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The Future Maker Gallery Transcript

"The Future Maker" is the first segment of the eighth episode of the first season of the 2021 series of Rugrats. It premiered on Paramount+ on October 7th, 2021.

Characters Present


Angelica uses the face filters on her phone to trick Susie into thinking she's going to turn into a taco. - Description from Paramount+


In a fantasy of the babies, Spike is a gigantic, Godzilla-like monster. Tommy, a masked superhero, gasps, saying that Dog Monster is eating up the whole Empire City. He says they have to stop them and Phil and Lil try to activate "stuper twin powers" but only succeed in bumping into each other. Chuckie comments that he wishes somebody had told him before they started playing the game that there was a dog monster in it. Tommy asks what his superpower is, and he replies that it's running and hiding. "Mostly hiding," he comments as the dog monster roars at him, doing just that. Susie activates a shield and Tommy starts to levitate. Back in the real world, Didi lifts Tommy up, telling the kids that it's time to take a picture.

Inside Tommy's house, Angelica asks Drew if she can play with his phone, saying that she wants to practice poses for the picture. He agrees, but then pulls another phone out of his pocket, telling her to "take Mommy's." She starts snapping selfies. Meanwhile, the rest of the family has gathered. Charlotte reminds them that it's the official portrait for her city council website, saying that she's rebranding herself with the slogan "Charlotte Pickles (1991) (1991): Of the People." She says that this is where they come in, that they're people. She asks Jonathan to explain further and he says that they couldn't get real people on such short notice. He says he'll call them when he's ready. Angelica complains to Charlotte that about the "drooly babies" being in the photo, but she replies that they don't discriminate based on age or attractiveness. Angelica then heads outside, telling the babies that they're not going to be in the photo. Tommy says that it's too bad, that his Mommy says he looks adorable in pictures. Chuckie asks why they can't be in it, and she replies that it's only for people and everyone knows that babies aren't people. Phil and Lil seem to accept this, but Susie points out that babies grow up to be people. Angelica sighs, saying that it's usually true, but not for them. Tommy asks what they will be, and Angelica uses an app on the phone to alter their appearances, claiming that it's the "Future Maker." She makes Tommy into a dog and Chuckie into a ghost. Susie, however, seems disappointed by whatever it is she sees. Angelica leaves, asking if they see now why they can't be in her Mommy's picture.

As Spike re-enters the backyard, the babies return to their fantasy. In the fantasy, the babies have now taken on powers based on their "Future Maker" forms. Tommy is "Dog Boy" and has dog running powers. Lil is a rainbow unicorn, while Phil is an alien named Laser Mouth. Chuckie is a ghost that is able to turn invisible. Susie declares that she'll stop Dog Monster. She has a giant taco head. As Spike sniffs her, she breaks out of the fantasy, saying that she was going to use her shield, but now she's a taco and she doesn't think tacos have superpowers. The babies tell her that tacos do lots of super things, Phil suggesting that one of them could throw itself at the bad guy and knock him over. Then he says that's hamburgers instead. Annoyed, Susie says that she's just going to sit and think about it while the babies keep playing. Back inside, the adults are starting to lament the delay in taking the photo and Angelica whines about the same thing. Drew tells her that he knows it's boring, but the picture has to be perfect, just like Charlotte. Charlotte tells him he's given her a brilliant idea, asking Jonathan if it's possible to simply "suggest" the presence of people in the photograph, but have it really all be her. He waves a finger at her.

Outside, the babies chase happily after Spike, while Susie sits in despair. Just then, Foster enters the yard and Susie is cheered up by seeing him. She tells him that she's a taco now and can't do any of the superhero stuff like the other babies. He licks her and she hugs him, saying that he loves her the way she is, but then he runs off to the others. In the fantasy, the babies have succeeded in getting Dog Monster on his belly, Tommy saying that his doggy powers told him that he just wanted a belly rub. Chuckie goes visible, but just then, they hear a crashing and Foster enters the fantasy, Tommy declaring him to be "Mega Puppy, Dog Monster's evil sidekick." Chuckie goes invisible again as Dog Monster runs off and Mega Puppy starts knocking down buildings. Chuckie suggests that they need a really big bone. Dog Monster and Mega Puppy start chasing each other. Laser Mouth tries to stop them, but Mega Puppy simply shakes off the attack. In the real world, Chuckie is licked all over by Spike, who laments that he thought being invisible would stop this from happening to him. Tommy calls it a tight spot. Susie re-enters the fantasy, saying that he's going to have to find her taco powers. She lures the dogs, calling herself "Taco Tuesday," and tosses chips at the dogs, giving the other babies an opening. Chuckie circles Mega Puppy and gives him a belly rub, while Phil and Lil take down Dog Monster with a combined attack. The babies cheer Susie.

Back in the real world, Susie comments that regardless of what she is, she can still help her friends. Tommy says that he thinks the Future Maker was wrong and they be whatever they want they become people. Back inside, Charlotte declares that it's finally picture time. The other adults, however, save Jonathan and Drew, have fallen asleep. Betty wakes with a start, asking what's going on. The scene changes and everyone is finally gathered together. Jonathan takes the picture, but everyone crowds in, causing Charlotte herself to be completely obscured. Looking at the picture on her official website, Charlotte asks if she's even in it. She complains to Jonathan that she wanted to be "of the people," not "behind the people." He points out bits of her that can be seen. Angelica grabs the phone, which depicts her with a giant poop head after she accidentally hits a button. "Wait, I'm a what?" she asks.


  • Foster reappears for the first time since "New Puppy."
  • The face filter app that Angelica uses on the babies is a parody of Snapchat.