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Tweenage Tycoons | Gallery | Transcript |
[We begin the fourth episode in Dil's room as he says goodbye to his new pet fish, Pablo, as he and Tommy have to go catch the bus to go to school.]
Tommy: We're going to be late. How long can it possibly take to say goodbye to your new fish?
Dil: A lifetime.
Tommy: Don't worry, he'll be here when you get back.
Dil: How do you know?
[Dil said as he and Tommy walked out of his room. Dil says goodbye to his fish, Pablo, in fish talk.]
(All Grown Up With You! Plays)
[Later that day, we see Chuckie finishing mowing a lawn mower while Tommy, Kimi, Phil and Lil where finishing racking leaves.]
Lil: When you said, "Let's get jobs, Tommy," I was thinking of something a little more glamorous, like perfume-sprayer lady at the mall.
[Kimi walks to Lil and Tommy during Lil's conversation.]
Kimi: Lighten up. Soon we'll be kicking back at the Sulky Boys concert.
Lil: I sure hope so. A hundred bucks per ticket is a lot of scrilla to come up with in just three weeks.
[Angelica then walks up to them.]
Angelica: So sad. Not even teenagers yet and already working for "the man".
[Angelica walks to Lil, Kimi and Tommy informing the Sulky Boys concert.]
Angelica: Don't worry, I'll tell you all about the indescribable, once-in-a-lifetime, had-to-be-there concert. Uh, you missed a spot.
[Angelica points a grass patch to Kimi, who was using the lawn mower.]
Kimi: Yeah, I did, didn't I?
[Kimi starts chasing Angelica away with the lawn mower. Kimi laughs while Angelica screams.]
Tommy: And now for the moment of truth.
[Tommy starts adding up the money they have made in his calculator.]
Lil: What if we end up only making enough for some of the tickets?
Kimi: It's all or nothing, agreed?
[Phil and Lil nods their heads to Kimi.]
Kimi: So how many more jobs do we need?
Tommy: At this rate, we only need one more mowing gig.
[Chuckie, Kimi, Phil and Lil cheer in excitement.]
Tommy: Yeah, mainland Australia.
[Chuckie, Kimi, Phil and Lil gives a disappointed sigh. Later, Dil then shows up wearing a belt with a fish in it.]
Dil: Yo, T, you almost done?
Tommy: Is that Pablo you're wearing?
Dil: Yep, the long-distance thing wasn't working for us.
[Kimi observes Dil's beltquarium, examining the fish going around it.]
Kimi: Dil, that has to be the freakiest thing I've ever seen.
[A kid on his bike notices Dil's beltquarium and goes over to them.]
Kid: Whoa, dude, there's life in your belt. I'd pay some serious coin for that. Where can I get one?
Dil: If it's from Dil's mind, it's one of a kind. And it's not for sale.
Phil: Uh, in stores, he means. You can buy one directly from us... Uh, later.
[The kid gives them the thumbs up and leaves.]
Dil: But you guys, this is an original.
Tommy: So's everything before it's mass-produced and sold off to fad-crazed consumers.
Chuckie: We're trying to raise money to see J.T., T.J., R.J. and J.R. live.
Dil: I should warn you, those Sulky Boys are evil robots made by the government to brainwash us. How else could they dance so strenuously and still have perfect hair?
Tommy: Noted. So what do you say, little brother? You going to help us out?
Dil: I'm a sucker for the whole sibling loyalty thing.
[Dil and Tommy fist bump each other. The next day at school, we see Dil walking backwards showing off his beltquarium to everyone so that all the kids all liked it. then Dil bumped into Vice- Principal Pangborn.]
Principal Pangborn: That's the most amazing belt I've ever seen. As a former wrestler, I've seen a lot of belts. I could devote ten whole pages to it alone.
[Dil looks at him with a confused look.]
Principal Pangborn: My article... It's called "Embracing the Creative Child." And you, my friend, are exhibit A. Of course, all names have been changed to protect the innocent. Know what I mean, Nil Mickles?
Dil: Very clever, Hankworm. I'm sure no one will evermake the connection.
[Dil said as he walked away from Principal Pangborn. Principal Pangborn then turns back on Dil and growls at him. Meanwhile outside school, Tommy, Chuckie, Kimi, Phil and Lil start selling Dil's fish belt invention, the beltquariums.]
Lil: Get your beltquariums here. It's a belt and a pet in one.
Nicole: Those belts and the fish are totally my color. I'll take two.
Nicole's friend: If she's buying, I'm buying.
Nicole's other friend: Do fish come in off-white? It's my favorite color!
[Soon, a crowd shows up to buy all of the beltquariums. Later that day, we see Dil in his bathing suit with his pet fish in his bathtub at his and Tommy's house.]
Dil: And now for some quality time.
[Dil pours his fishbowl in the tube.]
Tommy: Dil, I just wanted to say, "You are da man." We're already making more beltquariums to fill all the back orders. How do you come up with this stuff? You are a genius.
Dil: Uh, what did you say, T? I was under the water.
Tommy: I said, "You're a genius."
[Dil leans back the wall. Next, we cut to Angelica's house where we see her in her room listening to the Sulky Boys in her radio. Her mom, Charlotte walks in her room.]
Sulky Boys: (in background) ♪ Your apology letter...
Charlotte: Turn it down! People can hear you throughout the tri-state area!
[Angelica turns off the music from her radio.]
Angelica: I'm sorry, Mother. I had no idea it was at an inappropriate level. My, you look pretty today... and young.
Charlotte: Oh, do you really? I... What do you want?
Angelica: How much money are you giving me for concert swag?
[Charlotte looks at her with a confused look.]
Angelica: Shirts, posters, umbrellas, anything they could put J.T.'s face on.
Charlotte: Considering your ticket cost a fortune, I suggest you get the money the old-fashioned way, earning it.
Angelica: Doing what?
Charlotte: (giggles) Oh, Angelica, you're bright. You'll think of something. Be creative, imaginative, original.
[Angelica gets an idea. The next day at School Angelica copy's off of Dil's fish belt except it was not a belt and the fish were fake.]
Angelica: Get your genuine, handmade aquarium belts! Cheapest price in town!
[Tommy, Chuckie, Phil and Lil walk up to her, being upset that she is stealing their own idea.]
Tommy: Angelica, you're stealing our idea.
Chuckie: (gasps) Hey, these fish are fake!
[The other kids are disappointed about the idea that Angelica made when Chuckie commented that the fish in the belt are fake.]
Angelica: Um... all the fun of that other belt without the responsibility.
[After Angelica said that, the two girls came back and bought Angelica's idea.]
Lil: We'll sue you, Angelica. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but as soon as we learn how to sue someone.
[Kimi walks to Phil and Lil commenting about the beltquariums.]
Kimi: Save your O, guys. The beltquarium fad is officially over.
[Tommy asks Kimi about the beltquariums.]
Tommy: What happened?
Kimi: Pangborn happened.
[The kids see Pangborn wearing the beltquarium so they all get rid of their beltquariums and running off, screaming.]
[Later that day we see Dil on the school bus as Tommy gets on and sits next to him.]
Dil: Sorry about the beltquariums.
Tommy: Not your fault Pangborn's a trend-killer. If he was there when clothes were invented, we'd all be walking around butt naked.
[Dil laughs at Tommy's joke.]
Tommy: Hey, speaking of inventions, we need you to come up with a new one. Nothing special, just something that will be wildly popular and fly off the shelves. Oh, and we need it ASAP.
Dil: It doesn't exactly work that way, T. My mind is a mind of its own. Its ideas aren't pizzas. I can't order up, and they come in minutes or less.
[Tommy gave Dil a disappointed look.]
Dil: But don't worry, Bro, I'll come up with something, I promise.
[Dil and Tommy fist bump each other. We then see Angelica and Harold under Tommy and Dil's bus seats.]
Harold: Oh! It's disgusting under here.
[Harold said as he was trying to get someone's used gum of his hand.]
Angelica: If you want to play dirty, you've got to be willing to get dirty.
[The bus begins to move as someone's barf bag hits Angelica in the face, leaving Angelica disgusted.]
Angelica: Oh!
[Later at night time we see Dil in his room on his chair, snoring at his desk half a sleep trying to think of a new invention for Tommy to sale.]
Dil: (Snoring) That's it! Talking socks. No... No one will hear them through their shoes. (yawns) Shake it off, Dil, shake it off! You can't let Tommy down. Got it. This is good.
[He wraps the christmas lights around his waist.]
Dil: Festive, yet versatile. Blinking underwear... That no one will ever see.
[Dil sleeps in his desk again, and the light from Dil's lamp blacked out. In the morning we see Tommy, Stu and Didi sitting in the kitchen eating their breakfast then Dil comes in to show them his new invention to his brother and his parents.]
Dil: Lady and gentlemen, I present another Dil-lightful Dil Pickles original, shades with a view! Ideal for long bus rides... Your sister's piano recitals... And boring family gatherings, no offense.
Stu: None taken.
[Stu takes the shades to Tommy and puts it on himself.]
Stu: I can use them when we visit Pop and Lulu.
Tommy: [laughing] You've outdone yourself this time, Dil. You are the Emperor of In.
Dil: Glad to be of service.
[Tommy and Dil fist bump each other. Outside the Pickles house in their backyard, Angelica and Harold spying on Tommy and Dil, in a tree to steal their ideas.]
Harold: I still don't feel right about stealing Dil's new idea.
Angelica: It's not stealing, it's an homage. It's healthy competition. Now, what are we "homaging" next?
[Harold looks through the Pickles' kitchen window with his binoculars to see what the new invention was.]
Harold: It looks like glasses with blank paper on the lenses. For notes?
Angelica: That sounds pretty lame, but he is the idea guy. Note glasses it is.
[Angelica writes it on a notepad. Later that day at the middle school, Dil's new invention is successfully as everyone bought it giving Tommy, Chuckie, Kimi, Phil and Lil more money to go to the concert.]
Announcer: Would the owner of a red ten-speed kindly unlock it from my car?
Phil: We already have enough for one and a half tickets.
Lil: Yay!
[Meanwhile at Angelica and Harold's stand, no one came over to bye their rip off shades, "Note Glasses". Angelica then takes a look at the shades.]
Angelica: Note Glasses? Stellar cool, Harold.
Harold: Well... Next time you climb the tree!
[Back to Tommy and the other preteens as they were giving more shades to people Lil spots Principal Pangborn walking towards them. Lil presses the bell repeatedly to alert them.]
Lil: Panghorn alert. Evasive maneuvers.
[They all hide the shades from Pangborn.]
Principal Pangborn: Hit me with a pair of those shades.
Kimi: Sorry, sir, just sold out.
Principal Pangborn: Darn! I'll try again tomorrow.
[Pangborn leaves as Tommy, Chuckie, Kimi, Phil and Lil all sigh in relief. After Pangborn left, he went to the cafeteria where he sees Dil at a empty table, so he walks up to him.]
Dil: Good afternoon, Mr. Pangborn, sir.
[Dil said it with a tired voice.]
Principal Pangborn: "Sir"? No "Hankhorn"? No sarcastic remark? No good-natured ribbing? Don't go normal on me now, exhibit A. I need material. I'm almost done with my paper, but I need something really juicy. What have you done for me lately?
Dil: Today I experimented in walking to class frontwards, wearing matching socks and drinking milk without bread crumbs in it.
[Meanwhile outside, things begin to go wrong as kids are bumping into each other and the trashcans, even one kid rides his bike into crashes on someone.]
Chuckie: These shades should be registered as lethal weapons.
Kimi: Let's quit before there's a recall.
Phil: But we're one and a half tickets away. Can't we just slap a disclaimer on them? "Do not use if moving."
[Then they heard someone screaming.]
Tommy: Too late... Cheerleader just accidentally hugged a chess clubber. It's all over.
Phil: It's not over till the plus-sized lady sings. You have to get Dil to come up with something new, Tommy.
Tommy: No sweat. Dil's a lean, mean idea machine. Wind him up and watch him go.
[Later that day at the Pickles backyard, we see Dil laying there watching grass grow. Tommy then comes outside to see what Dil was doing.]
Tommy: Dil, what are you doing? Watching the grass grow?
Dil: That blade over there's the fastest.
Tommy: I've never seen you sit still before. Anyway, we need another brilliant idea, so work your magic and get me some by, uh... Let's say, first thing in the morning.
Dil: But...
Tommy: We've only got three days left, so get your game on. You banked some serious love for saving our butts. Solid?
[Dil puts a half smile and gives Tommy a fist bump. Tommy then goes inside the house.]
Dil: Solid as a snowman in the Sahara.
[We then cut to Dil's room as Dil looks for something to make for Tommy and the rest of the gang.]
Dil: What do you think, Pablo?
[Dil takes a ball and a rubber band and wraps it around the ball.]
Dil: Rubber-band... Balls. No? Okay.
[Dil then takes a wallpaper and mayonnaise and sticks it to his wall.]
Dil: Mayonnaise wallpaper.
[Dil sticks it to his wall but it slides down.]
Dil: Oh, no, no, no. This isn't working!
[He then looks at his fish, Pablo.]
Dil: I can't let Tommy down. You've heard the praise, the accolades, the applause. Okay, maybe there wasn't actual applause, but in my mind, I heard clapping. So are you going to help me, or not? I see. Well, next time you're in a bind, don't come swimming to me.
[Tommy then walks by his bedroom door that was open and he listens to what Dil was saying to his fish. Tommy looks at his brother with a concern look on his face. Later we see Tommy, Chuckie, Kimi, Phil and Lil waiting at the bus stop.]
Tommy: Dil gave his word he'd come up with something, so he will.
[Dil then shows up warring pillow shoes on his feet.]
Phil: What you got?
Dil: Shillows.
[Dil points to his feet about the Shillows.]
Dil: Pillow shoes for the ultimate walking experience.
Lil: That's... interesting.
[A girl walked up and saw Dil's pillow shoes.]
Girl: I'll take two. These shoes are styling, but I have five toes, not one big pointy one.
[The girl is points to the shoes she's wearing.]
[Dil takes his Shillows off and gives it to the girl as he goes in his book bag and grabs his regular shoes as the girl puts the Shillows on her feet.]
Girl: Much better.
[She gives Dil money to purchase the Shillows.]
Girl: Do you have any more of these?
Phil: We will.
Chuckie: Way to go, Dil.
Lil: Yay.
Kimi: Shillows are awesome.
Tommy: Consider yourself my hero, little brother.
[Tommy fist bumps to Dil.]
Tommy: You get all that, Angelica? They're called shillows. Shoes with pillows.
[Angelica comes creeping up behind a bush, tape rewinding everything Tommy just said.]
Angelica: Got it.
[Later at school all the kids bought the shellows from Tommy, Chuckie, Kimi, Phil and Lil while Angelica and Harold still got nothing.]
Tommy: We are just one ticket away from getting seriously sulky. (Tommy and Chuckie high-five each other)
Chuckie: And thanks to the great marketing the Angelica copy marketing is zero.
We see no one going to buy Angelica's ripoff one's.
Angelica: Who needs pillows with shoes when you can have shoes with pillows.
Harold puts up a sign that says Poos
Harold: Get your Poos here nothing feels better on your foot then a nice soft poo.
Kids left with discuss.
Angelica: You are so fired. (Angelica hits him with a pillow)
Meanwhile back to the others we see them looking disappointed as no more kids came to bye their Shellows we also see Kimi grab one of the school papers as she walks back to her friends.
Kimi: Bad news you guys according to the school papers on what's hot and what's not, as of five minutes ago Shellows are what's not.
Chuckie: That's got to be a new record. in and out in just one day.
Phil: Back to the Dilling bored.
Tommy: No I think we should come up with something on are own this time. Come on guys we got five brains here.
All of them try to think of something.
Phil: I got it an entire line of closes for your pens and pencils. T-shirt, pants, sweater, shoe.
Chuckie, Kimi and Lil: Dil it is. (They all look at Tommy)
Tommy: I don't want to ask him I think he's starting to feel the preacher.
Chuckie: Well so are we.
Kimi: It's not like we're asking him to do something hard just be him self
Tommy: That's just it he's not being himself.
Lil: He must have one idea left.
Tommy: Yeah I guess but...
Phil: Come on your his big brother you can talk him in to anything he practically warships you.
Kimi: It's all up to you Tommy so what do you say.
They all look at Tommy with smiles on there faces hoping he'll get Dil to make one more invention Tommy then gives them a fake smile as deep down he didn't want to make Dil do it.
The next day We hear The Sulky Boys music playing in Dil's room and we see Dil has a new look he is now warring a different outfit he has his hair in a different way and his room is completely clean and not a mess like it was before.
Dil: Your apology charts (starts mumbling a the song)
Tommy then walks in to his younger brother's room and he is shock to see his room clean and the way Dil looks as well.
Tommy: Ah um I never seen the floor of your room before. And why are you listening to the Sulky Boys you don't like them remember.
Dil: Dil fines the repetitive lyrics a certain calling of that great song. how did the Shellows work out?
Tommy shakes his head.
Dil: So new idea right. wait I got it a cabinets for peoples files.
Tommy: You mean uh file cabinets?
Dil: Oh yeah. I got it Wight sticky stuff that holds junk together.
Tommy: Glue. seriously Dil don't worry about it I'll think of something.
Dil: No, no, no, no, no I'll get right on it. As soon as I organize my socks.
Later that day at school we see Dil in Principal Pangborn's office.
Dil: You wanted to see Dil.
Principal Pangborn: Yeah for weeks now you've been acting different.
Dil: Different how sir?
Principal Pangborn: I don't know different as in normal. That's it You've been acting normal except for preferring to yourself in a third person chat.
Principal Pangborn: I think I put to much presser on you Pickles, I've embracing the inner child I put him in a dabble twisting headlock of dome so embracing the inner child, Embrace this. ( he puts the paper in the shredder) There all your worries and my career improvement are over Your no longer activist A so is everything back to being not normal. (Dil begins to frowned) That wasn't it huh. Well how should I say this. Now what else is eating at your soul kid spill it.
Pangborn puts his feet on his desk and revealed to be warring Dil's Shellows.
Meanwhile at lunch we see the five pre-teen Rugrats trying Phil's idea as they await for Dil's. Chuckie, Phil and Lil on one side and Tommy and Kimi on the other.
Phil: Till now they been naked so be the first one's on your block to dress your pens and pencils.
Some girls walk by and laugh at them.
Tommy: It's official we reached an all time lame.
Chuckie: It's not that bad we still have enough for four to five tickets. Lets just draw straws.
Kimi: Absolutely not It's all or none that was the deal.
Phil: We worked are butts off for three weeks for nothing.
Lil: We could always planed B it.
Tommy: You mean ask Dil?
Kimi: sorry Tommy, but were despite can you ask him to make one more please Tommy.
Tommy: I'll go ask him. (Tommy walks away to go ask Dil to make them one more invention)
We cut back to Dil who is still in Pangborn office as he is eating pizza for lunch.
Principal Pangborn: So from what you told me from recounting every minute of the past few weeks by forcing you to be creative man your friends sucked the Dil Pickles right out of you time to call in quits.
Dil: It's not that easy Tommy is the only big brother I got and he's so proud of me/ I hate to let him down.
Principal Pangborn: That's why you're wrong about Pickles. You're not letting him down, he's letting you down.
A little bit later that school day we see Dil walking backwards in the hallway and drinking tomato juice and as he is walking backwards he accidentally bumps into Tommy.
Tommy: I've been looking all over for you we got an emergency situation Dil just give me the first idea you got and I'll find away to work with it.
Dil: Okay this is what I got. (He hands him a piece of paper)
Tommy: A latter of resonation how I'm I supposed to market this.
Dil: A little slow on the update there aren't we let me make it easier for you. I Quit!
Tommy: You can't quit the concert is this weekend if you don't deliver we can't raise enough money to go.
Dil: Sorry Tommy I can't be bottle and souled I'm not ketchup.
Tommy: Thanks a lot, Dil, Now None of us can go to the concert. Are you HAPPY NOW!!! (Tommy said angrily putting the paper to Dil's chest and walking away)
Dil: No anything but happy.
Later that day we go to Angelica's room where we see her looking at her failed rip-offs of Dil's inventions. her mom Charlotte then walks by and sees her sad.
Charlotte: What's Wrong Angelica?
Angelica: Angelica Has no money for concert swag and I'm stuck with all this useless junk.
Charlotte: Even if you had money for stuff with JT's face on it Two weeks from now it would be gathering dust behind your closet. (Charlotte walks away)
Angelica looks at all the stuff she tried to copy Dil with and then looks at a pitcher with JT and gets an idea.
Later at the Pickles (Tommy and Dil's) house the Pickles family are having dinner it's pretty quite accept for Tommy who was aggressively chowing.
Stu: Is everything okay, Tommy?
Didi: I thought you would be excited to be going to the concert tomorrow?
Tommy: I'm not going to the stupid concert!
Stu: Why not? That's all you kids been talking about for weeks.
Dil: It's because of me. I was supposed to come up with something that Tommy could sell But had a major meltdown and lost my mojo and the truth is I couldn't come up with another idea even if I wanted to. Mom, Dad I'm not really hungry okay. (Dil walks away and goes to his room)
Stu and Didi give Tommy disappointed look as Tommy also is disappointed at himself. Tommy then walks up to Dil's room.
Dil: Dil’s Here.
Tommy: (Looks under Dil's bed) Can I come under. (Tommy goes under Dil's bed as Dil turns away) Dil this is all my fault I saw the sighs you were cracking under pressure but I was in denial I got so obsessed with going to that dumb concert I guess I didn't care. I'm a bad big brother and I'm a sorry one too.
Dil: It's okay Tommy I just wanted you to be proud of me.
Tommy: Always have been and always will be. (Tommy and Dil fist bump)
The Next day we see Tommy, Dil, Chuckie, Kimi, Phil, and Lil at the Java Lava.
Kimi: I'm guessing your back to normal A Dil.
Lil: And you forgive us.
Dil: Yep and Yep. I'm sure The Sulky Boys evil oncotic Robot powers have turned many friends against each other. But I still feel bad use wont get to see them.
Lil: It's okay I'm sure Angelica will tell us all about it.
All six of them sigh.
Chuckie: I'm just glad we don't have to sell anymore merchandise I have the whole rest of my life to work at a job I don't like.
Tommy: If I ever have to see another Shellows or belt-quarium again it will be to soon.
Nicole: Hey guys
All of a sudden Nicole shows up warring all the stuff Tommy and them soled.
Tommy: Ugh!
Nicole: Have anymore fish belts?
Lil: Ah Nicole take it off quick it went out of style three weeks ago.
Nicole: That's an eternity in fab time now there so old there retro and retro's in.
Tommy and the rest get an idea and get enough tickets to the concert.
Later that night at the concert The Sulky Boys are on stage and ready to sing and we hear the crowed cheering and chanting their names.
JT: (Singing) One.
TJ: (Singing) Plus two.
RJ: (Singing) Will turn back at the square rot of three-hundred and twenty four.
JR: (Singing) Divided by three too the third power.
JT: (Singing) equals Two.
All four of them: (Singing) Just me and You.
We then hear Angelica screaming out JT's name in the crowed.
Angelica: I Love You JT.
Harold: Can you worn a person! By the way you never told me were did you the free for all the extras?
Angelica: New marketing strategy.
Harold sees the people warring the stuff that failed except it has JT's face on them. In a row in front of Angelica, Tommy with Dil and Kimi beside him along with Chuckie, Phil and Lil all stand up in front of her blocking her view.
Angelica: Hey!
Tommy: What up players.
Angelica: How did you peons get better seats then me!
Kimi: The belt-quarium made a comeback. (Kimi points to Chuckie who was warring one)
Chuckie: We got loaded with are left over stock so. (Chuckie said as The Sulky Boys still singing in the background)
Some kid came up to Dil to ask about his shirt.
Kid: That shirt is totally awesome where did you get it?
Dil: It's a Dil Pickles original.
Dil and Tommy: And It's not for sale.
The Sulky Boys end their song as we fade out.
The End.