"And today, Thanksgiving, is the day they pick to say 'thank you'..."
"For all the good things they had."
"Like their family, and especially their new friends, the Native American people,"
"who helped them when things were really hard."
"So every year, we give thanks for our family and friends by getting together for a lovely dinner."
"There's corn and potatoes and stuffing and pie,"
"and we always have a great big..."
"Well, that's better than slathering it in butter!"
"Mustard's for hot dogs, Charlotte!"
"This isn't a cookout, it's Thanksgiving!"
"So, uh, that's the story of Thanksgiving! The end!"
"Now, paint some more turkeys and I'll be right back."
"Happy Thanksgiving, Didi! Where do you want the TV?"
"Just put it over there by the others."
"Hi, Chuckie! Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Oh, boy! Once we get the satellite dishes up, we're gonna be in football heaven!"
"Come on, Chas, we got work to do!"
"Now, you go play with your friends,"
"And Daddy will be right outside.
"Why do you guys have feathers on your heads?"
"We're playing Nakie Americans! Here, you can be one, too!"
"Uh, do I gotta take my clothes off?"
"No, you just wear a feather and have a nice, big dinner!"
"Cause it's Hanksgiving!"
"It's not a person, Chuckie!"
"It's the day we have a big dinner with our fambily and friends,"
"And member' how happy we are!"
"Uh, if you're sposed' to have dinner with your fambily,"
"Does that mean we have to invite Angelica?"
"You want to come to our Hanksgiving dinner?"
"Can't you see I'm busy over here?"
"It wouldn't be Thanksgiving without a turkey,"
"That's right, Frank! Tom is there..."
"I don't think she wants to come!"
"We'll make our dinner and find some new friends to eat it with us!"
"Please, everybody, we're only going to have one turkey,"
"And we'll have to cook it together!"
"Well, where is the turkey, anyway?"
"Well, Lou said he was getting it,"
"But he should have been here hours ago!"
"Pop! Oh, I was starting to worry about you!"
"Y-you did buy our turkey, didn't you?"
"I did better than that; I won a turkey!"
"It was the first prize of the Senior Center's Thanksgiving Cribbage Cavalcade!"
"So, Mr. Big River Boat Card Player, where is this miracle bird?"
"It's being delivered! They said it'd be here by four, at the latest!"
"No need to thank me, ladies! Now, if you'll excuse me..."
"I'm gonna go out and toss around the old pigskin with my boys!"
"Kids, we got ourselves an emergency here!"
"If we don't get a bird in the oven pronto,"
"We might as well call the whole deal off!"
"I think we'd better make a quick trip to the store."
"So do I. Howard, put down that ambrush and grab the keys,"
"Stu, we'll be right back! Keep an eye on the kids, okay?"
"So, what's for dinner, Tommy?"
"So far mostly, we got..."
"and some... um... stuff."
"Angelica, you want to help us make our yummy dinner?"
I don't want to help you make your stupid, baby make-believe dinner!"
"I want to put on a parade!"
"If Tracy can put on a parade, whoever she is,"
"And I'm going to have the biggest and bestest parade ever;"
"Angelica's Thanksgiving Celebration of Angelica!"
"And you babies are going to help me!"
"Sorry, Angelica, but we have to make our dinner so we can say thank you for having good friends!"
"I don't need a bunch of dumb babies to help me make my parade!"
"You'd probably just mess it up anyway!"
"And take off those feathers!"
"Who wants to play a little football?"
"Can't, Pop! We gotta get these dishes installed in the matrix by two o' clock!"
"We're gonna be able to watch..."
"...every game in the country!"
"So let me get this straight; you'd rather watch a football game than actually play one?"
Stu and Drew fall off the ladder
"I should have had girls!"
"What? Can't you see a person sleeping here?"
"Hey, look, I'm sorry to bother you, but I got a turkey here!"
"So? It's Thanksgiving! You should have a turkey!"
"Where should I put this?"
"Well, where else does a turkey go on Thanksgiving? In the kitchen!"
"Young people, they don't know from nothing!"
"There's somethin' in that box!"
The Turkey jumps out of the box
The Turkey has a crush on Spike
Unfortunately, the feeling isn't mutual for Spike...
...who runs away as The Turkey chases him
"I think it was a turkey!"
Spike nervously backs away from The Turkey
"Are... are turkeys friendly?"
"They has to be! My mom says they're a big part of Hanksgiving! I know!"
"Let's ask him to come to our dinner!"
"I don't know! He's awful scary-lookin'!"
"The Nakie Americans and the Penguins looked different,"
"Come on, let's go get our dinner and eat outside,"
"Like the Penguins in my mom's story!"
"I-I'm just gonna... move the TV!"
"We can watch the Dallas game on my set! It has the best color!"
"Hey, you guys! You think we could use one of these TVs..."
"To watch the highlights of the parade?"
Stu realizes that he and Drew completely forgot about the parade
Lou finds the empty box The Turkey was in
"Have you seen a turkey?"
"A delivery man came a little while ago."
"I told him to put your turkey in the kitchen!"
"Well, it's not there now!"
"Because, Boris, my friend,"
"This particular piece of poultry is alive!"
"What do you say; you want to watch football, or do you want to hunt a little turkey?"
"Football? Hunting? Ay yi yi! But I'll help you look!"
"That's what I wanted to hear!"
"He must be in this house somewhere."
"Finally, one that's actually open!"
Only one frozen turkey is left in stock
"Don't even think about it!"
"It was a good try, honey."
"I could have taken her, Howard!"
"Well, now that Betty has experienced the agony of defeat,"
"What do we do about a turkey?
"Well, I'm sure if we all put our heads together..."
"But that 'one for all' stuff just isn't cuttin' it no more!
"That means Betty DeVille's not leavin' this store empty-handed!
Angelica brings her parade floats outside...
...when she sees the babies
"I don't need any stupid babies to help make my beautiful parade!"
"I made the mostest perfect floats all by myself!"
Angelica loses her balance...
...and falls into her parade floats
"Wow! The Turkey sure likes Spike!"
"Go ahead, Tommy, ask him to our dinner!"
"Mr. Turkey, um, we were wonderin'..."
"What are you babies doing with that Turkey?"
"We're trying to ask him to come to our dinner!"
"He's comin' to dinner, all right,"
"But how can he be dinner if he's alive?"
"Well, I'd better go tell the grown-ups he's out here,"
"So they can cook him and eat him up!"
"No, Angelica! He's our friend!"
"Well, I might keep him a secret,"
"If you and your friends will help with my parade!"
Tommy sees Lou and Boris looking for The Turkey
Tommy and his friends reluctantly agree to help Angelica with her parade
Cynthia is tied to Lou's balloons
"Okay, Angelica. We're all done."
"We still have to put on the main attraption!"
Angelica eyes The Turkey, planning to use him as the main attraction
"Tommy, it's getting close to dinner time!"
The referee blows the whistle, starting the first of many football games
"Marshall's back in the eye formation as he tries the sling back pass..."
"As we approach this magnificent beast..."
"Hey, I always watch that show!"
"It's Thanksgiving, Chas! You can't watch Nature documentaries on Thanksgiving!"
Dejected, Chas sits in a chair...
...and reads an issue of Modern Clog Dancing magazine
Many football games play on the pyramid of TV sets
"It's Thanksgiving again,"
"and time for the greatest Thanksgiving parade ever;"
"Angelica's Thanksgiving Celebration of Angelica!"
"Let's start the parade with our bestest float; the Turkey!"
"The Turkey float is followed by the Cynthia float,"
"Which is the bestest float in the world."
"Did I mention I made it all by myself?"
Tommy knows that what Angelica said is not true
"And here's the next float. It's called Everything that makes Angelica great!"
"Um, great parade, Angelica!"
"I thought it went on too long."
"You did that on purpose, Chuckie Finster!"
"You let Spike go so he'd ruin my beautiful parade!"
"Just for that, I'm gonna tell everyone there's a turkey out here, and they're gonna eat him!"
"Yep, after we landed in Normandy,"
"I got lost in the French Wilderness for a week!"
"Didn't speak a word of parlez vous!"
"By the time they found me, I could catch fifteen trout at a time with my bare hands!"
"So, I guess you weren't fishing in closets, huh?"
"Would you please turn down that game? I can't hear mine!"
"Hold on, hold on, I got it!"
"Daddy! Tommy has a real live Turkey, and I want to have it for dinner!"
"That one!"
"That's the one I'm pointing at, Stu!"
"Princess, can't it wait?"
Angelica holds her breath
"Angel! No, do-don't, don't!"
"You're killing brain cells! Angelica, stop! Mommy wants you to go to Harvard!"
Angelica leads Drew outside
"There's a turkey in the yard,"
The babies hide the turkey under their blanket
"Angelica, honey, Daddy has to go back inside..."
"and watch a very important football game! Okay?"
"But if you see the magic turkey again,"
"Oh, we can't just keep hidin' him!"
"We gotta get him out of the yard!"
"Come on, everybody! Flap your arms! Show him how!"
"Please fly, Mr. Turkey!"
"If you don't get out of our yard,"
"The growed-ups are gonna eat you for dinner!"
"Hey, maybe he just can't run fast enough, Tommy!"
"When my dad took me to the park to fly my kite,"
"He had to run real fast before he could get it to fly!"
"I cannot believe you got the last frozen turkey dinner!"
"I wasn't the one wasting my time looking for turkey franks!"
"Yeah, well, at least now I can cook turkey my way;"
"I don't suppose a little of my french mustard would be worth, say, one frank to you?"
"Not now, honey, Mommy's negotiating."
"Please, can't we all share what we've got?"
"Then there'll be enough for everyone!"
"...because you don't have anything!"
"I got dibs on the microwave!"
"Not if I get there first!"
"I think it's workin', you guys! I think he's startin' to..."
"I guess we know turkeys don't make good kites."
"If you'll just come outside, I can show you!"
The babies pretend to play hide and seek, with The Turkey dressed in Chuckie's clothes
"I don't see anything, honey. Is this a cry for attention?"
"Why don't you come in with Mommy and help her roll up rumaki?"
"Chuckie, it's okay, you can come out! It's worked!"
"That was fun!"
"Chuckie, you're the bestest Nakie American of all!"
"Well, I'd rather be a dressed-up one!"
"How will we get Mr. Smurkey out of the yard if he cannot fly?"
"Huh. I don't know, you guys."
"Spike, what are you doing?"
"Hey, that gives me a idea;"
"If we put Mr. Turkey on one side of the teaser tosser, and drop something really heavy on the other side..."
"How are we gonna get him on the teaser tosser?"
Many turkey products are put in the microwave, some before they're even taken out of their packages
"Now, we just put this thing on 'Mega Nuke' for ten minutes, and voila!"
"What are you talking about?"
"Not that one, that one!"
"Isn't anybody here hungry?"
"Okay, Lil. We're ready!"
Phil jumps onto the seesaw,
launching The Turkey into the air
"What? Maybe you got some indigestion?"
"Confound it, Boris! That's an old-fashioned Allegheny Turkey call!"
"Oh! So you act like a turkey, maybe the turkey comes to you?"
"I know where there's a turkey!"
"I don't think Phil's big enough!"
"We could wait till' he's older!"
"Or we could try to lift Chuckie; he's the biggest! What do you say, Chuckie?"
"Can I keep my clothes on?"
"Okay, but just cause' Mr. Turkey is our friend!"
Lou tries to catch The Turkey with his net
"Enough with the gobble already!"
"Over here, Grandpas! Hurry! Come on!"