Rugrats Wiki
The Lamp Gallery Transcript

[The short opens on a view of the Pickles' household as it zooms in on the house. It then cuts to inside onto Angelica who's standing in the living room as she's standing in the playpen. Tommy is seen sitting at a mini desk meant to be a judge's table and Chuckie is seen sitting next to him in a chair meant to be the witness stand.]

Angelica: All right, I admit it! I'm the one who broke the lamp and I don't care! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

Tommy: But why Angelica? Why did you do such a bad thing?

Angelica: Why? I'll tell you why.

[A flashback begins as Angelica starts explaining. She is seen walking down the hallway looking around on the floor. Angelica then walks forward and peeks around the corner to see Phil and Lil playing around Tommy's lamp as they play Ring around the Rosie. Chuckie looks afraid as he watches the twins as Angelica seethes angrily just watching them herself. Seeing the Halloween mask, Angelica picks it up and puts it on. Angelica then scares Chuckie as he runs away screaming leaving Angelica alone with the lamp.]

Angelica: It all started in the hallway. I was looking for a crayon so I could draw on the wall, and blame it on you Tommy, ha ha ha. And then I saw him, Chuckie sitting there by the closet watching Phil and Lil play some stupid little game, the kind of game babies play but don't invite the bigger better kids to play which really makes me mad. So, I found your Halloween mask lying on the ground, Tommy.

I picked it up and put it on and then I attackled. Chuckie yelled like a fraidy-cat and ran away. That's when I saw it, that stupid clown lamp with its stupid face, and its goofy nose, and that stupid smile. I wanted to make sure he never smiled again.

[Angelica's hand is then seen reaching for the lamp as Angelica knocks it over to the ground as it shatters. The flashbacks ends as present day Angelica is shown again.]

Angelica: That's right, I did it, and I'd break it again if I had the chance! But you know what? There's nothing you babies can do about it 'cause you can't talk, ha ha ha! I did it! I did it! I did it!

Didi: Angelica!

[Angelica turns around to see Didi and Betty glaring sternly at her as she tries to convince them that she didn't do what she said she did.]

Angelica: Oops. I didn't do it! I didn't do it!

Betty: We heard the whole thing, Angelica.

Didi: So you broke the lamp, young lady! Well, you can just sit in the kitchen with us until your father gets back.

[Didi picks up Angelica and carries her off into the kitchen as the babies run up to the fence of the playpen to watch. The scene then fades away into the backseat of a car as Angelica is seen in her car seat holding her Cynthia doll. Drew and Charlotte are seen in the front as they glare at Angelica through the rearview mirror.]

Drew: Did that timeout help you learn your lesson about breaking Tommy's things?

Angelica: It sure did Daddy! (to Cynthia) Next time, don't tell anyone.

[The scene fades away as the short ends.]
