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Rugrats I Gotta Go Party Cover

Rugrats: I Gotta Go Party is a 2002 game based on the Rugrats series developed by Eurocom Entertainment Software and published by THQ.


Tommy Pickles plays a game of hide and seek with his brother, Dil, his frenemy, Angelica Pickles (1991), his dog Spike (1991) and his friends, Chuckie Finster, Phil DeVille and Lil DeVille, and Kimi Finster (1991).


The player helps Tommy find the characters and unlocks mini party games for each Rugrat. When you get the satisfactory score, you get a cookie, if you don't, the game takes one away. The mini games range from bouncing bones, catching cookies and slide puzzles. Upon winning, you get a ranking. The better you do, the better your title. The ultimate title being "Top Toddler".



  • Angelica's Cookies: Angelica has knocked a jar of cookies into the air and you have to help her catch them. Catching a cookie scores a point, but catching a spider freezes her for a few seconds. Win by catching at least 20 cookies in the time limit.
  • Vertically Challenged: Help the babies grab treats on top of the fridge by stacking them up like a tower. You'll have to help them stay upright by tapping the control pad. More points will be scored as the meter rises. Win by scoring at least 41 points.
  • Spike (1991)'s Bowl: Help Spike have his food and water when prompted, by using the proper controls. Win by reaching at least 41%.

Living Room[]

  • Spike (1991)'s Slalom: Guide Spike down a slalom course by passing red and blue fire hydrants on either side; missing results in a time penalty. Win by reaching the goal in less than 36 seconds.
  • Spike (1991)! Catch the Bones!: Help Spike bounce his bones across the room as they are thrown by Dil, catching them by dropping them into his food bow. Win by catching at least 16 bones in the time limit.
  • The Toy Shelf: Memorize the locations of each of the toys on the shelf prior to getting knocked off by Spike, then place them back in the right spots. Win by placing at least 4 toys before time runs out.


  • Worm-Mazing: Guide the worm through a maze of squares, by rotating the squares around to form a path to end up in Phil's hand. Win by accomplishing in less than 34 seconds.
  • Which Piece Fits?: Solve a 9-piece jigsaw puzzle by placing and rotating the pieces to form the hidden picture. Win by placing at least 4 pieces before the timer runs out.
  • Sandbox Blues: Try to dig more sand in the sandbox than the others. Win by lacing 2nd or better.

Dil's Bedroom[]

  • Where's Cynthia Gone?: Watch Angelica as she drops Cynthia in a cup and they get shuffled around; you then have to press the button to select the cup with Cynthia in it.
  • Odd One Out: You are given three different poses of each of the Rugrats and the goal is to pick the one that is different from the others. Win by getting at least 15 correct.
  • Breaking Blocks: Solve a puzzle of blocks by removing at least two of the same. Others will then fall into place. Win by removing at least 33 blocks.

Front Porch[]

  • House Hunting: Find the character in the box by pressing the button of the window they are in. There is one at first, but later on there are multiple characters in different windows at once. Win by finding at least 12 characters before the timer runs out.
  • Reptar Racing: Race against Reptar wagons in a Mario Kart-style race. Win by placing 2nd or better.
  • Phil's Mud Pie: Help Kimi make mud pies for Phil as how he requests, by pressing the buttons to stack worms, grass, and mud. Win by making at least 5 pies within the time limit.


  • Reptar Rapids: Steer the Reptar raft down a river while collecting bottles to score points. Win by scoring at least 20 points before the end of the river.
  • Organize the Toys: Help Tommy sort his toys into the right toy boxes. Win by sorting at least 8 toys before time runs out.
  • The Round Maze: Guide Tommy's ball through a round maze by rotating it to collect stars and score points. Win by grabbing at least 10 stars before time runs out.


  • It's Raining Worms!: Help Phil catch the worms thrown at him by Lil, but avoid the rocks as they make the worms fall out. Win by catching at least 12 worms before time runs out.
  • Lost Bones: Help Spike find the bones he hid in the dirt by digging. If an arrow is found, the color indicates how many squares away the bone is; green is one square, yellow is two squares, and red is three or more squares. Win by finding six bones within the time limit.
  • Jump the Toys: Mash the A and B buttons to pull back on the trigger and launch the reptar wagon over a pile of toys by adjusting the ramp. Win by jumping at least 5 meters.

Tommy's Bedroom[]

  • Match Up: Play a game of concentration by flipping over cards and matching the pictures. Win by matching at least 4 pairs before time runs out.
  • Cookie Chase: Run through the maze to collect the cookies before your opponents do. Win by collecting at least 49 cookies.
  • Flip 'N TWist: Watch as the two-sided picture gets scrambled, then twist the pieces across to match one of the two pictures. Win by placing at least 8 pieces before time runs out.


You can find Rugrats: I Gotta Go Party gallery here.
