The Shot | Gallery | Transcript |
(Scene opens with a wiggly red line moving like a pulse, the red line is coming from the line of a telephone, we hear Tommy's baby giggles as he is shown tugging on the line, the phone begins to ring as Tommy continues tugging on the line as he laughs more)
Didi: Tommy! (Picks him up) The phone is not a plaything. (Answers the phone): Pickles residence. (a voice is inaudibly heard from the receiver) Oh, hello, Cynthia. Yes, yes, I remember; first thing in the morning. Bye! (Hangs up, leans down to Tommy): Hear that, little man? You're going to see Dr. Schacter tomorrow, and he's going to give you a nice booster shot.
(Tommy smiles at Didi, who kisses him, scene cuts to the playpen where Phil and Lil argue on a bouncy ball and Chucking playing with a big block, Didi places Tommy in the playpen with the other Rugrats)
Tommy: Hey, you guys, guess what?
Chuckie, Phil and Lil: What?
Tommy: I'm going to the doctor tomorrow, and I'm going to get a rooster shot.
(Chuckie gasps in horror)
Phil: A rooster shot? What's that?
Lil: Something to turn you into a rooster?
Chuckie: (waves his hand): No, it's not!
Phil: Yeah, maybe you'll grow feathers and a beak.
Chuckie: No, it's...
Lil: And lay eggs!
Chuckie: No!
Phil: And crow!
Chuckie: (yells at the twins blowing them down): NO!!!!! Not rooster shot. (Trembles fearfully): Booster shot!
Tommy: Booster shot? What's that?
Chuckie: The most terriblest thing that'll ever happen to ya.
Tommy: (gulps sensing fear): What is it, Chuckie?
Chuckie: It's not a very pretty story, but here it goes. (a flashback begins showing Chuckie and Chaz at the waiting room) First, they put you in this little room, and make you sit on a freezing-cold ironing board. (Chuckie is shown freezing, a creepy-looking doctor comes in) Then, the doctor comes in pretending he's real nice, like he's your bestest pal.
Dr. Lector: Hello, Chuckie. Have you been a good boy lately? (Chuckie nods fearfully) Don't you remember me? I'm your friend, Dr. Lector. (Turns to the counter): And I know just what you need.
Chuckie: Then, all of a sudden, he changes. He goes from being a nice old guy who smells funny... (Dr. Lector turns into a nightmarish form of a doctor as the whole room turns twisted) a crazy old guy who smells funny, and he's got THE SHOT! (Chuckie screams in terror as Dr. Lector chuckles evilly holding a giant yellow syringe as he near it to a still screaming Chuckie, whose reflection is shown on the doctor's head mirror, as the flashback ends): And then... And then...
Tommy: Then what, Chuckie?
Chuckie: And then they hold you down and they give you the shot, and you cry, and you cry, and then the doctor says, "There, now. That wasn't so bad, was it?" (Lies on the floor): But is bad, Tommy--REAL bad.
Phil: Well, it's been nice knowing you, Tommy.
Lil: (pats him): Yeah, you've been a good friend and we're gonna miss you.
Chuckie: There's nothing you can do about it, Tommy. Once the grownup decides to give you the shot, it's all over. (Makes a guillotine sound as he moves his finger horizontally to his neck)
Tommy: Well, it's not happening to me! They can take away all my toys, they can wash my hair every night, but no matter what they do, no matter what they say, I'm not going to that doctor, I'm not going to get that shot! Never, never, never, NEVER!!! (falls to the floor making a tantrum)
(Scene cuts to an elevator light dinging, Didi and Tommy have arrived at the doctor's)
Didi: Here we are! (Walks with Tommy to the waiting room): See, Tommy? It's not so bad. (Tommy fusses in horror) You'll love Dr. Schachter--he's very nice.
(Didi and Tommy approach the receptionist, Cynthia)
Cynthia: Good morning, Mrs. Pickles. Dr. Schachter is expecting you. Why don't you have a seat and I'll call you when he's ready.
Didi: Here you go, Tommykins. (Walks over to another baby, Hector, playing with toys, puts Tommy down): And look, here's a little friend to play with you. (Leaves as Tommy plays with his new friend, Didi sits next to Hector's mother, who is reading a magazine) Oh, isn't that cute. It's almost like they're actually playing with each other rather than next to each other.
Hector's Mom: Yes, but according to Lipschitz, there won't be any real binary interaction for several months yet.
Didi: Oh! Have you read Lipschitz?
Hector's Mom: It's my bible! (Shows Didi the Lipschitz book she owns)
Cynthia: (waves, holds a clipboard): Excuse me, Mrs. Pickles! I need you to sign this form.
Didi: (gets up to do so): Certainly.
Tommy: Hi, my name's Tommy. What's yours?
Hector: (smiles): Hector.
Tommy: What're you here for, Hector?
Hector: (shakes his head): I don't know; something about a rooster shot.
Tommy: Oh, no! We're both in a lot of trouble!
Hector: Why?
Tommy: 'Cause it's not a rooster shot; it's a booster shot.
Hector: What's that? (Tommy whispers explaining everything, goes shocked and shakes his head): I knew it. Grownups are always doing stuff like this. Why can't they just leave us alone?
Tommy: C'mon, Hector, there's only one thing to do. We got to get outta here before the doctor shows up.
Hector: How long we going to be gone?
Tommy: I don't know--maybe forever.
Hector: Well, okay. But if we're going to be running away forever, we got to take our bottles.
Tommy: Good thinking!
(Tommy and Hector take their bottles from their mother's bags and crawl away without being seen until Angelica shows up at the door, Tommy gasps and trips with Hector)
Didi: Drew! (waves): Angelica!
Tommy: Drat!
Angelica: (sweetly): Hello, Aunt Didi!
Didi: (kisses and hugs her): Hello, sweetheart!
(Angelica razzes)
Hector: Who's she?
Tommy: (whispers): Your worst nightmare.
Didi: What are you two doing here?
Drew: Oh, Angelica's just here for a checkup.
Didi: What a coincidence! That's what Tommy's here for, too. (whispers): And to get his booster.
(Angelica walks to Tommy smiling fiendishly and makes a guillotine noise and gesture at him, Tommy and Hector both gulp nervously)
Drew: Angel? Why don't you go play with Tommy and his little friend while Daddy talks with Aunt Didi.
Angelica: Okay, Daddy! (Walks up to Tommy and Hector playing toys, feigns innocence): Hi, Tommy! (Mean tone, smirks): What are you babies doing anyway?
Tommy: Um, nothing!
Angelica: You don't look like you were doing nothing; you look like you were doing something.
Tommy: No, really! Hector and I was just, uh... cleaning up the play area. Were we, Hector?
Hector: (nods): Yeah, yeah!
(Tommy tosses a stuffed teddy bear in the net with all the other stuffed animals)
Angelica: In the middle of the grownups' sitting place? (tauntingly): I don't think so! (Puts her arms around him): Come on, Tommy. Tell your cousin Angelica all about it.
Hector: (in horror): I don't like her, Tommy! She's got mean eyes!
Tommy: (tries to get away): Well, um...
Angelica: (stops him): C'mon, Tommy!
Tommy: There's nothing to tell; we were just cleaning up!
(Hector quickly nods)
Angelica: (fakes sadness): All I ever wanted was to be your friend, Tommy! Someone to talk to when no one else was around (makes tears): Someone to tell stories to and sleep over at each other's house. (Hugs Tommy): We'll never be best friends, will we, Tommy? No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try! (Fake crying)
Tommy: (annoyed): Okay, okay. Hector and I are running away so we don't have to get the shot.
Angelica: (stops crying, tauntingly): OH! Didn't want to get a shot, huh? What were you going to do, ex-cape and join the circus? (Laughs wickedly): Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Tommy: It's not funny, Angelica! Chuckie got a shot, and it scared the poop out of him!
Angelica: Scared? You got to be kidding! Only babies are scared of shots.
Tommy: Yeah, well, we're babies, and we're scared! C'mon, Hector!
Angelica: (blocks them): Oh, no, you don't! You're not going anywhere!
Tommy: But, Angelica, you promised you wouldn't tell!!
Angelica: I didn't promise nothing! AUNT DIDI! AUNT DIDI! AUNT DIDI!
Tommy: ANGELICA, NO!!! (hits the net of stuffed animals all over Angelica) C'mon, Hector, let's get out of here!
(They walk to Cynthia's office and crawl under her and another receptionist without being seen, Angelica furiously gets out throwing off the stuffed animals before running to Drew, who is talking to Didi and Hector's mother)
Drew: Well, my advice is to stick to CDs and money markets.
Angelica: Aunt Didi! Aunt Didi!
Drew: Now, pumpkin, Daddy and Aunt Didi are talking.
Angelica: I know, but...
Drew: When grownups are talking, little girls and little boys are supposed to wait quietly.
Angelica: I know, but...
Drew: Then when the grownups say it's okay for you to talk, then you can say whatever you want.
Angelica: I KNOW, BUT...
Drew: (puts his finger on Angelica's mouth): Now, calmly, what is it that you wanted to tell Aunt Didi?
Didi and Hector's Mom: (runs off in shock): OH, NO!!!!
Drew: You know, honey pie, these are the kinds of things you should really tell the grownups right away.
(Angelica makes a fiendish look)
Didi: Cynthia? Have you seen our kids?!
Cynthia: No, Mrs. Pickles, they were here just a second ago.
Didi: (looks her in the eye, worried): Well, THEY'RE GONE!!
Cynthia: (grabs the microphone): Baby alert! Baby alert! (The alarm sounds) Two toddlers missing in pediatrics!
Nurse: (as everyone looks everywhere): They're not in the hallway!
Intern: Not in the exam rooms, either!
Big Nurse: Seal off the south wing!! Close all stair wells! And whatever you do, make sure they don't get into the pathology lab! (to herself, winks and smirks): Those babies couldn't have gotten far.
(As everyone continues searching, Tommy and Hector hide behind the file drawers and sneak as they pant fearfully)
Hector: Now what, Tommy? They got us trapped!
Tommy: (sees the nearest open door, points): There!
(the two babies run to the door until they stop and gasps seeing the big nurse block them)
Big Nurse: (smiles at them): End of the line, short stuff!
(The babies scream and sneak pass more people, which makes them panic feeling them)
Hector: Now where, Tommy?
Tommy: That way!
Big Nurse: GET 'EM!!!
(A male doctor is shown walking and whistling as he rolls a tray down the hall, the tray scoops up the two babies knocking off a medicine bottle and also makes the doctor trip and send the tray rolling down the hallway at incredible speed, Tommy and Hector scream until they come to the end of the hallway into the storage room and crashing inside, everyone gasps hearing this, the tray had knocked down a whole bin full of cotton balls, Tommy and Hector poke out, Angelica walks in on them)
Angelica: You fraidy cat babies are in a lot of trouble now! HERE THEY ARE! HERE THEY ARE! HERE THEY ARE!
(Tommy and Hector look at each other in defeat, scene cut to the doctor's room where Tommy is with Didi and the big nurse)
Didi: Well, Tommy, you certainly made a mess of things. I hope Dr. Schachter isn't too upset.
Dr. Schachter: (comes in and waves): Tommy! Long time, no see! (Tommy goes scared) Oh, you sure have gotten big in the last couple of months, kiddo.
Big Nurse: 23 and a half inches, doctor.
Dr. Schachter: Whoa-ho! Michael Jordan, watch out! Tommy Pickles is right behind ya! (attempts to pat him until Tommy fusses) Oh, what's the matter, Tommy? Don't you remember me? Your old pal, Dr. S.! (snaps his fingers): Aha! I know what you need. (he goes to the drawer and pulls out something as Tommy turns away and covers his eyes) A nice lollipop! (Tommy gasps seeing a purple lollipop and goes amazed as he takes it) That's my boy! (Tommy happily sucks on his lollipop as Dr. Schachter takes a cotton swab and dabs on his arm to numb it, gives him the shot): There you go, Tommy. Now, what kind of bandage do you want? (the big nurse holds a tray of three band-aids, Tommy chooses a purple one) Good choice! (smiles and puts it around his arm)
Didi: (comes out with Tommy): See, Tommy? That wasn't so bad, was it? (Hector comes out with his mother with a green lollipop and a green band-aid) Looks like your little friend had an easy time with the doctor, too.
Angelica: (screams off-screen): WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! (comes out with a red lollipop and red band-aid with Drew and Dr. Schachter, sobbing loudly) I WANT MY MOMMY!!!
Drew: (loudly): Don't cry, sweetie, it was just a shot!
Angelica: (burst into tears): I know! I just... want... my... MOOOOOOOOOMYYYYYY!!!!!! (cries harder)
Drew: Is she's going to be okay, doctor? (picks Angelica up holds her in his arms)I hope that shot didn't hurt her.
Angelica: (continues crying): MOOOOOOOOOMYYYYYY!!!!!!'
Dr. Schachter: Uh, don't worry, Mr. Pickles, she'll be completely fine. It's just that some kids can take them... and some kids can't.
(Tommy and Hector watch as they suck on their lollipops, they then smile and strike their lollipops like swords celebrating their victory as Angelica continues crying ending the episode)