Rugrats Wiki
The Sky is Falling Gallery Transcript

(The episode opens with the clouds in the sky, the Rugrats are lying on the grass in the backyard in a circle)

Chuckie: What is it, Tommy?

Tommy: It's the sky, Chuckie.

Chuckie: Yeah, but what is it? Why's it so blue? How'd it get up there?

Tommy: Come on, you guys! Let's play jungle! I'm gonna be the lion.

Lil: Yay! I wanna be the elephant!

Phil: I wanna be the moose!

Lil: There's no mooses in the jungle, Phillip!

Phil: Are too, Lillian!

Lil: Are not!

Phil: Are too!

Lil: Are not!

Phil: Are too!

(The twins continue arguing)

Tommy: Aren't you gonna play, Chuckie?

Chuckie: Huh? What? Oh, oh, yeah. (gets up)



(The three babies are acting like animals they picked out to be, Chuckie looks up in the sky still)

Tommy: How come you're not doing monkey stuff, Chuckie?

Chuckie: It's awful big, isn't it?

Phil: What's awful big, Chuckie?

Chuckie: The sky.

Tommy: Are you still talking about the sky, Chuckie? We're playing jungle now.

Chuckie: The sky's a lot more important than any pretend jungle.

Tommy: Chuckie, the sky's way up there. (points at the sky): It's nothing you don't have to think about too much.

Chuckie: Now it's way up there, but what makes you think a big thing like that can stay up in the air forever?

(Tommy and the twins look up at the sky, thinking about Chuckie's question)

Tommy: Gee, I never thought about that.

(The babies all look up towards the sky again, waiting to see if the sky would actually fall like Chuckie thinks it might, as they do, Stu and Chas come out donning tennis gear and see the babies looking up at the sky, an awkward silence is in the air as Stu looks to Chas seeing if he might have an answer)

Chas: I dunno. (he and Stu run out to the door to the garage) I gotta warn you, Stu, my game's a little rusty.

Stu: Don't worry, Chas, we'll just bat a few balls against the side of the house and then it'll all come back to ya.

(Stu gets a tennis ball out of his pocket and hits it with the racket off the garage door, Chas flails around before hitting the ball, a screeching cat accompanied by a glass breaking sound, Stu glares at the accident)

Chas: Oops. (smiles nervously)

(The babies continue to look up at the sky, Angelica walks by and sees this before joining in with them, the silence is long until she breaks it)

Angelica: Whatcha lookin' at?

Chuckie: Oh, hi, Angelica! We was just looking at the sky.

Angelica: Oh, yeah? Well, I hope it doesn't rain! (as she says this, she leaps in front of all the babies and shoves their faces) 'Cause you turkeys will all drown! (laughing)

Chuckie: No, really, Angelica, doesn't it seem lower to you than usual?

Angelica: Lower? What do you mean?

Chuckie: You know, lower, like it might be falling down.

Angelica: Falling down? The sky? Oh, brother! Anybody who'd think the sky is falling down is even dumber than... (looks up at the sky and smirks evilly): Well, now that you mention it, the sky does kinda look like it did the last time it fell.

Tommy: (he and the babies look at Angelica): Last time? You mean the sky fell before?

Angelica: Oh, sure, about two years ago, just before you was all born.

Phil and Lil: Wow!

Chuckie: Wha--wha--what happened?

Angelica: It was the end of the world.

Babies: (they all run to Angelica): The end of the world?!

Angelica: Yep, first the sky fell, then rivers overflowed, mountains crumbled, and finally... all the TV shows were canceled.

(The babies gasp in horror)

Tommy: Nah, that didn't really happen.

Angelica: Oh, yes, it did. And you know what? It looks like it's gonna happen again.

(Scene cuts to Stu and Chas at the garage)

Chas: We've lost seven balls already, Stu. Why don't we just call it a day?

Stu: No way, Chas! I'm just getting my rhythm back. It's all in the wrist.

(Stu hits the tennis ball with his racquet sending the ball over the roof heading to the backyard)

Angelica: Big pieces are gonna come crashing down just like-- (the ball bonks Angelica's head) OW!!! WHAT WAS THAT!! SOMETHING HIT ME IN THE HEAD!!


Angelica: THE SKY?! Oh, no, it's true! The sky really is falling!!

Phil and Lil: (running frantically): Oh, no, oh, no!

Chuckie: (runs frantically as well): What are we gonna do?! What are we gonna do?!

Angelica: It isn't fair! There's so many toy I haven't broken yet! So many cookies I haven't eaten!

Tommy: Guys! (the babies stop and look at Tommy) Guys, why don't we build a fort to protect us when the sky falls?

Lil, Chuckie and Angelica: A fort?!

Tommy: Yeah! We can build it right under that picnic table!

Angelica: (thinks of an idea): Hmm...

(Scene cuts to the picnic table now turn into a fort, the Rugrats walk to the fort, Angelica places her Cynthia doll on top of the fort before opening the door)

Angelica: Okay! (tosses the items from the wagon in the fort): We got your coloring books, your 500 crayon set with built-in sharpener, your cupcakes, your basic telephone, and of course, The Complete Dummi Bears Deluxe Video Library. There! (kicks the wagon aside): That's the last of it. (goes in, showing she is the only one to fit inside): Perfect!

Tommy: But, Angelica, how are we gonna fit in there?

Angelica: Hmm, good point. There might not be enough room for everyone.

Chuckie: Not enough room?! What are we gonna do?!

Angelica: We're just gonna have to decide which of us is gonna get saved. Let's see... Well, me, of course! But who else? I guess we gotta figure out which of you guys will be the most helpfullest after the world ends. Tommy, we're gonna need brave people in the future. Come on in. (Tommy does so) Chuckie, you're a very careful baby. With us being the last people in the world, we can't take too many chances, so I guess you're in. (Chuckie crawls to her) Now, let's see... We wouldn't want more boys than girls after the world ends. So, Lil, you're in.

(Lil crawls to her)

Phil: (feels left out): Um, Angelica, aren't you forgetting someone?

Angelica: Oh, yeah, how silly of me. (takes Cynthia down off the fort): I'm sorry, Cynthia.

(Angelica slams the door at Phil's face)

Phil: (peeks in): What about me?

Angelica: Sorry, Phil, I'm afraid there's no room for you.

Phil: '(sadly leaves): I understand.

Lil: (sadly): PHILLIP!

Phil: Don't worry about me, guys. (walks off): Lil, be good in the future, okay?

Lil: (heads out): No, Phil! If Phil doesn't get to be saved, I don't wanna be saved, neither! (comforts Phil)

Angelica: Gee. Well, alright, Lil, we'll be seeing you.

Tommy: (crawls out): Wait, Angelica! I don't wanna be in if Phil and Lil have to stay out! (storms off): It's not fair!

Angelica: (waves uncaringly): Suit yourself. (shuts the door) Chuckie, I guess it's just you and me, now. Huh, some brave new world.

Chuckie: (sees the three babies and thinks about it): Uh, sorry, Angelica. (leaves the fort to join the others)

Angelica: Well, good! All the more for me. (sits down with Cynthia): Nobody to bother me, nobody to share all the cookies with, nobody to get in the way! All by myself forever and ever and ever.

(The next scene has all the babies, including Phil sitting within the fort)

Phil: Thanks for allowing us all in, Angelica.

Angelica: What can I say? I'm a softie. (frowns to herself): It's my one flaw.

Tommy: Angelica, what's it gonna be like after the sky falls and the world ends?

Angelica: (pauses then thinks about it): Well...

(Angelica imagines herself as a sergeant, the Rugrats are driving in vehicles and wearing clothes in the style of "Mad Max" as they driving to the deserted city with giant pieces of the sky all over the land)

Angelica: We'll run the land like pirate kings. 'Course, I'll be the king of all of you. The whole world will be ours... (they stop at a castle with a "Toy Palace" sign, Angelica kicks down the gate, the Rugrats giggle and run inside the huge toy store) ...with everything for the taking. (the babies take the toys) Toys, dolls, games, all for us! And no man will be our keepers.

(The babies carry a shopping cart with a mountain of toys with Angelica sitting on top of the pile, back to present)

Tommy: Wow, Angelica! Is it really gonna be like that after the end of the world?

Phil: We'll be able to go anywhere?

Lil: And eat all the candy we want?

Angelica: Uh-huh, and no grownups around to tell us not to.

Chuckie: (sadly): No grownups?!

Angelica: That's right. We'll be the only ones left. Yep, that sky should be falling anytime now.

Chuckie: I'm scared, Tommy.

Tommy: (consoles him): Me, too, Chuckie, me, too.

(scene switches back to Stu and Chas still at the garage)

Chas: Stu, maybe we ought to quit. I mean, we've broken almost all of Betty and Howard's windows.

(the DeVilles' house shows the broken windows)

Stu: They'll get over it. Besides, I think my game needs a little tuning up. (hits the ball over the house again)

Chas: You're right about that.

(the ball hits Spike on the head making him yelp in panic and rug out of the doghouse, running past the fort and slipping on several tennis balls that were previously hit and knocking down all the trashcans, Spike then runs around with a box over his face as he continues whining and trying to run through the fence making the plank knock down all the apples on the fort, Chuckie screams taking cover)


(Phil and Lil hug each other and scream as well)

Angelica: (yells): HELP!! I NEED SOMEBODY!

(Spike makes it out of the fence, the apples stop falling, the Rugrats notice this)

Phil: Is it over?

Tommy: I think so.

Lil: You mean, we survived?

Tommy: Uh-huh, I guess.

Chuckie: That's it? That's the end of the world?

Angelica: I guess so.

Tommy: Uh, let's go see what it looks like. (the Rugrats go outside, looks around): It's weird, huh?

Chuckie: Yeah.

Angelica: I guess we're the only survivors.

(leaves blow around the backyard)

Phil: I never felt so alone.

Lil: Are we really the only ones left in the whole wide world?

Angelica: Of course, we are! C'mon, let's go explore.

Chuckie: I think we're s'posed to stay here in the backyard, Angelica.

Angelica: Supposed ta?! Chuckie, don't you get it? We're not supposed to do anything anymore, 'cause there's no one around to tell us what to do.

Tommy: Really? Wow!

Phil: So, we get to decide what we're gonna do from now on?

Angelica: Well, actually, Phil, I get to decide what you're going to do. I'm the oldest and smartest and best around here now, so I get to be president.

Chuckie: President? Of what?

Angelica: Of the world. From now on, you may refer to me as Her Exclemency, the Honorable President-for-Life Angelica C. Pickles, Esquire.

Tommy: Uh, don't we got to vote for something?

Angelica: (shoves Tommy): Oh, Tommy, that silly voting stuff's all done with! Now that the world's ended, I decide everything. Now, c'mon, let's go see what's left of the world.

(They leave following Angelica, scene cuts inside the house, Angelica sits on the top of a sofa)

Angelica: You know, I always wanted a swimming pool in my house.

Tommy: Swimming pool?

Angelica: Yeah, this living room of yours will be perfect!

Chuckie: Don't you need water for a swimming pool?

Angelica: Exactly! Phil, Lil, bring it in! (Phil and Lil bring in the hose as it sprays water, throws the pillows down the wet carpet): These pillows will make great pool toys. (jumps down) Now, c'mon, let's go get some candy while the pool fills up.

(The babies follow Angelica as the hose sloshes everywhere, scene cuts to the kitchen with the babies making a total mess)

Angelica: There's gotta be good food in here somewhere! (Chuckie eats dog biscuits, looks in the refrigerator): Milk? Ick! (tosses the quart of milk splattering all over the floor, opens a can and sniffs it): Ew, tuna! (tosses it near Tommy) Wheat germ?! Gross! (tosses it and walks to Tommy): Tommy, where's all the lollipops and chocolate bars and stuff?!

Tommy: I don't think we had any stuff like that.

Angelica: That's impossible! Oh, well, I guess we'll just have to go find one of those candy stores. Where's your dad keep the car keys?

Tommy: (incredulously): Car keys?!

Chuckie: We can't drive a car; we're just babies!

Angelica: Correction: YOU'RE babies, I'm president of the world, and I say we're driving the car.

Chuckie: But, Angelica!

Angelica: Don't worry, I've been watching my mom and dad. It's a cinch!

Tommy: Angelica, Chuckie's right! We can't drive a car.

Chuckie: Yeah, we might get a ticket!

Angelica: A ticket?! From who? It's the end of the world, remember? (heads to the garage door): Now, c'mon, everyone to the garage.

Tommy: (crosses his arms): No, Angelica! We're not going, and you shouldn't go neither!

Angelica: (sarcastically): Oh, yeah? Well, who's gonna stop me? (she goes to the door until it opens, Stu and Chas come in, baffled): Huh?! What are you doing here?

Stu: Angelica, what's going on? (sees the house a complete mess): AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

(Stu and Chas run in to see the mess that the babies made)

Angelica: (whispers in amazement): I guess there was more survivors than I thought!

(Scene cuts to the living room, Chas rolls up the hose, Stu mops up the wet ceiling, Angelica watches from behind the sofa)

Stu: (catches her, furiously): Come on, Angelica! You help make this mess, and you can help clean it up!

Angelica: (whines): But I don't wanna!

(Stu grabs her hand and gives her the mop, Angelica smiles nervously as Stu gets her to work)

Tommy: We did it, you guys! We lived through the end of the world!

Lil: It was kinda exciting there for a minute.

Phil: Yeah, but I'm glad the grownups made it, too. I don't think Angelica's a very good president.

Chuckie: Tommy, you think this new world is gonna be a lot different than the old one?

Tommy: I don't know, Chuckie. Hey, you wanna explore my old bedroom?

Chuckie: Sure, if it's still there.

Phil: Hey, Chuckie, aren't you scared?

Chuckie: Nah. Once you've lived through the end of the world, being scared of anything else seems kinda silly.

(The baby heads upstairs as Angelica sadly mops the carpet ending the episode)
