Rugrats Wiki
Twins' Pique Gallery Transcript

"Twins' Pique" is a Season 3 episode of Rugrats.

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When their parents begin mixing them up, Phil and Lil have an identity crisis. To be seen more unique, Lil takes over Angelica's personality and Phil takes on Chuckie's. Will the twins cause Chuckie and Angelica to act differently while doing so?

- Description from Klasky Csupo 


Late at night in the Deville house, Lil makes her way through her parents' home office/gym. Before she can reach the desk, Betty catches Lil and brings her back to her crib. Betty confuses Lil for Phil and tells her to behave like "his sister." After Betty leaves, Lil tells Phil that she did not get what she was looking for, and that Betty mixed them up again. The twins are angry at how often this happens.

The following day, Betty brings the twins to the Pickles' house, and vents to Didi about "Phil" escaping his crib. In the playpen, Tommy and Chuckie ask the twins how they are doing, and if they would both like to play. Phil and Lil curtly tell the other babies that they should be spoken to separately instead of as a pair. Tommy and Chuckie try and abide by this, but the whole group has trouble keeping the twins "separate." Tommy suggests that to really be different, they should each act like someone different. Lil decides to emulate someone who is confident and a born leader: Angelica. Phil is glad about this idea and chooses someone who is intelligent and careful about his next steps: Chuckie.

Later, Angelica comes to visit. Tommy and Chuckie explain what the twins are doing, and Angelica is pleased that Lil wants to be like her. Angelica tries talking to Lil, but Lil shoves her aside and insults her. Phil clings to Chuckie, afraid. Chuckie is a little annoyed since nothing scary has happened yet. Lil rummages through the toy box and declares that all the toys are boring, then orders everyone to listen to her. She tells them that they are going on a "secret mission." The group is going to go next door to the Deville house and break into the office. Phil protests this, since they aren't allowed to leave the playpen, let alone the house. After Lil threatens the group into going, Chuckie declares that now is the right time to be scared.

The group makes their way through the hole in the fence, and into the Deville house. They enter the office and walk up to the desk. Lil finds that the desk drawer is locked, and Phil tries a Chuckie-esque excuse to leave. Chuckie tells him to stop being a baby. Lil finds the key, and unlocks the drawer, but it is still stuck. She orders Angelica to help her, and Angelica demands to know why she should continue taking orders from Lil. Lil just shouts, "Because I said so!" and this convinces Angelica to yank the drawer open. Lil starts rummaging through it and pulls out her prize: Howard's fancy calculator. She tells the group that she is going to throw it in a mud puddle. Phil is excited about this, but Chuckie tells him that he normally wouldn't find this situation "neat." Phil corrects himself and tries to dissuade Lil. Lil says that she needs to do this so no one will get her, and Phil mixed up again.

The group heads back outside, but Tommy falls onto the ground. Lil goes to help him up, but Angelica chides her for doing so. Lil responds by kicking Tommy in the rear and ordering the group to hurry. They approach the mud puddle and Lil prepares to throw the calculator in. Tommy stops her, saying that she shouldn't do something mean just to be different. Phil agrees, saying that his sister would never do something so mean. Lil thinks on their words and decides to not destroy the calculator. Angelica is annoyed at this, snatches the device from Lil's hands, and throws it. Phil dives for the calculator and saves it from hitting the mud. Tommy rushes over to congratulate Phil, but bumps into him, causing the calculator to fall into the mud anyway. Angelica mocks Lil for her conscience, and leaves.

Lil says that while she did enjoy bossing everyone around for a while, she prefers to be nice. Phil adds that being a scaredy-cat is boring, and he would rather have adventures and make messes. Lil says that she wants to be like the best person she knows: her brother, Phil. Phil declares that he will be more like Lil. The babies all play together in the mud, happy that things are normal again.


  • Watch as Lil enters Howard's office the second time. During the scene when Lil pushes open the door, you can see the sleeve of her pajamas sticking out. Meanwhile, she is wearing her normal ducky outfit. In the beginning of the episode, you see Lil go into Howard's office wearing her pajamas.


  • This episode's title is a reference to the 1990-1991 American television serial drama, Twin Peaks.
  • Lil believes Angelica is a natural leader.
  • Betty and Howard have a sign on their "office/exercise area" labeled "BABY FREE ZONE". Also, on the door and in the gym are posters of bodybuilder/actor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • The mud forms a "The End" card at the end of this episode.
  • Running gag: When Phil and Lil describe the person they want to be more like, Tommy is immediately flattered and assumes they are talking about him, but they are actually talking about someone else.
  • Innuendo: When Lil is going through the drawer where Howard's calculator is, among the several items Lil throws out is a magazine with a woman wearing bunny ears on the cover, which could be suggesting it is a Playboy magazine.  The magazine is less kid friendly and should not be included to keep in the show’s rating.
  • Moral: Be happy with who you are and just be yourself. Everyone is different.