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Petition This! Gallery Transcript

"Petition This!" is the seventh episode from Season 5 in the All Grown Up!

Characters Present[]

Characters Introduced[]


Kimi leads a petition drive to ban cell phones in school. Angelica hoodwinks Chuckie into helping her keep cell phones in school through her own petition drive. Kimi gets busted for wanting a cell phone for Christmas. Kimi and Chuckie argue, and Kira and Chas celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary.


  • Chuckie: C-c-contacts? But I can't touch my own eyeballs!
  • Dil: Forget the polls, dude. Follow your heart.


  • This episode reveals Kimi has wanted a phone since she was nine.
  • Though there was no episode in Rugrats, there was a picture shown of Kimi being potty trained.
  • Ending Tagline: "Apathy is a vote! Whatever that means..." - Angelica.
  • How does Angelica know who Chuckie's eye doctor is?
  • This episode is the sixth time Chuckie is shown as a Rugrat in All Grown Up!.
    • This is the third time Kimi is shown as a Rugrat in the series.
  • This episode marks the final appearance of Susie, Angelica, and Kira in All Grown Up.
    • This is the final episode where Susie wears locs.
  • The Wedding scene on the home video is likely unseen footage from Rugrats in Paris.
  • This episode marks the final time Julia Kato voiced Kira in the Rugrats franchise.