Visitors from Outer Space | Gallery | Transcript |
"Visitors from Outer Space" is the first segment of the fifteenth episode of Season 2, and the fifty-third Rugrats segment overall.
Characters Present[]
Characters Introduced[]
- Stuvon
- Didor
- Robot Lou
- Alien Spike
- Soblito Festeriks (George)
After Grandpa reads stories of an alien invasion in the American Star Inquirer, Tommy dreams that two aliens named Stuvon and Didor abduct the Rugrats aboard their insterstellar craft. In the end, the kids outwit the aliens, and Angelica becomes queen of her own planet.
- - Description from Klasky Csupo.
Stu is playing with Tommy, using his toy fish as a puppet. The fun-time is interrupted when Lou comes in with a newspaper similar to the Enquirer. Lou shows Stu, Didi and Tommy a story on one of the pages about a family that has been abducted by aliens and taken as prisoners for fifteen million years (which was twelve seconds in Earth time.) Stu and Didi don't believe the story. Stu puts Tommy to bed, giving him the toy fish. Lou still believes about the aliens' existence, saying that they can suck them out of their bedrooms.
After the conversation, Tommy goes to sleep and gets a surprise when he sees a pair of binoculars that are not of this Earth peering through his window. Tommy gets sucked out of his bedroom by a beam of light produced from a flying saucer. Two aliens, Stuvon and Didor (who look and sound like Stu and Didi), greet Tommy, despite believing that humans can't talk because they're inferior beings. A robot that looks and sounds like Lou takes Tommy to the saucer's holding chamber after telling Stuvon that humans are smarter than he thinks. After Tommy gets dropped in the holding chamber, where Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Angelica are, he asks what they were doing. Chuckie answers that he was lying in his crib, then the next thing he knew, he was in "this weird playpen" (referring to the holding chamber.) Lil asks Tommy who "those funny-looking grown-ups" are. Tommy answers that they are aliens trying to take over the world. Angelica agrees, then says that they need to find a way to escape.
Stuvon shows Didor his planet atomizer, giving a demonstration by blowing up an asteroid. Didor thinks it's a bit dangerous, but Stuvon says that she has nothing to worry about, adding that she can turn down the power and use it to knock out walls while redecorating. Angelica is amazed at the device's demonstration and asks Stuvon if she can play with the "TV changer". Stuvon, surprised that she can talk, communicates with her, saying that the planet atomizer is far too dangerous for a "being of inferior intelligence". Angelica, unimpressed, steps on Stuvon's bare foot through a small opening and seizes the atomizer. Once it is in her possession, she blows a hole into the holding chamber, and escapes with the atomizer. Stuvon, Didor and the robot chase her while the forgotten babies follow her out of the chamber.
Down a hall of chambers, Angelica blows open a door to a prison room, which she thinks is filled with "aminals". A voice gets her attention, which belongs to a talking fish that looks like Tommy's fish toy, wearing a top hat and holding a camera around its neck. The fish asks who Angelica is, then introduces himself as Soblito Festeriks (also known as George), from the planet Fishyokia. He tells Angelica that he'll be on the menu for tomorrow night's alien dinner unless she helps him escape. Angelica asks George to name his price. He answers that he will make Angelica queen of her very own planet in exchange for helping him escape Stuvon and Didor's ship. Knowing of what this will mean to her, Angelica agrees to help him escape.
Stuvon, Didor, and the robot track down Angelica, but a quick-thinking George turns off the gravity. The prisoners make their escape by "swimming" through the now-weightless spaceship. Elsewhere, Tommy and the other babies find floating to be fun. The robot turns the gravity back on, allowing Stuvon and Didor to continue their pursuit of the escapees. George and Angelica find shelter in a garage with shuttle crafts. They steal one, successfully fleeing the alien mothership. This disappoints Stuvon, Didor and the robot, leaving them to find the other Earthlings.
Angelica and George are busy destroying planets with the planet atomizer. Suddenly, George asks if he can take a picture of Angelica wearing queen armament, so he can remember this moment. However, George directs Angelica onto the transporter pad and then activates it, beaming Angelica down to a deserted, desert world. George has a laugh at Angelica before flying off to Fishyokia by himself.
The babies find the main control room, thinking that the controls are toys. Tommy presses a button that rapidly spins the mothership around, then speeds off through the galaxy. Stuvon, Didor and the robot attempt to capture the babies and regain control of the ship, but it's too late: they're about to fly into the sun. At that moment, Tommy sits up in his crib with a gasp and realizes it was just a dream. He's silently relieved to be home, safe, and without any alien spaceships lurking within the neighborhood. With a smile, Tommy gazes up at the night sky, and the scene transitions to show Queen Angelica on her desert world, digging for food with her Cynthia doll (which was probably just a dream Angelica had as well).
- At the end of the episode, Angelia has Cynthia in her right hand to dig in the sand, but in the very next shot of Angelica from above she has Cynthia in her left hand.

The TARDIS control console in the kitchen.
- In the video game Rugrats: Search for Reptar, George says that he is from the planet Neptuna, not Fishyokia, and the characters are in the regular clothes instead of their pajamas.
- Also, there is a TARDIS control console (from the BBC series, Doctor Who) in the center of the kitchen.
- The visual and sound effects of Angelica being transported out of the shuttle craft and onto the desert planet is a nod to the original Star Trek TV series. Additionally, the sound of the automatic door opening when Stuvon and Didor initially enter to find Tommy, and when they enter the control room to catch the babies, makes the same sound effect as the automatic space doors normally would on Star Trek.
- Robot Lou saying "danger!" is a reference to the Robot on Lost in Space.
- Klasky Csupo also produced an episode of The Wacky Adventures of Ronald McDonald with the same name but added the to the beginning.
- This is the first time Stu kisses Tommy.
- Stuvon says his last invention caused the moon to be in the seventh house and Jupiter to align with Mars, but no one noticed except some hippies, and maybe Dennis Hopper. This is a reference to the opening lyrics from the song "Aquarius" from the musical Hair. The latter is a reference to the movie Easy Rider, where Hopper's character, Billy, claimed to have seen a UFO.
- Didor and Stuvon believe Earthlings to be inferior beings that lack the intelligence to communicate. It is possible they came to this conclusion from observing neanderthals, thus they are oblivious to the fact that over the course of one million years, humans have evolved to the point where they created their own society and learned to harness/create technology.
- Morals:
- Aliens aren't real. (Or are they???)
- Be careful who you socialize with as they may have an agenda of their own.