Rugrats Wiki
The Pickles Family Photo Album Gallery Transcript

[A view of the cover of Pickles Family Photo album is shown as the Rugrats intro theme plays.]

Angelica: Ahhh, a photo album.

[The album opens, revealing pictures of Angelica from the following episodes; "America's Wackiest Home Movies", "Tommy's First Birthday", "Looking For Jack", "Moving Away", "Famous Babies", "Beauty Contest", "Spike the Wonder Dog", and "Psycho Angelica". The camera zooms in on the picture from "America's Wackiest Home Movies".]

Angelica: Mom says people put pictures in it to amember important stuff, like me! Look here, I am too adorable!

[Howard screams, and a clip from "Famous Babies "is shown.]

Angelica: Babies and Gendermen! Angelica Pickles (1991) is proud to resent Angelica Pickles (1991) (1991)!

[A clip from "Junior Prom" of Angelica wearing her prom dress is shown, then a clip from "Looking For Jack", where Angelica smiles with spaghetti sauce on her face is shown, followed by a clip from "Beauty Contest", where the Little Miss Lovely Crown is put on Angelica's head. After that, a clip from "Psycho Angelica" where a pizza falls on Angelica's head is shown. Angelica grunts as the pizza lands on her head, then a clip from "Spike the Wonder Dog" where Angelica is sitting on a picnic table and talking to Cynthia is shown.]

Angelica: What's that, Cynthia? Oh, thank you, I am a genius.

[A clip from "The Santa Experience" of Angelica falling down the hill on her sled is shown in reverse, making it look as if she is going up the hill. Angelica screams as she goes up the hill, then a clip from "Tommy's First Birthday" is shown of Angelica with Tommy in one arm and pulling Chuckie into her other arm. She smiles, then a clip from "The Family Tree" where Angelica is talking to Tommy is shown.]

Angelica: Sometimes I wish I could be you, just so I could be friends with me!

[A clip from "Psycho Angelica" of Angelica at her Psycho Booth is shown.]

Angelica: For I am the great Angelico, your psycho friend!

[The camera zooms out on the photo.]

Angelica: Hey!

[The album turns the page, revealing pages with pictures of Tommy and Chuckie. Tommy's page has pictures from "Tommy's First Birthday", "Beauty Contest", "Naked Tommy", and "America's Wackiest Home Movies", while Chuckie's page has pictures from "Chuckerfly", "Chuckie vs. The Potty", "Tricycle Thief", and "Two By Two". ]

Angelica: Oh! What's to amember about cousin Tommy? He's nothin' but trouble!

[As Angelica talks, The camera zooms in on the picture of Tommy wearing a wig from "Beauty Contest", then moves over to the picture of Tommy in his overalls from "Tommy's First Birthday" and the picture from "America's Wackiest Home Movies", where Tommy squirts cheese from a can on Stu's camera and giggles. A clip from "Baseball" is shown, where Tommy falls from the air as he grabs the baseball, then spins.]

Tommy: Whoa, whoa!

[A clip from "America's Wackiest Home Movies" is shown, where Tommy and Spike scratch themselves, then Spike licks Tommy and Tommy giggles. A clip from "Beauty Contest" of Tommy riding his rocking horse is shown, followed by a clip from "Potty Training Spike" where Tommy kicks his ball. After that, a clip from "Baseball" is shown of Tommy squeezing his hot dog bun, hoping to catch the hot dog in his mouth, but it misses. A clip from "Toys in the Attic" is then shown as Tommy peeks out from a pile of clothes, with a pink hat with a yellow feather on his head, followed by a clip from "Together at Last" of him, Chuckie, and Lil as the camera zooms in on him.]

Tommy: I got a idea!

[A clip from "Chuckie Vs. The Potty" of Tommy playing in a pile of toilet paper and giggling is shown, followed by a clip from "The Art Fair", where he tosses green paint at the camera. After that, a clip from "Tommy's First Birthday" is shown of Tommy riding around on Stu's Hoverama.]

Tommy: Whoa-ho!

[A clip from "Passover" of Tommy as Moses parting the Red Sea is shown, followed by a clip from "Barbecue Story", wherein Tommy talks to Chuckie, Phil, and Lil.]

Tommy: A baby's gotta do...

[As Tommy talks to Chuckie, Phil, and Lil, his diaper tape comes undone, causing his diaper to fall down.]

Tommy: What a baby's gotta do!

[A clip from "Naked Tommy" is shown, wherein Tommy, having already taken off his diaper, pulls up his shirt, tosses it aside, and climbs onto Spike to ride on his back.]

Angelica: "And lookie here, he's startin' trouble again!"
Chuckie: Don't think I haven't noticed, Tommy, you're all totally nakie!
Tommy: So, what's wrong with that?

[The camera zooms out on the photo, then moves up to a picture of Chuckie looking up at the sky and smiling from "Chuckerfly", then to a picture of Chuckie sitting on his potty from "Chuckie Vs. the Potty".]

Angelica: Finster's got real problems! Lookie here!

[The camera moves down to a photo of Chuckie holing his balloon from "Tricycle Thief".]

Chuckie: I put a penny up my nose once.

[A clip from "A Very McNulty Birthday" is shown of Chuckie popping a balloon by sitting on it, followed by a clip from "Autumn Leaves" of Chuckie playing in a pile of leaves. Following that, a clip from "Two By Two" of Chuckie trying to catch two butterflies is shown, followed by a clip from "The Seven Voyages of Cynthia" of Tommy and Chuckie laughing as they play in the water.]

Angelica: I think he's off his cracker.

[A clip from "Chuckie's First Haircut" is shown of a hypnotized Chuckie acting like a duck.]

Chuckie: Quack, quack quack! Quack, quack quack, quack!

[Tommy, Phil, and Lil all gasp. Susie then rings a bell, and the hypnotized Chuckie acts like a cow.]

Chuckie: Moo!

[A clip from "Chuckerfly" of Chuckie laughing as he chases a butterfly onto a flower is shown, then the butterfly flies away as he tries to grab it. A clip of Chuckie from "Chuckie Vs. the Potty" is then shown.]

Chuckie: I'm not scared!

[A clip of Chuckie screaming as he rides a wagon filled with items the other babies put in it from "Garage Sale" is shown, followed by a clip of Chuckie screaming from "The Box", and a clip from "Tricycle Thief" is shown of Chuckie shuddering as he holds his balloon that Cynthia is tied to. The clip from "Chuckie Vs. the Potty" then continues.]

Chuckie: I... I just don't want to be potty-trained, that's all!

[A clip from "Chuckie's First Haircut" of Chuckie screaming in a barrel of hair as the camera zooms in on him is shown, then the clip from "Chuckie Vs. the Potty" finishes.]

"Chuckie: It's just not right!"

[The album turns the page, revealing pictures of Angelica, Phil, and Lil on the next page. Angelica's pictures are from "Tommy's First Birthday", "Runaway Angelica", "America's Wackiest Home Movies", and "Angelica's Twin", while Phil and Lil's pictures are from "Susie vs. Angelica", "The Smell of Success", "Twins' Pique", and "Clan of the Duck".]

Angelica: "Mom calls these pictures 'A fall down Memory Lane'. She must have banged her head! Why else would she want to keep amemberin' stuff like this?

[As Angelica talks, the camera zooms in on the picture of her from "Amercia's Wackiest Home Movies", then moves past the picture of Angelica in Spike's doghouse from "Angelica Runs Away", until it reaches the picture of Angelica as "Ballina" from "Angelica's Twin".]

Angelica: Well, I'm sure there's lots of things you babies like about Angelica, too!
Chuckie: Well, uh... there was... uh... nope.
Tommy: Not really.
Phil: No.
Lil: Uh-uh.

[The camera moves up to the picture from "Susie Vs. Angelica" of Phil and Lil smiling.]

Angelica: Oh, this just gets me! What's so special to amember about these two? Just cause there's two of em' and no one knows which is which!

[As Angelica talks, the camera moves over the picture from "The Smell of Success" of Phil and Lil laughing, and down to the picture of Phil and Lil in their pajamas from "Twins Pique".]

Phil and Lil: Why can't they tell us apart?!

[A clip from "The Carwash" of Tommy, Phil, and Lil making faces is shown, followed by a clip from "Attention Please" where Phil and Lil giggle as they stomp in a puddle of juice. After that, a clip from "Clan of the Duck" of Lil showing off her skirt is shown, then a clip from "Twins' Pique" of Phil and Lil playing in the mud. A clip from "Moving Away" of Angelica talking to Phil and Lil is then shown.]

Angelica: Say, haven't I seen you two at the park?
Lil: Were we eating worms?
Angelica: Mmmm, yeah, I think so.
Lil: Yep.
Phil: That was us.

[A clip from "In the Dreamtime" of Phil eating a worm is shown.]

Angelica: Talk about strange. Yuck! They're weird!

[A clip from "Two By Two" of Lil holding two worms is shown, followed by a clip from "Susie Vs. Angelica" where Phil and Lil spit. The camera zooms out on the photo, then cuts to a picture of Angelica driving her car from "Runaway Angelica".]

Angelica: Isn't this fun? I knew you'd all think so.

[The camera moves to a picture of Angelica pointing angrily from "Driving Miss Angelica", then to a picture from "Down the Drain" of Tommy taking a bath.]

Angelica: Even havin' Baldy,

[The camera moves to a picture from "Reptar 2010" of Chuckie covering his eyes.]

Angelica: Finster,

[The camera moves up to a picture from "The Family Tree" of Phil and Lil sitting.]

Angelica: and the twins in here's okay,

[The camera moves over to a picture from "Tricycle Thief" of Susie with her tricycle.]

Angelica: But why would anyone want to have memories of Miss Know-it-All?

[The camera moves down to a picture from "Meet the Carmichaels" where Susie introduces herself to Tommy.]

Susie: My name's Susie, what's yours?

[A clip from "Junior Prom" of Chuckie giving Susie a flower is shown, followed by a clip from "Angelica's Ballet" of Susie dancing ballet.]

Angelica: Just when I had those babies in my crutches, she comes along and spoils everything!

[A clip from "Susie Vs. Angelica" of Susie racing Angelica is shown, followed by a clip from the same episode where the two characters first meet.]

Susie: Leave them little kids alone!
Angelica: Oh, yeah? Who's gonna make me?
Susie: Me!
Angelica: Oh, yeah?
Susie: Yeah!
Angelica: Oh, yeah?
Susie: Yeah!

[Angelica and Susie growl. A picture from "Garage Sale" of Drew, Lou, Stu, Didi, and Betty on Tommy's front lawn is shown, followed by a picture of Spike and Cynthia's wedding from "The Seven Voyages of Cynthia", a picture from "Weaning Tommy" of Didi holding the Mr. Tippy sippy cup, and a picture from "Home Movies" of Stu waving to the camera before he and his family leave for their trip to the Grand Canyon.]

Angelica: This should be my photo album! What's so important about all of these other peoples? I mean, Really!

[A clip of Dil drooling from "The Magic Baby" is shown, followed by a clip of Dil giggling from "Angelica's Twin".]

Angelica: All Dil does is drool, so who needs a picture of that?

[A clip from "Angelicon" of Kimi climbing the ladder and staring at a butterfly is shown, followed by a clip from "Changes for Chuckie" of Chuckie and Kira giggling and Kira kissing Chuckie's forehead.]

Angelica: And Finster's sister, Kimi, and his new mom, Mrs. Finster, is too new to have to take a picture to remember!

[A clip of Tommy and chuckie hugging a filthy Spikefrom "The Seven Voyages of Cynthia" is shown.]

Angelica: And Spike doesn't do nothin',

[A clip of Spike and Fifi sharing a gooey pizza slice from "Rugrats in Paris: The Movie" is shown.]

Angelica: And neither does his girlfriend, Fifi!

[Clips from "Acorn Nuts & Diapey Butts" of Lou and Lulu sleeping are shown.]

Angelica: And since all Grandpa Lou and his wife, Lulu do is sleep, who'd want a picture of that?

[A clip of Reptar rampaging through New York City from "Reptar 2010" is shown.]

Angelica: And Reptar?

[A clip of the Robo Reptar scratching his butt from "Rugrats in Paris: The Movie" is shown.]

Angelica: Sheesh!

[As Angelica continues talking, the following pictures are shown; a picture from "The Legend of Satchmo" of Lou, Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Angelica looking up at the night sky, a picture from "Dayscare" of Didi talking to Chas and Kira, a picture from "Tricycle Thief" of Phil, Lil, and Susie looking at Susie's wrecked tricycle, and a picture from "Mirrorland" of Tommy looking at his reflection in the mirror.]

Angelica: You know, these pictures aren't worth rememberin' if you ask me,

[As Angelica continues talking, the following pictures are shown; a picture from "Angelica Breaks a Leg" of Charlotte on her cell phone, another picture from the same episode of her and Drew dropping Angelica off at Tommy's house, and another picture from the same episode of Angelica smiling.]

Angelica: But like my mommy says, "There's other peoples in the world besides me", but not as pretty, of course.

[As Angelica continues talking, the following pictures are shown; a picture from "Tommy's First Birthday" of Stu and Didi hanging a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" banner over Tommy's crib, a picture from the same episode of Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil wearing party hats, a picture from "Chuckerfly" of Stu, Didi, and Betty looking down at Dil, and a picture from "When Wishes Come True" of Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil running towards Angelica.]

Angelica: And some things actually happened when I wasn't around that she thinks we'll want to look back at someday!

[A clip from "Beauty Contest" of Angelica blinking is shown.]

Angelica: Whatever! At least she saved the best for last! Ha ha ha ha!

[The camera zooms out on the picture, revealing pictures from "Junior Prom", "Angelica's Twin", "Angelica Breaks a Leg", "Runaway Angelica", "The Seven Voyages of Cynthia", "The Santa Experience", and "Moving Away". The Rugrats theme song finishes as the album closes, ending the featurette.]
