The Slide (2021 short) | Gallery | Transcript |
[The short opens with Chuckie standing next to a playground slide. He sighs hesitantly to himself, pulling up his shorts a little, as he begins climbing the slide. Chuckie, still hesitant with his climb, looks down to Tommy before continuing.]
Chuckie: I'm a big brave dog. I'm a big brave dog. I'm a big brave dog.
[The scene pans over to the babies and Angelica watching Chuckie climb up as Angelica makes a bet with Susie that Chuckie will chicken out.]
Angelica: I bet you a snow cone he chickens out.
Susie: You're on!
Chuckie: I'm a big brave dog. I'm a big brave dog.
[Chuckie happens to look down at the others and cries out for a moment as he felt the distance between him and the ground grew higher.]
Angelica: Make that two snow cones.
Chuckie: I'm a big brave dog. I'm a big brave dog. I'm a big brave...
[Chuckie realizes he has successfully climbed up to the top of the ladder.]
Chuckie: I made it. I made it, you guys! I made it! Look, I'm on top of the world!
[Everyone one but Angelica cheers happily for Chuckie as she regrettably begins handing the snow cones to Susie. However she stops before she hands them off.]
Angelica: Hey, wait a minute. He's gotta go down first.
[Chuckie's confidence quickly dissipates as he stares down the end of the chute. Tommy encourages Chuckie that he can do it.]
Chuckie: Oh, no!
Tommy: You can do it, Chuckie! You can do it!
Chuckie: Okay, here goes nothing.
[Chuckie crawls and sticks his feet towards the edge of the chute. He finally pushes himself down the chute, screaming all the way down. Finally, he lands off the chute and onto his back in the sand. Chuckie opens his eyes as Tommy asks him if he's alright.]
Tommy: Chuckie? Chuckie, are you okay?
[Chuckie regains consciousness and sits up.]
Chuckie: Am I okay? Am I okay? Are you kidding? That was the funnest slide I ever had!
[Susie proudly then proceeds to take the two snow cones out of Angelica's hands. Angelica growls upsettably as she follows Susie with the snow cones.]
Phil: How'd you do it, Chuckie?
Lil: Yeah, how did you overcomed your fear?
Chuckie: I just did it, that's all. My teeth were clicking and my hands were shaking and my pants was wet, but I knew I had to do it, so I just let myself go. And you know what? It was fun! Come on, you guys! Last one down's a scaredy cat!
[Chuckie goes back up and goes down the slide with confidence again.]
Tommy: There goes one big brave kid.
[Tommy, Phil, and Lil watching Chuckie go down as Chuckie grunts after landing at the bottom. The scene then changes to Chas pushing Chuckie in his Reptar themed stroller as Chuckie is explaining to his Reptar toy that there's nothing to be afraid of at the playground anymore.]
Chuckie: And now there's nothing to be scared of at the playground anymore. Not slides, not sand boxes, not even the see-saw.
[Chas then picks Chuckie up and places him on his feet next to the stroller while asking Chuckie if he wants to go swing.]
Chas: Wanna go on the swings, Chuckie?
[Chuckie stares at the swings in fear while the rustle and creak in the wind. Chuckie then screams as it zooms in on Chuckie's face; the scene fades away thus ending the short.]