Showdown at Teeter Totter Gulch | Gallery | Transcript |
(The episode begins in a parking lot. Lou, who is wearing a cowboy hat, is pulling a wagon that Tommy and Chuckie, who are also wearing Cowboy hats, as well as cowboy holsters, are riding in.)
- Lou: "In the old days, wagon trains fifteen miles long blazed these very trails for months at a time, hot and thirsty, looking for land to call their own."
[The camera moves from Lou to Tommy and Chuckie.]
- Chuckie: "Are we almost there, Tommy? We must have been riding four whole minutes!"
- Tommy: "Yeah, but it'll be worth it, Chuckie. I bet you this new playground is really, really big and got lots of room to play, and plenty of sand. Sand to call our own!"
- Chuckie: "Oh! I hope so!"
- Lou: "Yes, Sir, in those days, if a man was going to stand for the right thing, he had to be a real tough hombre!"
[As Lou continues talking, Chuckie opens his sippy cup, only to find there is only one drop of juice left in it, which falls out.]
- Chuckie: "Tommy, I'm hot and thirsty!"
- Tommy: "Don't worry, Chuckie! I bet you we're almost there!"
- Lou: "Of course, those were the days when a man was only as good as his word! And most fellas didn't know more than three of em'! 'Yep', 'Nope', and 'Howdy'!"
[Lou tips his hat as he passes by some parents.]
- Lou: "Howdy! Get wild Bill Hickock to fill in little circles with a Number Two pencil!"
[Lou gasps, then Tommy and Chuckie gasp as well.]
- Tommy and Chuckie: "Wow!"
[As Lou talks, the camera moves past the El Dorado playground, which is a playground resembling the old west.]
- Lou: "Jumping Jehoshaphat!"
[The screen transitions to the next scene, where Lou picks Tommy up out of the wagon and sets him down beside him, then does the same to Chuckie.]
- Lou: "There you go, cowpokes!"
[Lou walks away, pulling the wagon behind him. He then sits down on a bench, reaches into his pants pocket, and pulls out a knife and a block of wood. He whittles for a second, then falls asleep, snoring. Tommy and Chuckie pass by a blonde-haired boy in a pink shirt, a pair of blue overalls, and a blue baseball cap, who giggles and tips his hat at them.]
- Chuckie: "Boy, these kids sure are friendly!"
[Tommy and Chuckie pass by a brown-haired boy in a grey shirt, black shorts, and a pink hat, who tips his hat at them.]
- Tommy: "Hey, look!"
[Tommy points to a building that resembles a cantina. In front of it is a dark-skinned boy in a pink shirt and red overalls standing next to a tricycle and drinking from a juice box, and near the cantina is a boy with brown hair in a yellow shirt and a diaper riding a bouncing horse, and giggling as he rides it. A dark-skinned boy in an outfit nearly identical to the other one comes out of the cantina. Tommy and Chuckie run excitedly towards the cantina as Belinda, a blonde-haired girl in an orange dress, peers out the window.]
- Belinda: "Howdy!"
- Tommy: "Howdy!"
- Chuckie: "Howdy?"
[Tommy and Chuckie walk into the cantina, where the brown-haired boy in the yellow shirt and diaper is sitting at a table, drinking from a juice box, and a brown-haired boy in a pink shirt and blue pants, is sitting on a barstool, drinking from a juice box. Belinda is now standing behind the bar.]
- Belinda: "You two are new around here, ain't you?"
- Tommy and Chuckie: "Mmm-hmm."
[Tommy and Chuckie nod their heads, "Yes".]
- Belinda: "Thought so. My name's Belinda."
- Tommy: "I'm Tommy, and this here is Chuckie."
- Belinda: "You look thirsty. What'll it be?"
[Tommy and Chuckie look at each other, then back at Belinda.]
- Tommy and Chuckie: "Apple juice?"
[Belinda reaches into the cooler and pulls out two apple juice boxes, which she then sets on the bar.]
- Belinda: "Coming up!"
[As Belinda sets the apple juice boxes on the counter, Chuckie points at the bandage on her shoulder.]
- Chuckie: "Wow, that's a nasty boo-boo!"
[Tommy points at the bandage.]
- Tommy: "Yeah, how'd you get that?"
- Belinda: "Um, somebody pushed me."
- Tommy: "Really? Who'd want to do something like that?"
- Belinda: "I... I don't want to talk about it."
[Tommy and Chuckie put their straws in their juice boxes and drink the juice inside.]
- Belinda: "Hey, want to go play on the monkey bars?"
[Tommy and Chuckie set their juice boxes down on the bar in agreement. In the next scene, Chuckie is climbing on a rope next, and grunts as he gets tangled up in it. Tommy then climbs up a metal pole, and grunts as he slides down it. Chuckie is now pedaling a tricycle, which Belinda is sitting atop. She giggles as she rides it. Belinda then giggles as she crawls through a tunnel. The camera zooms in on her mouth, which is used as a transition to the next scene, where her, Tommy, and Chuckie are digging in the sand.]
- Tommy: "This playground is great!"
- Chuckie: "Yeah!"
[Just then, the high noon bell rings. All the other children gasp and run away. Belinda then stands up.]
- Belinda: "Uh-oh! I got to go!"
[Tommy then stands up.]
- Tommy: "Where are you going?"
- Belinda: "Home. It's almost no shadow time."
[Chuckie then stands up.]
- Chuckie: "What's 'no shadow time'?"
- Belinda: "You know when the sun gets really high and the shadows go away?"
[Belinda points up to the sun, then down to the shadows of her, Tommy, and Chuckie.]
- Tommy: "Yeah."
- Belinda: "Well, that's when the Junk Food Kid comes round'!"
- Tommy and Chuckie: "Who?"
- Belinda: "The Junk Food Kid. The meanest toddler around! Everyone's afraid of the kid!"
- Chuckie: "Maybe we'd better go, Tommy!"
- Tommy: "Naw, come on, Chuckie! How bad could one kid be?"
[The other children continue running away as Prudence, A.K.A. the Junk Food Kid, walks in. She has brown hair and wears a yellow shirt and a black dress. She is holding a chocolate bar in one hand, and a popsicle in the other. Tommy and Chuckie gasp as she walks up to them.]
- Prudence: "Well, if it isn't Goldilocks! And who are these? Your two bears?"
[Chuckie gulps and trembles in fear. Prudence points her chocolate bar at Belinda.]
- Prudence: "I thought you were smart enough to stay away when I came around, but I guess with all that curly hair on your head, there's no room for any brains!"
[Tommy walks up to Prudence and pushes her arm away from Belinda.]
- Tommy: "Hey, you leave her alone!"
[Prudence snarls at Tommy.]
- Tommy: "Please?"
[Prudence walks up to Tommy.]
- Prudence: "How old are you, kid?"
[Prudence licks her popsicle.]
- Tommy: "One."
- Prudence: "Well, if you want to live to be one and a half, you'd better git!"
- Tommy: "But we just..."
[As Belinda tries to warn Tommy about Prudence, Prudence continues licking her popsicle.]
- Belinda: "Be careful, Tommy!"
- Tommy: "We want to play here!"
[Chuckie walks up to Prudence.]
- Chuckie: "If that's all right with you, Miss Junk Food Kid, Ma'am."
[Chuckie removes his hat.]
- Prudence: "Well, it ain't! Now, get out of here!"
[Prudence looks around, but Tommy, Chuckie, and Belinda don't move.]
- Prudence: "What are you waiting' for?"
- Tommy: "We're waiting for you to take your foot out of our bucket, so we can keep playing!"
[Tommy points down. Prudence looks down and sees that her foot is in a bucket. She kicks it off, then walks up to Chuckie and smacks his face with her chocolate bar. Chuckie grunts and falls over. When he gets up, he sees that he has a DUB-L-BAR imprint on his cheek.]
- Chuckie: "Aaah! I've been branded!"
[As Tommy tries to help Chuckie up, Prudence sneaks up behind him and shoves her popsicle stick down the back of his diaper.]
- Tommy: "Yeow, it's cold!"
[As Tommy runs around grunting, with his hands down the back of his diaper, Prudence starts laughing evilly.]
- Belinda: "Hey, that's not funny!"
[Belinda walks away as Prudence takes out a piece of bubble gum. She chews it and blows a bubble. She then sneaks up behind Belinda and tosses the Bubble into her hair, causing it to splatter all over it. Belinda puts her hands on the gum in her hair and starts crying. As Prudence walks away, Tommy pulls the popsicle stick out of his diaper. He then looks over at Belinda crying, then at Chuckie.]
- Chuckie: "What are we going to do, Tommy?"
- Tommy: "There's only one thing we can do."
[Tommy and Chuckie look at Belinda, then tears roll down from their eyes.]
- Tommy and Chuckie: "MOMMY!!!"
[Belinda walks up to Tommy and Chuckie, and all three of them start crying together. The screen transitions to the next scene, which takes place in Tommy's bedroom as Spike howls at the moon. Tommy is in his crib, remembering the day's events.]
- Belinda: "The Junk Food Kid! The meanest toddler in town!"
- Lou: "Real tough hombres stood for the right thing!"
[Prudence's face appears above Tommy, who is lying in his crib, holding a toy guitar.]
- Prudence: "If you want to live to be one and a half, you'd better git!"
[As Prudence's face disappears, Lou's face appears above Tommy.]
- Lou: "The right thing!"
[As Lou's face disappears, Prudence's face re-appears.]
- Prudence: "Looking' for a fight?"
[As Prudence's face disappears, Lou's face re-appears.]
- Lou: "The right thing!"
[Lou's face disappears.]
- Lou: "The right thing!"
[Tommy turns the handle on his toy guitar, which plays Pop Goes the Weasel. The screen then transitions to the next scene, where Lou is once again, pulling the wagon with Tommy and Chuckie in it, across the parking lot.]
- Lou: "Yep, this whole area out here was full of desperados!"
[As Lou continues talking, Chuckie talks to Tommy.]
- Chuckie: "Tommy, why are we going back to the park? I don't like the park!"
- Tommy: "Chuckie, we have to stand up to the Junk Food Kid if we want to be tough omelets!"
- Chuckie: "Oh. Tommy?"
[Chuckie taps Tommy's shoulder.]
- Tommy: "Yeah?"
- Chuckie: "Do we want to be tough omelets?"
- Tommy: "Yeah! I think so."
[As Lou talks, he pulls the wagon into the playground.]
- Lou: "I tell you; they were an ornery bunch of bandits!"
[The screen transitions to the next scene, where Lou picks Tommy up and sets him down outside the wagon, then does the same with Chuckie.]
- Lou: "Okay, partners!"
[Lou walks away, pulling the wagon with him. Chuckie looks around.]
- Chuckie: "Okay, she's not here! I guess we can go home now!"
[Chuckie tries to walk away, but Tommy grabs him by the sleeve of his shirt and pulls him back.]
- Tommy: "Aw, come on, Chuckie!"
[Tommy and Chuckie walk up to the monkey bars and see a brown-haired boy in a green shirt and purple pants climb across them.]
- Belinda: "Hi, Tommy. Hi, Chuckie."
[Tommy and Chuckie gasp when they see Belinda, who had her hair cut. They walk up to her as she waves sadly at them.]
- Tommy: "Belinda! What happened to your hair?"
- Belinda: "(crying): My Mommy had to cut it up cause' of all the gum!"
- Chuckie: "Wow! You're almost as bald as Tommy!"
[Chuckie grabs Tommy's hat, and Belinda starts crying. Tommy then walks up to her and puts his hand on her arm.]
- Tommy: "Aw, don't cry, Belinda!"
- Chuckie: "Yeah, don't cry!"
- Tommy: "Chuckie and me will make sure that Junk Food Kid stays out of your hair!"
- Chuckie: "Or what's left of it!"
- Belinda: "Tommy, look!"
[Belinda points down, and Tommy and Chuckie look down and see their shadows are about to disappear.]
- Chuckie: "Uh-oh! It's no shadow time!"
[Belinda gasps.]
- Belinda: "We got to hide!"
- Chuckie: "Come on, Tommy! Let's get out of here!"
[Chuckie puts his hand on Tommy's arm, but Tommy flinches in disapproval.]
- Tommy: "No!"
[The other children gasp when they hear this. Tommy walks up to them.]
- Tommy: "It's a free playground, and... and... and I'm going to tell the kid she's got to leave us alone!"
- Children: "Yeah!"
- Tommy: "I'll show her we're not a-scared of her!"
- Children: "Hooray!"
- Tommy: "And all of you are going to stay here and help me!"
[The other Children stop cheering. The dark-skinned boy sticks his finger in his ear.]
- Tommy: "Or not."
[The other children run away, but Chuckie and Belinda stay with Tommy, who looks back at them.]
- Tommy: "Aren't you going to hide, too?"
- Belinda: "Nope, we're staying! We're with you, Tommy!"
- Chuckie: "Besides, all the good hiding places are taken!"
- Tommy: "Thanks, guys!"
- Belinda: "So, what do you want us to do?"
[Tommy points at Chuckie and Belinda.]
- Tommy: "You two cover me from the monkey bars, and Chuckie?"
[Tommy walks up to Chuckie.]
- Chuckie: "Yeah?"
- Tommy: "If things go wrong, get her out of here!"
[Tommy pushes Belinda's arms towards Chuckie's. Tommy walks away, and Chuckie and Belinda walk away in the opposite direction.]
- Belinda: "That Tommy. He's not like other babies!"
- Chuckie: "Nope. I didn't meet Tommy till' he was eight days old. I don't know what happened to him during those first eight days, but he sure don't like to see people get pushed around!"
[Tommy walks up to the playground and looks around. He walks forward as the high noon bell rings, and birds circle under the sun, screeching. Tommy looks down and sees his shadow is no longer there as the high noon bell continues ringing. Prudence walks in, twirling a candy cane. She puts it in her mouth and sucks on it.]
- Prudence: "I thought I told you not to show your sorry hide around my playground!"
- Tommy: "I'm not sorry, I won't hide, and this isn't your playground anymore!"
- Prudence: "Says who?"
- Tommy: "Says me! This playground is for good kids who get along and play nice!"
[Prudence sucks on her candy cane, then takes it out of her mouth.]
- Prudence: "'Play nice'? I'll show you 'Play nice'!"
[Prudence tosses her candy cane, which lands in front of Chuckie and Belinda, who both gasps. Prudence then takes out a piece of chewing gum and puts it in her mouth. She chews on it. Belinda covers her eyes with her hands.]
- Belinda: "I can't look!"
- Chuckie: "Aw, this is nothing'! He's been in worse trouble than this! Once, he got his tongue stuck to an ice cube!"
[Belinda uncovers her eyes.]
- Belinda: "Wow!"
[Tommy stares angrily at Prudence. They walk towards each other, and the dark-skinned boy gasps and runs away. The other children hide and run away as Tommy and Prudence continue walking towards each other. Prudence inhales and blows a bubble.]
- Belinda: "Do something, Tommy! Do something!"
[Tommy is revealed to have the popsicle stick from yesterday's encounter in his holster and pulls it out.]
- Tommy: "One more blow, and I'll pop it to pieces!"
[Prudence swats the popsicle stick out of Tommy's hand.]
- Chuckie: "Uh-oh!"
[As Prudence continues inflating the bubble, Tommy gasps. Chuckie looks down and sees the candy cane Prudence tossed aside. He picks it up.]
- Chuckie: "Tommy! Catch!"
[Chuckie tosses the candy cane at Tommy, who catches it. He pops Prudence's bubble with it, and the bubble covers Prudence's entire face. Prudence then starts crying and pulls on the gum.]
- Prudence's Mom: "Oh, look at you!"
[Prudence's Mom walks up to Prudence and picks her up.]
- Prudence's Mom: "Oh, I could kick myself for letting you have that gum, Prudence!"
[Prudence's Mom carries Prudence away.]
- Tommy: "Prudence?"
[The children walk up to Tommy and start cheering for him for successfully defeating Prudence.]
- Chuckie: "You did it, Tommy! You stood up to the Junk Food kid! I knew you could!
[The camera moves up to Belinda, and Tommy blushes. The children continue cheering, and the screen transitions to the next scene, which takes place in the same playground the next day. Tommy, Chuckie, and Belinda are digging in the sand, when Prudence walks up to them. They all gasp when they see her. All the other children gasp and stop playing. Prudence is revealed to have had her hair cut, and is holding carrot sticks, some of which she is eating. She hides them behind her back. Tommy points at her]
- Tommy: "Hey, kid, what you eatin'?"
[Prudence pulls out her carrot sticks. As she talks, Prudence is revealed to be much-more soft-spoken, apparently having realized how the other children felt when she bullied them.]
- Prudence: "Carrot sticks. Anybody want one?"
[Prudence hands out her carrot sticks.]
- Tommy: "Sorry, I only got one tooth."
- Belinda: "Prudence, would you like to play with us?"
- Prudence: "Okay!"
[Prudence sit down, and the other children continue playing. Chuckie stands up.]
- Chuckie: "Welp, looks like everything's back to regular here!"
[Tommy stands up, and dusts the sand off.]
- Tommy: "Yep. I reckon it's time for me to go!"
[Prudence runs up to Tommy and puts her hands on his arm.]
- Prudence: "Go? You can't go!"
- Tommy: "Gotta go. Sometimes, a fellow's just gotta be movin' on!"
- Belinda:" Movin' on?"
- Tommy: "Yep! I'm heading home to have myself a juice, snuggle with my blankie and go nap-nap!"
- Belinda: "Are you ever comin' back?"
- Tommy: "Could be!"
- Belinda: "But when, Tommy, when?"
- Tommy: "I don't know, maybe tomorrow!"
[Belinda smiles as Tommy tips her hat at her. He and Chuckie walk away. Belinda sighs.]
- Belinda: "That Tommy. He's one tough omelette!"
[Tommy and Chuckie walk out the entrance to the playground as the sun sets. The screen fades to black, ending the episode.]