): What're we gonna do, Tommy?! What're we gonna do?!

Tommy: (points at a time clock): Chuckie, look! We gotta punch the clock! It's the only way we can get outta here!

(Chuckie gasps as the robots draw near, the two babies punch the clock's face with their arms coming out like springs brightening the screen until the scene transitions back to the playpen where Chuckie wakes up from the pile of pillows panicking and breathing heavily)

Tommy: It's okay, Chuckie, it's okay. It was all just pretend.

Chuckie: Boy, Tommy, that was scary! Being a big people is awful! (shakes his head): I'm not never growing up!

Tommy: (consoles him): Aw, c'mon, Chuckie. It's not all bad. Being a big people isn't just going to work, y'know.

Chuckie: It isn't?

Tommy: No! When you're a big people, you get to have a house and have some babies and maybe even get married!

Chuckie: Maybe you're right, Tommy. (smiles): It'd be kind of nice to get married.

Angelica: (comes out from behind the curtains, singsong): Oh, boys...! (holds her Cynthia doll and purple doll): Time to play... HOUSE!!!! (her hair goes back to devil's horns, laughing maniacally)

Tommy and Chuckie: (hugging each other, screaming fearfully): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!

(Episode ends)
