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Rat Traps Gallery Transcript

"Rat Traps" is the eighth episode of Season 4 of All Grown Up!..

Characters Present[]

Characters Introduced[]


When the gang sneaks into a PG-13 movie at the mall "Labyrinth Guy" (Parody of the video game The Matrix: Path of Neo), Angelica catches them, and she has excellent blackmail fodder. The mall then closes with them locked inside with two robbers, who are hoping to steal some charity money. Chuckie saves the day with inspiration from the movie.


  • Chuckie: Woohoohoo! [whistles] Neon rocks!
  • Angelica: Finster? [Chuckie pauses in shock and terror] Finster? Pickles? Pickles? DeVille squared? In a PG-13 movie?? Oh, this is bea-ut-iful!
  • [The pre-teens react with fear]


  • This episode marks the second time Chuckie has his hair in a ponytail. The first time is in "Chuckie's in Love".
  • The entire gang was punished after their parents learned they snuck into a PG-13 movie and in addition to that, the entire gang was also punished for missing their curfew to play in an unsupervised mall. But the reason why they missed their curfew in the first place was because Angelica made them miss their bus to make them get food for her after she caught them watching the movie.
  • If the gang would have gone home from the mall in the first place like they were supposed to, then Cliff and Flynn would still have all the camp fundraising money without anyone knowing.
  • Tommy suggests pulling the fire alarm in order for the gang to get rescued from being locked in the mall. However, in reality, that would actually be considered a false alarm since fire alarms are meant to be used in case of a fire. Therefore, Tommy would be in a lot of trouble than he and his friends already are at the end of the episode.
  • This and River Rats are the only episodes of All Grown Up without subplots.
  • Ending Tagline: "Hey, lady! I know how much those shoes cost." - Angelica
  • Just before Chuckie imagines himself in Neon's place in Labyrinth, the theater lights are on. After the movie ends, they are back off.
  • This episode is similar to the 1990 20th Century Fox movie, "Home Alone", starring Macaulay Culkin. If anything, instead of the title of it being "Rat Traps", it should've been called "Mall Alone" because of the fact that the kids were at first being stuck inside the mall and having fun, and then setting up booby traps to defeat the two robbers afterwards, just like Kevin McCallister (played by Macaulay Culkin) did in the 1990 film.
  • Cartoon Logic: How did Cliff know Chuckie's name?