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The 'Lympics | Gallery | Transcript |
Boy: All right, mcnulty brothers
Let's go!
And one
And two
And nine
And seven.
Come on, you babies.
You call those jumping jacks?
You make me sick.
Now, that kid knows how to treat babies.
Come on, cynthia.
Let's go introduce ourselves.
My name's angelica.
I'm four... Well, almost.
Timmy mcnulty, four and a half.
All right, mcnultys, drop and give me six, let's go!
Mm... An older toddler-- I like that.
I like the way you handle your babies.
We're practicing
For the olympics.
So we can play against the greatest athletes of the world.
And win some gold medals...
Like this one.
Hmm, that's nice.
So, you want to play?
Me and cynthia were thinking
Of having a tea party, and...
Boys don't have tea parties
And we definitely don't play with dolls.
Fine, go ahead and play your stupid 'lympics.
See if I care.
Come on, cynthia.
Dumb boy.
We don't need him, anyway.
Cynthia: hmm...
Babies... Yes!
Hello, babies, what ya doing?
Digging holes.
Want to dig with us?
Gee, thanks, tommy, um... It's awful nice of you to ask
But me and cynthia are going to play 'lympics.
See you later.
Three, five, two...
Wait, angelica!
We want to play 'lympics, too.
[Quietly]: yes!
[In normal voice]: hmm... Gee, tommy
I'd love to invite you to play
But the 'lympics is only
The most greatest game in the world
Where athletes from different countries
Like russia and france and ohio
Try to win the gold medal.
That sounds great, angelica.
We want to try and win the gold medal.
We do?
I could train you
But it might take years, even months, of hard work.
I don't have that much time, angelica.
I have to take my afternoon nap.
Then we'll just have to work fast.
You see those babies over there?
Faster, babies, faster!
If you want to win the gold medal
That's who you have to b*at.
They don't look like they're having very much fun.
Who said anything about fun?
This is the 'lympics.
Now, do you want to win the gold medal or not?
Sure we do!
Both: yeah!
Okay, then start exercising.
Angelica: two, and three, and four, and eight...
Come on, you babies, keep up!
No, no, no!
Can't you babies do anything right?
Feet apart, jump, clap.
Timmy: well, well, well...
What have we got here?
Oh, hello, timmy.
Come to watch me and my babies
Train for the 'lympics?
Is that what you call it?
Did you hear that, mcnultys?
They're training for the 'lympics!
Yes, we're training for the 'lympics.
All right, you babies, drop and give me six.
Six what, angelica?
"Six what?"
Oh, that is good!
Angelica, maybe you and your babies
Better stick to dolls and tea parties.
You listen to me, timmy mcnulty.
My babies are just as good as your babies.
And we could b*at you anytime.
Stop laughing, you, you...
You boy, you.
Sorry, angelica, but you got to admit
The idea of your babies b*ating my babies is pretty funny.
Well, if you think it's so funny
Then why don't you put your mommy where your mouse is?
Cute anddumb.
I'm talking about a 'lympic contest
Between your babies and mine.
You got to be kidding!
My babies would cream your babies.
Besides, what would we get if we win?
How about if my babies win, I get your gold medal
And if your dumb babies win, you get
My gold medal.
[All gasp]
Angelica, that's the gold medal
Your mommy gave you for your birthday.
I have my reasons, tommy.
[Romantic harp music playing...]
[Fanfare playing...]
So, let the games begin!
Okay, everybody...
The firstest event is the spinning baby dash.
We'll spin the merry-go-round
Till you babies get dizzy.
Then you race to the dirt pile
Pick up a rock
And bring it back.
The first baby to return with their rock is the winner.
Okay, babies, start spinning!
Both: whoa... Whoa!
[Both groaning]
[Other children yelling...]
[Cheering and yelling]
So, timmy, what do you think
Of me and my babies now?
Dumb luck.
Wait till the next race.
Way to go, tommy.
You won.
[Dazed]: uh... I did?
Hey, that doesn't look like a rock.
Hey, it's a dirt clod.
Ha! A dirt clod?
Your dumb baby couldn't even find a rock in a dirt pile.
You lose.
Oh, tommy...!
All right, babies, this next event is the water ballet.
["The blue danube" waltz playing...]
[Both giggling]
[Fanfare playing]
[ "La cumparcita" tango playing...]
[Fanfare playing]
Yeah! All right!
Angelica: okay, everybody.
After two contests, the 'lympics are tied.
The winner of this event takes home the gold medal.
And since you picked the last event
It's my turn to pick this one.
And I say it will be a relay race
And you've got to use all your babies.
Tommy, I don't want to play 'lympics no more.
I'll lose and then it will be all my fault
That we don't get the gold medal.
You have to play, chuckie.
The whole team is counting on you.
Whatever happened to the days
When a kid could enjoy the simple pleasures
Of digging a hole in the sand?
Okay, babies, this isn't just a game anymore.
Oh, no, it's a whole bunch of games.
And these games...
What, chuckie?
I have to go potty.
You can't go potty till after the race!
[Fanfare playing...]
Angelica: on your marks!
Get set!
Both: go!
[Twins giggling]
Angelica: we're gonna win
The 'lympics!
I know you can do it!
Hey, give me some of that, lillian.
Get your own, phillip!
No, I saw it first, lillian.
No, I did!
I did!
I did!
Looks like your babies
Found something better to do.
What do you think you're doing?
Hey, look what just fell out of the sky.
It's cherry.
I don't care what flavor it is.
Get going!
You're losing the race.
[Children yelling...]
[Both yelling]
Let's go find that popsicle.
Good idea!
Go, go, go...
Psst! Hey, kid!
Over here.
Dead lizard!
Teddy, yeah, let's go!
Hey, what the...?
Hello, timmy.
Hey, I didn't find any dead lizard.
Dead lizard?
Teddy, you get your little baby butt back in the race.
Angelica, you were cheating.
I'm cheating?
What about you, popsicle boy?
Okay... From now on, nobody cheats.
Both: fine.
[Children yelling and cheering]
Angelica: go, go! Faster, faster!
Come on, teddy!come on, tommy!
Angelica, I really have to go potty.
I told you, chuckie, after the race.
It's up to you to win the gold medal.
Yeah, chuckie, it's up to you to win the gold medal...
For me.
[Both yelling]
[Other children cheering]
Chuckie, winning this gold medal
Means more to me than anything in the world.
But, angelica, I really, really have to go...
I know, potty, but you can't go till you win the race.
The faster you run, the sooner you get to go.
All right!
We win the 'lympics!
I win! I win!
I get the gold medal!
Hooray for me!
What do you think about me and my babies now?
I got to hand it to you, angelica
You b*at us fair and square.
I just hope that someday I get to wear the gold medal.
Ah... It could happen.
[Fanfare playing...]