Traditions | Gallery | Transcript |
"Traditions" is a Holiday episode special. It is the fourteenth episode in the first season of the 2021 series of Rugrats. It premiered on Paramount+ on December 2nd,2021 and aired on Nickelodeon on December 10th, 2021.[1]
Characters Present
- Tommy
- Chuckie
- Phil
- Lil
- Susie
- Angelica
- Stu
- Chas
- Randy
- Lucy
- Drew
- Charlotte
- Didi
- Betty
- Lou
- Boris
- Minka
- Gabi
- Graham
- Josh
- Santa Claus (Graham)
- Jake (background)
Character Mentioned
- Aunt Linda
Character Introduced
When Tommy's first Hanukkah falls on Christmas Eve, the Pickles family has to juggle their family traditions to make sure each feels important, while also celebrating Las Posadas with Betty and her family. - Description from Paramount+
Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil are all outside, bundled up for the cold on a snowy day. Chuckie comments "I had a feeling he'd be back," telling Tommy do not trust "him" because he has chin hairs. The angle cuts to show a man in a chair, Santa Claus, who is actually Graham dressed as Santa Claus. "Santa" wishes Merry Christmas to another baby placed in his lap and Tommy looks on in awe, clearly not worried by Chuckie's warnings. Meanwhile, Betty gives a man some cocoa and turns and asks Didi if everything is okay. Didi says that it is, but then frowns and admits that it isn't. She explains that tomorrow is both the first night of Hanukkah and Christmas Eve and that none of her online parenting communities prepared her for both falling on Tommy's first holiday. Betty tells her that it'll be okay, that she already knows both holidays and that Tommy is into the Santa thing, though she hopes he "doesn't pull a Phil and snap the beard." Back with Santa, Josh comes up to Santa, but screams and runs away when Santa gets in his face. "We got another runner," comments Phil.
Tommy asks him why everyone is so scared, that Santa seems like a normal grandpa. Chuckie says there's nothing normal about him, that he sees you when you're sleeping, knows when you're awake and even where you hid snacks under the couch. Just then, Chas picks him up, saying that it's time to say hi to Santa. He mutters that he hopes it goes better than last year and brings Chuckie over to Santa, handing him to him. Chuckie stares in shock and whimpers as Chas releases him, leaving him wriggling on Santa's lap. As Chas preps to take a photo, Santa tells Chuckie that he's been watching him. Chuckie screams and wriggles away, knocking over a Christmas light and tree display. "Now that's a job well done, Junior Carpenter," Tommy plays on his screwdriver.
Elsewhere, Lucy scrolls through pictures on her smartphone, saying the Carmichael family Christmas plans are a bust because raccoons took over the cabin. Stu asks to the see the pictures and she gives him the phone, saying that what she wants for Christmas is a week off the grid. Randy mutters about all of the stuff he would miss, then seeing Lucy's expression says, "Darn those raccoons!" Susie compliments the DeVille family decorations and just then a woman, Tia Esperanza, comes in, asking where Betty is, referring to her as Elizabeth. Betty and Gabi greet her and they all hug. Tia tells Betty that it is "time." "Time for what?" asks Betty and Tia guides her over to a miniature cradle. Betty gasps Tia tells her that she has been given the honor of placing the baby Jesus in the manager for Las Posadas. She reminds her that it only happens once a generation and she had to pull strings to get it. Just then, Graham comes in, mostly out of costume but still wearing the hat. He thanks Betty for the gig and tells her he's off for some Christmas shopping. Seeing Tia, he greets her as a "vision" and when she says that she needs to do some shopping, he says he'll happily escort her, taking her hand. As they walk out, Tia promises she'll see them all tomorrow.
Betty tells Didi she has to keep the baby Jesus at her house, that it's way safer. Didi chuckles normally. Back at their house, Lou struggles with Christmas decorations. The doorbell rings and Didi gets it. She is greeted by Daxton in a Santa hat, who delivers a Duffy pitch, then explains that the company makes them say that. Didi thanks him and invites him in. Stu gives him a cookie, though he mistakes it for a snowflake instead of the Star of David that Stu was going for. Didi gets out a menorah, but Daxton says he has to get back, that the deliveries never rest. As Didi puts a candle on the menorah, Tommy asks if it's someone's birthday. Susie explains that it's for a Jewish holiday, saying that Lucy's friend at work told her about it, then gave her pretend coins with chocolate inside. Chuckie likes the sound of this, saying that maybe holidays aren't so scary after all. They continue discussing traditions, but Angelica comes in, saying that they don't know anything and need her to explain it. They discuss with her their idea of "Christmas bears," but she says that there are none, only deer and you have to leave them carrots. Lil asks what happen if a bunny were to eat the carrots and Phil asks about the bunny being eaten by a bear. She says that there are no bunnies and no bears. She explains about Christmas trees and how Santa gives presents to children who were good all year and did nothing bad.
Angelica asks if they have any questions and Tommy asks about the menorah candles. She groans and there is a knock at the door. Stu opens it to Boris and Minka. Boris comes in and picks up Tommy playfully, while Minka greets the other babies. She says they brough Hanukkah gifts for all of them and Angelica introduces herself, asking them to put in a good word for her to Santa. Boris asks what makes her think they know Santa. "Don't all old people know each other?" she asks and Tommy giggles. Boris and Minka hug Didi and she sobs. As Minka babbles about food products, Didi explains that she's feeling overwhelmed with all the family traditions, that she just wants Tommy's first holiday to be special. Minka promises her it will be. Drew and Lou come in, Drew carrying an axe. Minka asks what he's doing with an axe around the children. Lou says it isn't just any axe, it's Faithful Sal, which belonged to his grandfather and has cut down every Pickle family Christmas tree since 1925. He says they need to get moving to put up the tree. "Don't people up their trees weeks before Christmas?" asks Boris, but Lou explains that it's a Pickles family tradition for the tree to go up on Christmas Eve. He and Drew head off, Stu calling for them to get Chas, saying he'll be right there. "Hanukkah cookie?" he asks Minka and she says that she thought it was a snowflake.
Angelica tells the babies about Santa coming down the chimney to bring presents, and Chuckie wonders about houses that don't have one. "Santa just chops through the roof with an axe," she tells him, and Phil agrees "The same axe he uses to fight off zombie-deers." Angelica chooses to run with this, saying that Phil is right and there are giant flying zombie deers. Chuckie runs and hides in a closet. Angelica walks away, telling her Cynthia doll that they can kiss the "Glitterglamper Van" goodbye if Santa was watching, but it was worth it. Betty opens the closet, and sees Chuckie, and along with him, the manager with the baby Jesus doll inside. Chuckie comes out, telling the babies about it being there. He says it was looking at him funny and Angelica gasps at hearing about there being a doll in the closet, then brings it out, saying it comes with its own holder. She says it must be really fancy. She pulls the blanket off the doll, declaring him beautiful, even though she doesn't normally like babies. As Stu comes over, she pushes it back in, telling him she wasn't looking for presents. He agrees that she wouldn't want to ruin Aunt Didi's surprise. He leaves and Angelica interprets his words as the doll being her present from Aunt Didi. When Susie argues against it, she tells her it's because Stu can't actually say it's her present. Didi comes over, asking her to hand donuts to the babies, and she politely agrees. She then, however, takes Tommy aside, asking if he still wants to know the holidays are about. He agrees and she says that they're about doing something nice for other people. She says that if you do something good for someone else then something good happens to you. She suggests they try it out, that she wants the doll in Didi's closet but Santa's watching her because she's a big kid. She tells him to get it and she promises that good stuff will happen.
Lou, Stu, Chas and Drew are outed to the Christmas tree patch and singing Christmas carols. They get out and Stu is confused, saying where they are doesn't look familiar. Lou, however, says he's been coming there for 55 years. Stu asks Lou to promise him that it won't take four hours like the year before, but Lou says the trees need to speak to him. He gets the axe, saying that last year the trees were giving him the silent treatment. Drew takes a video-call from Charlotte, who says she wanted to make sure he was alright, that she worries about him on this "primitive ritual." Chas waves, saying he's there too, and she calls it "such a comfort." She asks him not to boil his loafers for food if things go wrong, but before she can continue, Lou tosses the phone in a snowbank, promising they'll retrieve it on the way out. As Drew digs desperately for the phone, Stu and Chas agree that one day Lou is going to snap. Back at the Pickles' Household, the babies look at the doll, wondering just who he is. Tommy delivers the doll to Angelica, placing him in her Cynthia car and Phil buckles the seatbelt. She takes off, telling them not to bother her as she plays with the doll. Back in the woods, the wind howls and Lou says the tree has offered itself to them. He asks the others if their ready and they recite a phrase "We thank this tree for all it has given us and vow to plant five more in spring. Farewell, oh mighty fur!" They howl and Lou asks who wants to take the first swing, holding out the axe, but they all back away. They agree he should go first, and Chas asks if he can wait in the car. Lou swings the axe and cramps his back.
Back at home, Boris and Minka are at work cooking. Boris tries the brisket that Didi is making and feels it needs more onions, asking if he should say something. Minka tells him not to, that it's Didi's brisket, but then says to just slip some in. Betty asks how many places to set for dinner and Didi says to set 11 including the kids. Boris, however, wonders if they can even stay up that late, asking what this thing is they're going to. Didi explains that it's Las Posadas and very important to Betty. They start to try to make a speech to Betty, but aren't able to get it, as Betty misinterprets them. She says they'll love Las Posadas and Didi tells them there's a donkey in the parade and he loves donkeys. Betty says it's actually a pony and hearing this, Boris perks up. Minka says they just want to make sure "Tommelah" gets to see the menorah lit on his first night of Hanukkah. Didi promises that he will, once everything is done, that it won't be their usual family tradition, but they're all family. She says she knows it what she wants for Tommy's first holiday. Boris hugs her, saying that Tommy is lucky and it's her traditions she needs to think about now. She thanks him, saying she's happy he and Minka are there.
Betty asks if anyone moved the baby Jesus that was in the closet. Minka and Didi look at each other in shock, while Angelica plays with the baby Jesus out in Didi's she-shed. She's dressed it up in an outfit, while inside, the adults panic. The babies think that they're looking for the donuts and finally Betty declares they have to go or else they'll be late. She says that she's hoping for a miracle and for everyone to grab a kid and go. Angelica comes in with the baby Jesus, now dressed in a sun hat and sunglasses. Didi tells her to grab her coat. As they walk to the parade, Lucy and Betty discuss the doll being missing. Betty thinks maybe Stu thought it was a present and wrapped it or Lou threw it in the car with the axe. Didi tries to dial the guys but can't get through. Betty tells them whatever they do not to say anything to Tia, just as Tia walks up to them. She says they had her worried and the procession has already begun. Lucy says Betty should tell her. As the procession passes, Tia narrates the story of Joseph and Mary, and trying to find an inn, but the innkeepers being distrustful of the two. Susie asks Chuckie why they can't go inside, and he thinks maybe it's because of them having a horse, which wouldn't be allowed inside. Didi says to Betty that she knows how the story goes and she needs to tell Tia. Betty says that she'll tell Tia she hid the baby Jesus in her closet and be ready to catch her when she faints.
Hearing this, Chuckie notes that this is where the took the doll for Angelica. She asks how she was supposed to know it was Aunt Betty's. She says that since they helped, they'll all get in trouble if they give it back and Santa won't bring gifts for any of them. She says they'll have to put it back before anyone finds out. Susie points to a wooden crib with a goat, saying she thinks it goes there. Tommy says to follow him and they make a beeline to put the doll back. Just then, Gabi greets Angelica, so she pushes the doll out of sight behind some bushes, leaving the babies to finish the job. They put the doll in the proper place just as Joseph and Mary are approaching. The goat bleats at Tommy, who calls him a "nice doggy," Chuckie worried that Tommy is getting eaten. Tia approaches Betty and she tells her she has something to tell her. Just then, however, Minka realizes the babies are missing. Everyone starts shouting for them and back in the manger, the goat grabs at Tommy, who tries to defend the doll. Angelica rushes up, telling the goat to go away and asking Tommy if he's okay. Tommy thanks her and she says she owed him one for being a good cousin and helping her. The adults arrive, reunite with the kids, and are stunned to see the baby Jesus in place in the manger. "I can't believe it," says Betty. Tia asks what they're talking about, and Betty says that it's that their family got the honor of being a part of the tradition. She thanks her.
There is a commotion somewhere nearby, which turns out to be a group of kids including Josh playing a pinata game. Angelica races to join them. Boris and Minka clap and Tommy waves. Back at home, they put up the tree. Lou plays the guitar and sings "Oh, Christmas Tree." The group applauds and Didi turns to Boris, thanking him for making Tommy's first Hanukkah special. He says a Hanukkah blessing and explains that the candles of the menorah burn not just to remember the light in the temple, but to remind us of what we don't know. "They light our darkness, allow us to see things we could not see before. And, thanks to my grandson, I have seen something old in a new light." He says that it reminds him that no matter our religion, our color, or who we choose to be our partners, the one common thread we share is the need for love and respect. He asks that the light of love never stop burning. Stu sets down Tommy and the babies waddle over to Angelica, who is asleep on a chair with a candy cane in her mouth. Tommy says that maybe Angelica was right, that during the holidays you just have to be nice and good stuff will happen. He says it's like all of them being together now. Susie is wowed by this, though Chuckie and Lil think maybe he's just had too much chocolate. Phil offers the last remaining donut pulled out of his diaper, as Lou reprises his "Oh, Christmas Tree" song and a star shoots overhead in the night sky.
- This episode states this is Tommy's first holidays of Hanukkah and Christmas Eve. This is only true to the 2021 series as "The Santa Experience" was the first Christmas themed episode, while "Chanukah" was the first Hanukkah themed episode in the original series.
- This is the second episode to have a shortened version of the theme song, the first being "The Werewoof Hunter". The theme is also Christmas themed with the characters wearing Holiday/Winter themed clothing and the Pickles' home being decorated for the holidays.
- The music that plays when Boris and Minka first at arrive at the Pickles' is the song "Oh Chanukah," a traditional tune.
- This would be the last episode of the series to release in 2021.