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Sweet Dreams Gallery Transcript

"Sweet Dreams" is a Season 8 episode of Rugrats.

Characters Present[]


In this episode, we get to see what the Rugrats dream about. Tommy dreams he's Okey-Dokey Jones, while Kimi dreams she's a circus acrobat, Lil dreams about being on a flying mudpie, and Phil dreams he's on a giant toad. But what about Chuckie? When he can't remember what happened to his dream, will the Rugrats help him find it? - Description from Klasky Csupo


At a sleep-over at Tommy's house, the Rugrats have vivid dreams, except for Chuckie, whose dream was virtually blank. Later, when the Rugrats decide to play-act what they dreamed about, Chuckie says that he lost his dream, so he has the other Rugrats go looking for it.

Meanwhile, Chas has a mid-life crisis, as his life is now perfect—except for his long-time job as a bureaucrat. At Kira's recommendation, they decide to go into a business of their own, eventually deciding on buying a coffee shop and running it themselves.

Also, Stu wins a radio station trivia contest, in which he is rewarded with tickets for two to a Dream Boaters reunion concert. But the excitement turns to panic when he misplaces the tickets.


  • Chronologically, this episode is meant to come before "The Fun Way Day", as this is the episode in which Chas and Kira announce that they'll be going into the coffee-shop business, complete with a look at the shop before its remodeling. Confusingly, though, this episode came long after "The Fun Way Day" in both production and airing order for unknown reasons.
  • "Koibito" is a Japanese saying used only if you truly mean the other, is your love; only said to a lifelong partner.
  • Kimi dreamed she was an acrobat, Tommy dreamed he was an explorer, Phil dreamed he was on a flying frog chasing a mud pie, and Lil dreamed she was on a flying mud pie chasing a frog.