Psycho Angelica | Gallery | Transcript |
"Psycho Angelica", is a Season 4 episode of Rugrats.
Characters Present[]
Angelica becomes a psychic, charging the other Rugrats for her services in payments of toys and cookies. But will her outlandish predictions really come true? - Description from Klasky Csupo
The babies are enjoying some animal crackers. Chuckie worries that he might get a "scary" animal, like a tiger. Tommy tells him that part of the fun of animal crackers is not knowing what you will get. Chuckie says that not knowing what is coming next scares him. Meanwhile, Angelica is playing with Cynthia, and gets hungry and have a hot dog on bun for Friday lunch. She asks Didi for some cookies. Didi tells her no cookies for Angelica, because that the adults have ordered pizza for lunch that should be delivered later that day, if the delivery man ever makes it the two blocks to their house. Didi then asks Stu to give Tommy a bottle before he goes outside to bathe Spike.
Angelica goes into the living room, where Phil and Lil are encouraging Tommy to eat his belly button lint. Tommy tastes it but thinks juice would be better. Angelica tells him not to worry, since Stu is about to bring some. At that moment, Stu comes in with a bottle and gives it to Tommy. After he leaves, Chuckie declares that Angelica's "prediction" was amazing and asks Angelica how she knew Stu would enter with juice. Angelica, greedy and hungry, tells the babies that she is a "psycho" instead of psychic and can see the future. Tommy doubts this, but Angelica then "predicts" that a pizza will arrive. Sure enough, the pizza guy arrives with the food. The babies are all impressed.
Angelica then dresses like a Romanian fortune-teller to get whatever she wants from the babies, like toys and their animal crackers. Tommy still has his doubts and wants Chuckie to play in the sandbox with him. Chuckie asks Angelica what will happen if he joins Tommy. Angelica tells Chuckie he will get sand in his pants, and Chuckie worries. Tommy tells his friends they shouldn't give their things to Angelica and should resume their lives. Angelica feigns concern, saying that she just wanted to help them out, especially with Spike. Stu is taking a dog clean in the wading pool for Spike. She explains that Spike has turned into a snowman and is melting, but since Tommy doesn't believe in her, the dog is doomed. Again, Tommy doubts this, so Angelica calls Spike in from outside. Spike, who was in the middle of a bath, rushes in covered in white suds and is dripping wet. The babies panic and chase Spike around, leaving Angelica free to take the rest of their toys and snacks.
Later, Angelica has eaten all the animal crackers and wants more snacks. Betty and Howard arrive to have lunch and watch the footage from Stu's knee surgery from the hospital. Angelica sees that Howard brought some soft cookies and gets an idea. She heads to the backyard, where the babies are frantically scooping up the suds onto Spike. Angelica tells the babies good and bad news; they have saved Spike from melting, but they are all going to turn into bugs. The babies ask how to stop this, and Angelica "tries" to predict a solution, but claims she is too weak to use her powers. She says the only way they would prevent turning into bugs is giving her the cookies. The babies and Angelica enter the kitchen, and the babies climb on top of each other to reach the counter. Angelica tells the babies over and over that she can see wings and feelers growing from their bodies. Tommy makes it, but everyone hides when Didi enters to get more pizza. Tommy hides behind the pizza boxes but starts losing his footing. Didi moves the cookies onto a kitchen towel, takes some pizza, and leaves. Tommy falls off of the counter, nearly bringing the pizza and cookies with him, but clings to the towel, and lands safely.
Angelica tries scaring the babies into thinking Chuckie's eyes are starting to bug out. Tommy sees Phil and Lil poking Chuckie to make his eyes go back in and realizes how crazy they are all acting. Tommy has had enough and refuses to go back onto the counter, saying that they were happier when they did not know the future. The babies agree, thinking it might be fun to be a bug. Angelica decides to get the cookies for herself. Tommy tries to warn her, but as she pulls the rag, she spills the entire bowl of cookies and the hit by a pizza all over herself and the kitchen floor. She starts to cry. Stu and Didi enter and scold Angelica for the mess. They leave to give Angelica a bath and Stu wonders if they have anything to scrape all the cheese out of her hair. The babies go outside to play in the sandbox. Chuckie is still unsure, but ultimately decides to determine his own future, and puts sand in his pants on purpose. The babies continue their fun in the backyard, making sandcastles.
- This episode was dedicated to the memory of Andy Houts.
- The opening shot is a parody of The Lion King.
- This episode reveals that Stu had a knee surgery at some point in his life, presumably very recently, since Didi mentions that it's been recorded on video.
- The audio of Angelica's cry was later reused in Nicktoons Racing, when she gets hit by pizza. Additionally, that same cry was later heard, albeit faintly on The Splat (now NickRewind)'s "Angelica Pickles (1991) Is 3 Going On 13" video, during a clip from The Baby Vanishes, just as a reverbed Tommy is heard saying "Be careful what you wish for" in the background just before she morphs into her All Grown Up! (season 1) version of herself.
- Even though it is only a malapropism, Angelica uses the wrong word. The correct term for someone who makes predictions is a psychic. The word "psycho" is actually a term used to describe a person who is aggressively insane or their behavior.
- Karma: Angelica pulls a cloth rag only to get hit by pizza despite Tommy telling her not to.
- Moral: Don't believe everything you see/hear, because it may not always be true. Psychics, oracles and prophets are likely faking it.