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The Finster Who Stole Christmas (Episode) Gallery Transcript

"The Finster Who Stole Christmas" is the ninth episode from Season 2 of All Grown Up!.

Characters Present

Character Mentioned

Characters Introduced


As the holiday season approaches, Chuckie is dreading another forgettable Christmas. In order to liven things up, he accidentally steals a great tree (to replace the lame one his dad has picked out). When he discovers that the whole community is after the thief, he hatches a plan to set things right.

Meanwhile, Kimi and Kira end up stuck in Mexico after trying to fly home from Japan.


  • Tommy: Maybe later.
  • Dil: Um, acid reflux.
  • Chuckie: I'll try one. (Takes one of the cups of fig latte, and sips one; he then lays back in his chair, and sighs in relaxation)
  • Lil: (impressed) Chuckie, wow! Since when are you the brave one?
  • Chuckie: What can I say? I'm full of Christmas spirit this year. Heehaw. (Drinks more of the sample)
  • Phil: Hey, speaking of brave, did you guys hear about that Christmas tree that was stolen the other night?
  • Tommy: Where?
  • Phil: Right in front of the house on Greenfield.
  • Chuckie: (spits out the latte in shock, and wipes his mouth) Stolen?
  • Phil: Yep. The Hillickis. (Steps down from the stool) Well, I guess that's one family that won't be having a merry Christmas this year.
  • Susie: What kind of person steals the symbol of love and human understanding? (Glares angrily, with her arms crossed) Sicko!
  • Chuckie: (looks around nervously)
  • Betty: I say we double up on our neighborhood watch. Flush 'em out of town like the vermin they are!
  • Chuckie: 'Scuse me. (Runs to the bathroom, one hand on his stomach and one over his mouth; the others vaguely hear him puke in the bathroom)
  • Betty: Looks like a big no for the fig latte.

  • Kimi: Where's our luggage?!

Chuckie: Fine, I'll go. But not without one of these! (Leaps across Santa's lap, and snatches a candy cane from the box)

  • Phil: What's wrong, Chuckie?
  • Lil: I've never seen you like this... it's kind of attractive.
  • Chuckie: (In a nightmare) Who... who are you?
  • Voice From a Pine Tree: You know me. (Tree catches on fire) The burning bush guy...
  • Tommy: (Eating Chaz's gingerbread) This is some rockin gingerbread!

  • Kimi: (To Kira) I'm proud of you for keeping your cool.
  • (Kira opens cab door and a boy gets in)


  • Like in "Baby Sale" from Rugrats, Kira's strength is shown when she pulls a man out of a taxi, she and Kimi were trying to take in Mexico to get back home to California.
  • It is also shown on this episode that Kira can also speak and/or understand Spanish.
  • When Lil says, "I've never seen you like this... it's kinda attractive," to Chuckie, it is a sign that she has a crush on him.
  • Even though this is a season 2 episode, CBS All Access (now named Paramount+) marks it as a season 3 episode.
  • This episode marks the fourth time Chuckie is shown as a Rugrat in All Grown Up!. The first time was in "Truth or Consequences" through a home video, the second time was in "Project Chuckie" through a flashback, and the third was in "Curse of Reptar" in Tommy's dream.
  • Although this is the first time, he's shown as a "baby-baby" in All Grown Up!.
  • It's also the second time Kimi is shown as a Rugrat, the first being "Truth or Consequences".
  • Chuckie refers to Kira by her first name instead of any motherly term. This is normal for kids with adoptive parents and stepparents.
  • While Chuckie and Tommy are watching all of the Finster Christmas videos, Melinda is briefly seen in one video.
  • Several times in this episode, God is mentioned. This is one of the rare instances in a Nicktoon where religion is openly addressed.
  • Susie says nothing rhymes with the word "dreidel", but there are several words that rhyme with it.
  • The title of the episode is a reference to How "The Grinch Stole Christmas".
  • Chuckie’s biological mother and Chas’s first wife, Melinda Finster makes a brief appearance in one of the old home movie clips when Chuckie was a “baby-baby”.
  • The Santa Claus from "Babies in Toyland" makes a cameo at the Java Lava Coffee House when he’s walking out the door and later at the mall when he’s on the throne talking to a little boy.
  • Ending Tagline: "What can I say? I'm full of Christmas spirit this year. Heehaw." - Chuckie

External links
