Waiter, There's a Baby in My Soup | Gallery | Transcript |
"Waiter, There's a Baby in My Soup" is the second segment of the second episode of Season 1, and the second Rugrats episode overall.
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Stu and Didi ended up taking Tommy to an important dinner at "Chez Ennui" with Mr. Mucklehoney (president of Mucklehoney Industries, a toy company), since Tiffany the babysitter (via telephone) and Grandpa have different plans (the babysitter's OTHER goldfish died and Grandpa was going bowling with a friend of his named Louise). Tommy, however, has plans of his own, and proceeds to get loose in the restaurant kitchen, causing absolute chaos. - Description from Klasky Csupo

Stu, accompanied by Didi, has a job interview with Mr. Mucklehoney (who is a huge practical joker), but their babysitter Tiffany calls them with the message that she can't look after Tommy this evening because her other goldfish died. Then they try to ask Lou, but he has plans to go to the bowling alley with his friend Louise, and so Stu and Didi have to take Tommy with them. Didi isn't able to stay at the restaurant, however, because Lou calls to say he got into an argument with Louise and wants to be driven home. Didi intends to take Tommy with her, but Mr. Mucklehoney insists that he and Stu can help look after Tommy. Stu tries to impress Mr. Mucklehoney with his Helicoptertron, an unknown toy we do not see, Wall Walkers and Googley-Specs, but none of these pitches are successful. Neither Stu nor Mr. Mucklehoney notices as Tommy leaves his seat and crawls under the table, where he finds a wad of gum, which he grabs and wraps around one of Mr. Mucklehoney's shoes. Tommy also ties Stu's shoelaces around the table leg.

Tommy then crawls into the kitchen and decides to 'make his own dishes' by adding different things into the food, such as dropping pieces of silverware into the crust of a pie, and adding a mix of onion powder, black pepper, and Tabasco sauce into Mr. Mucklehoney's soup.

The soup, in which Tommy put the aforementioned deadly combination of spices in, is taken to Mr. Mucklehoney, who chokes on it and asks for water. Stu only now realizes Tommy is missing and is relieved when he sees him pop up from a plate of spaghetti. He attempts to retrieve Tommy, only to trip and fall due to his shoelaces being tied to the table leg. The table tips and lands on top of Mr. Mucklehoney. A waiter carries Tommy back to Stu, who thinks the night was a disaster. Mr. Mucklehoney, however, is still laughing, and thinks Stu had set everything up as a prank. He is so impressed by Stu's "twisted mind" that he hires him. He also pays the bill for the damage Tommy caused. As they leave the restaurant, Tommy gives the greeter some noodles that he had in his pocket, and Mr. Mucklehoney offers Stu a project to work on- a doll with edible hair (he is greatly amused by the name Stu comes up with for it: "Alice Alfalfa Sprouts").

- In one of the scenes, the flour bag says "floor".
- When Stu says "Score a 300, Tiger" to Lou when he leaves for his date, his polka dotted underwear is the same color as his tie.
- As Lou leaves for his date, Didi's towel changes from purple to pink between scenes then changes back to purple.
- There is a goof where the upper screen has a shade of lime green or yellow for a split second; it happens in a few clips. Each of them appears to be a jump/cut in the animation when this happens, implying there are deleted frames.
- At the scene where Stu and Didi are at home, it happens twice.
- It happens while Stu asks Didi if he really looks okay with his necktie.
- It happens just before Didi mentions the plumber and Drew.
- In the scene when Stu is getting his helioptertron.
- In the scene where Tommy confronts the first chef, just before he is in front of the utensils.
- At the scene where Stu and Didi are at home, it happens twice.
- The name of Tommy's babysitter is mentioned to be Tiffany.
- This is the first time Tommy visits a restaurant at all.
- The "Ennui" In Chez Ennui is French for "boredom".
- The title is a play on the phrase "Waiter, there's a fly in my soup."
- This is the first time Chuckie, Phil, Lil, Spike, and Angelica are absent. Tommy is the only baby to appear in this episode.
- This episode, along with "Barbecue Story", has the title card sequence shortened, lasting around 2/3 seconds. These are the only two episodes to have this happen to them.
- This episode is also the only one to have the music played during the title card be in B flat major rather than C major (D major for PAL prints).
- The old Rugrats Nickelodeon site lists this episode as "Baby in my Soup".
- This is the first episode to focus on Tommy.
- This is the first official time we see Tommy wearing shoes and not speaking during the episode.
- This is the first mention of Grandpa's "friend" Louise. Louise also happens to be the name of his eventual second wife, Lulu. However, when Lou and Lulu meet in Acorn Nuts & Diapey Butts, Lou says he hasn't seen Lulu in many years. It is likely that this Louise is just another woman who happens to share the same name.
- It is unknown why Drew and Charlotte couldn't watch Tommy if his babysitter canceled (although it can be implied that they're busy). Didi does say when she is expecting Tiffany that she has Drew's number, in case of an emergency.
- Other than a few vocal effects, Tommy doesn't have any speaking lines in this episode (there are a number of episodes in the first half of Season 1, where Tommy hardly speaks, if at all).