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Party Animals Gallery Transcript

[The episode opens with a bird's eye view of the town late at night. A man, named Bucky, is shown driving his car. He holds up his pinkie finger and laughs hysterically. The scene cuts to Angelica's house, where Grandpa Lou is reading her, Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, and Lil a bedtime story.]

Lou: And then Aladdin rubbed his magic lamp three times, and said "I wish I had a Kingfisher 9000 speedboat."

Angelica: Grandpa, that's not what it says!

Lou: Well, he should have wished for a Kingfisher 9000! That's what I would have done!

Angelica: Grandpa...

Lou: Okay, okay, he was wishing to turn a buncha rocks into gold... so he could buy a Kingfisher 9000.

[Angelica sighs.]

Lou: Anyway, all of a sudden, a cloud of smoke filled the room.

[Lou pulls a tab, opening up a pop-up cloud illustration in the book, as he imitates a poof sound. The kids gasp.]

Lou: And when the smoke cleared, the 40 boxes of rocks and sand had changed into 40 chests of gold and diamonds. And then, Aladdin and the princess got into the Kingfisher 9000 and lived happily ever after. [closes the book] The end.

Angelica: Hey, Grandpa, if I get a magic lamp, could I turn Fluffy into a flying horse?

Lou: Ho-ho! Honey, if you had a magic lamp, you could turn Fluffy into a Ferrari!

Angelica: Wow!

[Lou kisses each one of the kids on the heads.]

Lou: Now go to sleep, sprats. I'm going downstairs to see if that little shindig your moms and dads are putting on has started yet.

[Lou turns off the lights and leaves the room.]

Tommy: Boy! A magic lamp that can turn rocks into gold.

Lil: And sand into diamonds.

Chuckie: And mud into dirt.

Angelica: That's not all it can do!

[Angelica gets out of her bed and goes over to her toy chest. She throws several toys aside as she looks through. Tommy approaches her.]

Tommy: Hey, Angelica, what are you doing?

Angelica: Looking for my magic lamp, dummy. What's it look like I'm doing? Why-reka, I found it! [pulls out a lamp] My Little Miss Homemaker battery-operated halogen-style magic lamp.

Tommy: Wow, Angelica, what are you gonna wish for?

Lil: Yeah, are you gonna wish Fluffy was a ferraro?

Angelica: No.

Phil: Are you gonna wish you had a house full of toys?

Angelica: No!

Chuckie: Are you gonna wish that there was no more wars or fighting and people lived in peace and harmony forever?

Angelica: No! I'm gonna wish for something really good!

Tommy: Be careful what you wish for, Angelica, you just might get it.

Angelica: I wish the whole world was like the circus, with all the cookies and candy you can eat, and fun stuff everywhere! And lots of animals and clowns!

Phil: Yeah! And pirates and cowboys...

Lil: And spacemans and gorillas...

Chuckie: And a big moose!

[Everyone looks at Chuckie.]

Chuckie: Just a thought.

[Angelica closes the lid to her toy chest and sets the lamp on top of it.]

Angelica: Well, that's it, the wish is made. Now all's we gotta do is sit back and watch it happen.

[The kids are sitting on the bed, waiting for something to happen.]

Tommy: Nothin's happenin', Angelica.

Phil: Yeah, it doesn't look like that lamp is magic at all.

[Angelica gets off the bed, and angrily picks up the lamp.]

Angelica: This dumb old lamp! It must be busted!

[She throws the lamp across the room and it shatters.]

Angelica: That's it, I'm goin' to sleep, and you little babies better not wake me up! I don't wanna talk no more about that dumb old Aladdin and his dumb old lamp!

Chuckie: [disappointed] No moose?

Tommy: [disappointed] No moose.

[The babies crawl under the covers and go to sleep. Downstairs, the adults are throwing a costume party. The doorbell rings. Charlotte goes up to the door.]

Charlotte: Oh, this is gonna be a wonderful costume party!

[Charlotte opens the door, letting in a guest dressed as a clown.]

Charlotte: Byron, you made it! [a fancy-dressed woman enters] Hello, Melanie, oh, what a fantastic costume. [a couple dressed as skeletons enter] Mr. and Mrs. Holstein! Oh, you lost weight, haven't you?

[The adults are all having a wonderful time at the costume party, having drinks and talking to each other. Stu, dressed as Tarzan, runs into the room, and bangs on his chest, hollering loudly. Tommy is woken up by the yell.]

Tommy: [gasps] Hey, Chuckie, Phil, Lil, wake up!

Chuckie: Huh? What?

Lil: What's wrong, Tommy?

Tommy: Listen! Something's happenin' downstairs!

[They hear Stu's Tarzan yell again.]

Phil: Maybe it's a elephant.

Chuckie: Maybe it's just a TV.

Lil: [gasps] Maybe it's a elephant watching TV!

Tommy: [leaves the bed] There's only one way to find out. C'mon!

Chuckie: Shouldn't we wake up Angelica?

[Phil and Lil get out of bed and run off.]

Tommy: Remember what she said? She don't want to be waked up for nothin'!

[Chuckie and Tommy follow Phil and Lil, leaving Angelica by herself. The babies sneak downstairs to see what's happening. They are astonished by all the people wearing costumes. Tommy points to Stu in his Tarzan costume, with Didi, also wearing jungle attire, standing nearby.]

Tommy: Look! There's Tarzan and his mommy Jane!

Lil: And there's a pony!

Phil: [seeing Betty dressed as a cowgirl] And a cowboy!

Chuckie: [seeing Drew in a gorilla suit] And a monkey!

Lil: Whoa! What's that, Tommy!

[A man dressed as Elvis Presley walks past the babies.]

Tommy: That... is the King.

Lil: [laughs] Whoa, Tommy! The magic lamp must have worked!

Phil: Our wish came true!

Tommy: Everything is different, just like we said!

Chuckie: I don't know, you guys, how do we know if this is really what we wished for?

[A man in a moose costume walks up.]

Tommy: Any more questions?

Chuckie: No.

[Bucky's car stops outside Angelica's house. He rings the doorbell with his pinkie finger, and Didi answers.]

Bucky: Didi! It's me, Cousin Bucky!

Didi: Oh! Cousin bucky. Glad you could make it. I didn't quite recognize you.

Bucky: Well, I put on a few pounds-- or 40! [chuckles]

Where's your costume?

It's in the gremlin. I'll change later. Where's the kids?

They're asleep.

Aw gee! I wanted to play "pull my finger." Hey, do you want to?

No, no, thanks, cousin bucky.

Oh, come on.

I still don't get it.

I'm a well-balanced breakfast-- The four food groups.

Oh, yeah, real clever, chaz.

Hey, the three little pigs!

[ Playing jazz]

[ Gasps]

Should we ask for their autographs?

This is my brother stu. Also known as tarzan, King of the jungle.

I thought King kong is king of the jungle.

You're king of the apes.

"King of the jungle" refers exclusively to tarzan.


Tarzan rules.

Hey, you want to step outside?


[ Knocking]

Hey, Drew, let me in.

Boy! Look at all that juice.

I wish we could get some.

I know. I'll get my mommy to get some for us. Hey, where ismy mommy? I don't see my mommy anywhere.

Yeah, I don't see my mommy neither.

Or daddy, neither!

This is bad, tommy. Real bad.

Don't worry--our my mommies and daddies got to be around here somewhere.

Come on!


No mommies and daddies here.

No mommies and daddies here.

No mommies and daddies anywhere.

But that can't be, you guys. It just can't be, unless...

Unless what, tommy?

Unless when we wished to change the world We changed our moms and dads too.

You mean, our moms and dads are...Them?

Oh, Tommy, why'd we ever rub that lamp? Why'd we ever make those wishes? I wish I had my old dad and my old house and my old life. Tommy, this new world's even scarier than the old one.

Aw, come on, chuckie. It's not that scary.

Bucky: Oh, boy! It's the kids!

[ All scream]

Hey, come back! Pull my finger!

[ All panting]


[ Plates shatter]

Help. Aw. [ Something rips] Uh-oh.

Hey, anybody seen a bunch of babies here?

Sorry, kid.

Say, isn't it past your bedtime?

Chuckie: What are we gonna do, Tommy?! What are we gonna do?!

Tommy: There's only one thing we can do. We're gonna find Angelica's magic lamp, and we got to wish for everything to be right-right again.

Aha! Found you!

[ All scream]

[ Bucky laughing]

[ Groaning]

Hey, let me out!

[ Police sirens wailing]

[ Gasps]

[ Screams]

Hey, fellow.

What are

you doing?

My loincloth has gotten

stuck in this gutter.

Oh, sure, buddy.

I got

locked out.

This is my



And you're the queen

of england.

I'm tarzan,

king of the jungle.

Well, then, tarzan,

why don't you get

Your animal friends

to help you down?



Get out of my way.

I got to go!

But you can't go, angelica.

Oh, yes, I can.

Don't go out there.

It's not safe.

There's spacemen.

And pirates.

Anrd a moose.



We made wishes on your lamp?

They came true.

Very funny.

We're not kidding.

Our parents

are all gone

And there's a giant baby

that's trying to get us.

You dummies, it

was just a dream.

Get out of my way!

Does that look like

the world is different?

I told you

you was dreaming.

[ Snoring]

Where are the clowns?

And the pirates?

Where's the moose?

Maybe angelica's

right, you guys.

Maybe we were


Angelica: Now can I go to the bathroom?

Bucky: Hey! Pull my finger!

[The scene cut to the doughnut shop while Stu is sitting in the back of the police car.]

Policeman #1: And he thinks he's tarzan.

Policeman #2: You know, tarzan, king of the jungle.

Waitress: I thought king kong was king of the jungle. Look at that.

[ People laughing]
