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Rachel, Rachel Gallery Transcript

"Rachel, Rachel" is the third episode from Season 4 of All Grown Up!.

Characters Present[]

Characters Introduced[]


While attending Hebrew school, Tommy meets Rachel, and falls deeply in love with her. In a series of flashbacks, we learn that Tommy's affection for Rachel parallels the courtship of Boris and Minka. In order to impress Rachel, Tommy lies by telling her that his father is a rabbi.


  • How can Tommy forget about the girl he got his first kiss from so quickly? Olivia in "Fear of Falling".
  • In this episode, Tommy lies effortlessly but is an obvious liar in "Wouldn't it be Nice?".
  • Tommy mentions his old Screwdriver when Rachel asks him for his knowledge on tools.
  • Kimi, Angelica, and Susie are absent in this episode.
  • Chronologically speaking, this episode takes place before the events of "R.V. Having Fun Yet?," as Tommy and Rachel are already a couple.
  • This episode marks Minka Kropotkin's only physical appearance in All Grown Up!; she was previously mentioned in "Blind Man's Bluff."
    • This episode also marks her last appearance in the original Rugrats franchise prior to the 2021 reboot.
  • It revealed in this episode that Boris and Minka celebrate their 52nd anniversary, which means that they got married in 1949-early 1950s, if you consider that the episode took place in 2001-2002. Boris says that after he left the Old-Country for New York, where he found Minka, five years had passed until they got married, which means that they first met each other in 1945, so they were already approximately 28-ish (Minka) and 29-ish (Boris).
  • Dil creates his own religion known as "Dil Pickleism".
  • This is the only All Grown Up! episode to air in 2006.
  • Ending Tagline: "You know Super Monkey Pummel 6? That's mine."


  • Tommy: But I don't want to go to Hebrew school, Mom.
  • Didi: This is not negotiable, Tommy. I want you to know your heritage.
  • Tommy: None of my friends have to go to Hebrew school. I hate it!
  • Didi: No, they go to Sunday school, and they hate it, too!
  • Dil: Is this Rachel?
  • Tommy: Yeah, how did you know?
  • Dil: She just looks like a Rachel.