Rugrats Wiki
Tommy's Ball Gallery Transcript

[The short begins on Tommy sitting in the playpen in the backyard as he is seen sitting with his toy ball.]

Tommy: Let's play with my new ball!

[Tommy proceeds to hold up his ball showing it off to Chuckie, Phil, and Lil who are also in the playpen. Chuckie, Phil, and Lil all gasp in awe at the ball.]

Chuckie: Wow Tommy where'd you get it?

Tommy: My grandpa gave it to me! It's my favoritest toy in the whole wide world and it's fun. Here Chuckie catch!

[Tommy tosses his ball over to Chuckie, falling down onto his bottom in the process. The ball falls in Chuckie's view only for Angelica to snatch it out of the air before Chuckie could have caught it. The scene cuts briefly to Tommy who frowns in disbelief before cutting back to Angelica, who's on the outside of the playpen with the ball as Chuckie is trying to reach out for it.]

Angelica: Nice toy.

Tommy: Gimmie my ball, Angelica!

Angelica: Ask me nice.

Tommy: Gimmie my ball!

[Angelica rolls her eyes as she tosses the ball in her hand.]

Angelica: Say pretty please with sugar on top.

Tommy: Gimmie my ball!

Angelica: Say Angelica is the nicest, perfectist, best person in the whole wide world.

Tommy: Gimmie my ball!

Angelica: Well if you can't be nicer than that, I guess you'll never see your dumb old ball again.

[Angelica volley's the toy ball into the air, past an unsuspecting bird which chirps in surprise as the ball whizzes past it, as the ball flies off screen while the Angelica and the babies stare into the sky where the ball once was. Angelica then turns back to the babies.]

Angelica: Im leaving! You little kids are no fun to play with.

[Angelica then cackles evilly as she walks away from the playpen. Tommy stares in shock as Phil and Lil trying to comfort him.]

Lil: Don't worry Tommy!

Phil: It's just a dumb ball anyway.

[Tommy starts crying loudly, alerting Didi who comes running over and picks him up from the playpen.]

Didi: What's wrong Tommy? What happened? Oh shu shu shush..

[Didi then starts gently bouncing Tommy up and down to calm him as Tommy spots his ball over the fence.]

Didi: What's the matter baby, huh?

[Tommy smiles as Didi places him back in the playpen.]

Didi: All better now.

[Didi then kisses Tommy on the forhead before walking offscreen, leaving Phil, Lil, and Chuckie wondering why Tommy stopped crying.]

Phil: Why'd you stop crying? You could have gotten anything you wanted.

[Both Lil and Chuckie nod in agreement with Phil]

Tommy: I sawed it!

Phil and Lil: Saw what?

Tommy: My ball! It's over the fence!

Phil: The fence?

Lil: Who knows what's on the other side.

[Phil walks over to Tommy as he places his hand on his shoulder.]

Phil: She's right Tommy, you better forget about it.

Tommy: Forget about it? I can't forget about it, it's my ball!

Chuckie: Tommy, it's the next yard! You're only a baby!

Tommy: A baby's gotta do, what a baby's gotta do!

[Tommy's diaper begins to slip off as he is speaking. Once he notices he gasps in surprise. The scene then changes to Susie who's now in the playpen with the babies.]

Susie: At least you got your knew ball back.

[Susie then holds up Tommy's ball as she rolls it to Tommy.]

Tommy: Yeah, but Angelica never should have throwed it!

[Tommy rolls the ball to Chuckie.]

Chuckie: We don't even know why she did it.

[Chuckie then rolls the ball over to the twins as it rolls into Phil's lap as Phil speaks then tosses the ball to Lil]

Phil: Maybe she was mad.

Lil: Maybe she was cranky.

[Lil rolls the ball back to Susie as Susie grabs and holds onto it.]

Susie: Or maybe she was just being Angelica.

[As Susie is speaking, Tommy and Chuckie frantically gesture that Angelica is nearby and that she should stop. Seeing that it was too late, Chuckie covers his eyes, as Susie looks confused only to look next to her to see Angelica standing in the playpen.]

Angelica: You got that right, Susie.

[Angelica takes the ball from Susie's hands as she kicks it over the fence once again as she turns to look at the screen. The scene then fades away ending the short.]
