Rugrats Wiki
The Crawl Space Gallery Transcript

"The Crawl Space" is a Season 9 episode of Rugrats.

Characters Present[]

Characters Mentioned[]


Angelica tells the babies that they have to stay in the crawl space forever.


Didi wants Stu to clean up the living room for Boris and Minka's visit, which includes putting the toys away. As a joke, Stu says that because of its name and the fact it would make the place tidier, it sounds as if you could put the babies into the crawl space. Hearing this, Angelica banishes the Rugrats to the crawl space, where they could play there, while Angelica has the living room all to herself, to the displeasure of Susie. Meanwhile, Stu invents an automatic plant waterer, but when he accidentally bumps his head, he leaves, and the Rugrats take the plants into the crawl space. When Stu returns, he thinks that he is losing his memory. Furious that the whole "universe" is gone, Angelica finds the crawl space and banishes the Rugrats out of the crawl space, angering Susie, who sides with them. Stu sends the Rugrats back into the living room. Suddenly, he catches Angelica playing in the crawl space and, furious that the plants are messed up, scolds Angelica and makes her do the work. Susie plays with Cynthia, while an in-trouble Angelica hands back the toys to the Rugrats.


  • This episode could or could not be considered a goof as the babies (except Kimi and Dil), met and became friends in "Moving Away." However, Chuckie mentioned back in "Showdown at Teeter Totter Gulch" that he met Tommy when Tommy was only eight days old. As many episodes debunk it, the flashback in "Moving Away" could well be a false memory, as many episodes seem to debunk that episode's version of events.
  • Spiffy played an alien in Angelica's game.