Rugrats Wiki
The 'Lympics Gallery Transcript

"The 'Lympics" is a Season 4 episode of Rugrats.

Characters Present[]

Characters Introduced[]


It's the Rugrats vs. The McNultys in various athletic challenges as they battle for each other's gold medals. - Description from Klasky Csupo


The babies are all playing in the park. Angelica notices a toddler ordering a group of babies to exercise and admires the way he handles "his babies." She introduces herself to the boy, and he introduces himself as Timmy McNulty. He tells Angelica that he and his younger brothers are training for the "'Lympics." Angelica asks Timmy to join her and Cynthia for a tea party. Timmy laughs and says boys don't do things like that. Angelica is insulted and leaves. But, seeing Tommy and his friends gives her an idea. She approaches the babies and asks them if they want to play 'Lympics with her. She tells them that if they beat the McNulty's, they can get a gold medal. Everyone but Chuckie is excited about the medal, but they all start exercising.

Timmy notices that Angelica is training her group and goes over to investigate. Angelica explains that she and her babies are training for the 'Lympics, which makes the McNulty's laugh. Timmy and Angelica both claim "their" babies and themselves to be better than the other. Angelica suggests that she and Timmy organize a 'Lympics event in the park. As the prize, Angelica and Timmy bet their special gold medals. Tommy says that Angelica shouldn't bet her medal, since it was a personalized birthday gift. Angelica, staring dreamily at Timmy, says she "has her reasons" for doing this.

The first event is the Spinning Baby Dash. Tommy and Teddy are selected to compete. The two of them are seated on the merry-go-round, and the other babies spin the ride as fast as they can. Once the babies are dizzy, they run to a nearby rock pile, grab a single rock, and race back to the starting line. Tommy falls behind due to his dizziness, but eventually he outpaces Teddy and beats him back to the merry-go-round. Angelica's team congratulates him, but the twins notice that Tommy's rock looks weird. Phil touches it and it falls apart. The rock was just some packed dirt and makes Timmy's team the winner by default.

The second event is a Water Ballet. But instead of water, the competitors are doing a routine in a mud puddle. Ty and Todd go first. It starts out well enough but eventually devolves into a mud-throwing fight. Timmy even gets hit with the mud. The McNulty twins bow and exit the puddle. The Deville twins go next and perform something of a mud-tango. This earns the DeVille's a round of applause from everyone. Angelica's team wins the event.

It is time for the final event. The 'Lympic games are tied, and Timmy chooses the last event: a relay race where all the babies must participate. Each racer will pass their bottle onto the next baby to complete their leg of the race. Chuckie is nervous, as he doesn't want to mess up and cost the team the medal. In addition, he needs to go to the bathroom. Angelica says that he can't go until after the race. The babies get into position on and around the jungle gym. The Deville and McNulty twins start with a wheelbarrow race over the see-saws. Timmy and Angelica cheer for their babies, but while Angelica's back is turned, Timmy spots a half-melted popsicle in the grass. He throws it in Phil and Lil's path, and they stop to eat it. Angelica notices they stopped and takes the popsicle, then orders them to hurry and finish their part of the race. The McNulty twins pass their bottle to Teddy, and he takes the lead. Once Phil and Lil hand their bottle to Tommy, they go to eat the rest of the popsicle.

Angelica gets an idea to slow down Timmy's team. Once Teddy passes part of the jungle gym, she approaches him from a bush and tells him there is a dead lizard nearby. Teddy wanders out of the jungle gym, and Timmy sees him. Angelica comes out of the bush, followed by Teddy, who says he couldn't find the lizard. Timmy orders Teddy to get back in the race and accuses Angelica of cheating. Timmy and Angelica agree that there will be no more cheating from either of them.

Tommy and Teddy go down the tube slide, and toddle as fast as they can towards Chuckie and Terry. Chuckie again tries to ask Angelica if he can go potty, but Angelica says that he can't until the race is over. Chuckie pleads, but Angelica says that if he runs really fast, he'll be able to get to the bathroom that much faster. Tommy hands his bottle off to Chuckie, but by the time Terry touches his bottle, Chuckie has bolted off. He quickly runs across the jungle gym, down the metal slide, and through the ball pit. He crosses the finish line but doesn't stop until he reaches the men's bathroom. Angelica's team has won the 'Lympics.

Later, all the babies are playing together in the sandboxes. Timmy and Angelica watch from nearby, having a tea party. Angelica asks Timmy what he thinks of her and her babies. Timmy admits that they are fierce competitors and wishes he could win the gold medal someday. Angelica feels it is possible and has a daydream; Timmy is wearing Angelica's gold medal, and signals for the babies to lift and carry Angelica around on a litter with her face on it.


  • When revealing her age, Angelica says she is "4, almost". This implies that this episode takes place after "Angelica's Birthday" from the previous season.
  • This episode marks the first appearance of the McNulty brothers. Timmy was set up as a male rival for Angelica, while his younger brothers were rivals for the main cast of babies.
  • In this episode, Chuckie first independently uses the public restroom.
  • The McNulty boys have a lighter skin color in this episode, though in later episodes their designs are changed, and their skin color is darker.
  • This is the first episode featuring Tara Strong.
  • The music the McNulty twins mud dance to is Johann Strauss' "The Blue Danube", while Phil and Lil do a tango to the Uruguayan tango piece "La cumparsita".
  • This episode (along with "America's Wackiest Home Movies") aired on Nicktoons for the final time on June 28, 2021.
  • Morals: Use the bathroom before a chain of events starts. Don't let fear get in the way of having fun.

Video Clip[]


Chuckie Needs His Afternoon Nap Rugrats NickRewind
