Rugrats Wiki
Party Animals Gallery Transcript

"Party Animals" is the last episode of Season 2 of Rugrats.

Characters Present[]

Characters Introduced[]


Sleeping over at Angelica's house while her parents are having a costume party downstairs, the Rugrats rub a toy "magic lamp" and wish that everything would be different.

- Description from Klasky Csupo


The grownups are having a costume party at Drew and Charlotte's house. Angelica is sharing her bed with Tommy, Chuckie, Phil and Lil. Lou is reading them the story of Aladdin. Angelica is excited by the part where Aladdin made a wish with his magic lamp, and wonders what she could get if she had a magic lamp. After Lou kisses everyone goodnight, he leaves to go downstairs to the party, and Angelica gets out of bed. She takes a toy lamp, which she refers to as her "Little Miss Homemaker" Battery-Operated Halogen-Style Magic Lamp, out of her toy box and thinks it's a "magic lamp" that will grant her wishes. Tommy, remembering his own experience with wishes, advises her to be careful with her wish, as it might really come true. Angelica rubs the lamp and makes her wish: She wants the world to be like the circus, with candy and cookies, lots of fun stuff, and animals and clowns. Phil adds that he would like pirates and cowboys, Lil wants spacemen and gorillas, and Chuckie says he would like a big moose. Angelica puts the lamp down and says they just need to sit back and watch everything happens. They sit and wait, but their wish doesn't appear to come true. Angelica declares that the lamp "must be busted." She picks it up and throws it, causing it to shatter. She goes to bed and tells the babies not to wake her up; she doesn't want to hear any more about Aladdin and his "dumb old lamp". The babies are disappointed that the wish didn't come true, and they also decide to go to sleep.

Downstairs, the party has started. The adults are all wearing a variety of costumes. Stu is dressed like Tarzan. He makes a "Tarzan yell", and the sound travels upstairs and wakes up Tommy. He wakes up Chuckie and the twins, telling them that something is going on downstairs. They all hear Stu's Tarzan call, and Phil thinks it might be an elephant. Chuckie thinks it's probably just the TV. Lil says it might be an elephant watching TV. Tommy says there's only one way to find out, and he has his friends follow him out of bed. Chuckie asks if they should wake up Angelica, but Tommy reminds him what she said about not wanting to be woken up. They leave her to sleep and they go downstairs. Tommy sees Stu and Didi, dressed as Tarzan and Jane, respectively. Phil and Lil notice a pony and a cowgirl (their parents, Howard and Betty). Chuckie points out a "monkey" (Drew in a gorilla suit). None of the babies realize the true identities of the people in the costumes. Lil sees Randy dressed like Elvis Presley and asks who he is. Tommy says it's "The King." Phil, Lil and Tommy think that their wish came true after all; everything is different. Chuckie isn't convinced, asking how they can be sure that this is what they truly wished for. His doubts are removed when a moose walks by.

The doorbell rings, and Didi answers it. The arrival is her cousin, Bucky. He isn't wearing his costume yet, and says he'll put it on later. He wants to see the kids and is disappointed to hear they're asleep; he had wanted to play "Pull my finger" with them. He asks Didi if she would like to play, and she declines.

Drew and Stu get into a disagreement over who has claim to the title "King of the Jungle." Stu says it's Tarzan, but Drew says it's King Kong, and Stu is just "king of the apes". Drew asks Stu if he would like to step outside (ostensibly to fight) but he tricks Stu, and closes the door after him, locking Stu outside.

The babies find some punch and would like to have some. Tommy says he can get Didi to give them some but realizes he doesn't know where she is. Phil and Lil don't know where their parents are, either. Tommy says they must be around somewhere, and he leads his friends off to look. They crawl away, just as it's revealed that Didi is standing right there, getting herself some punch.

Standing outside, Stu sees Drew through the window and knocks on the glass. Drew walks over to the window and closes the shade. Stu sees an open window upstairs and gets an idea.

The babies are unable to locate their parents, and Tommy comes to the realization that, when they made their wish, they must have ended up changing their parents into the costumed characters. Chuckie laments that they ever made the wish, saying that this new world is even scarier than the old one. Tommy doesn't think everything is that scary but changes his mind when they see Bucky standing there, wearing just a diaper. The babies scream and run away, as Bucky requests that they pull his finger. They run under a table, which Bucky crashes into.

Stu is outside a window, hanging off a trellis, but is unable to get anyone's attention. He attempts to climb further up to the open window, but his loin cloth gets snagged on the trellis.

The babies run upstairs, and Chuckie asks what they're going to do. Tommy says there's only one thing they can do; they need to find the magic lamp and wish for everything to revert to normal. Bucky shows up, and they again run away from him. He chases them into the bathroom, where he trips on the bathmat. The babies run out of the bathroom and close the door. A picture beside the door falls down and lands against the doorknob, trapping Bucky inside the bathroom. He rattles the doorknob and calls for the babies to let him out, but they run off back into Angelica's room. They throw a bunch of toys against the bedroom door in an attempt to keep it from being opened.

Using the drainpipe, Stu has managed to reach the open window, but just then, a police car arrives, and a light is shone onto Stu. The drainpipe comes loose, and Stu almost falls, but he ends up having his loin cloth get caught on the drainpipe. He tries to explain to the officers that this is his brother's house, and that he got locked out, but the cops don't believe him, and they mock Stu for calling himself "Tarzan".

In Angelica's room, the babies are lying asleep in front of the blocked door. Angelica wakes up, needing to use the bathroom. The babies try to prevent her from leaving the bedroom, telling her it's not safe: there are spacemen, pirates, and a moose around. Angelica doesn't believe them, and they try to explain that the wish they made on the lamp really came true; their parents are gone, and they're being chased by a giant baby. Angelica tells them that they were just dreaming, and she leaves the room. At the top of the stairs, she points down, to where Drew and Didi are cleaning up and Chas is sleeping on a windowsill (the grownups are no longer wearing their costumes). She asks the babies if it looks to them like the world has changed, and that what she said about them dreaming was true. Tommy figures that perhaps Angelica is right. Angelica walks to the bathroom door and pushes the painting aside that had been lying across the door. The door opens, and there stands the diapered Bucky, who says, "Pull my finger!" Angelica reacts to this with a huge scream.

Stu is sitting in the back of the police car while the cops are inside of a doughnut shop. They, along with the waitress, laugh at Stu and his claim to be Tarzan.


  • This is the first time Charlotte appears without talking on her cell phone.
  • Lou's version of the story of Aladdin mentions the Kingfisher 9000, the boat he tried to win in "Beauty Contest".
  • Drew is dressed up like Thorg, the Gorilla of "Toy Palace".
  • This is the first time Tommy; Chuckie and the twins sleep over together.
  • The audio of Angelica saying, "Get out of my way!" was later reused in Nicktoons Racing.
  • One partygoer is dressed like Krusty the Clown from The Simpsons, which Klasky Csupo had previously worked on for its first three seasons.
  • Randy is dressed as the late singer Elvis Presley. Tommy refers to him as "The King", which references Elvis being known as "The King of Rock and Roll".
  • Chas wears a pun costume, a scale with a box of cereal in one plate, and a bunch of bananas in another. He explains that he is a "balanced breakfast".
  • The music during the credits of this episode is the party music with samples of dialogue taken from the episode.
  • Stu and Drew get into an argument over whether Tarzan (whom Stu is dressed as) or King Kong is "king of the jungle". Technically, each character can be given this title; Tarzan was king of the African jungle, and King Kong was king of the Mentawai Islands' jungle. The Mentawai Islands, on one of which King Kong was born, are near Sumatra. Although King Kong is traditionally depicted as a giant gorilla, it seems more likely that he was a giant Kloss gibbon (the Kloss gibbon is native to the Mentawai Islands).
  • Moral: Be careful what you wish for.


Cousin Bucky: Well, I've put on a few pounds...or 40!

Angelica: There! Does that look like the world is different? I told ya you were dreaming'!

(The babies see Didi and Drew cleaning up after the party, and Chas taking a nap)

Phil: Where are all the clowns?

Lil: Where are all the pirates?

Chuckie: Where's the moose?

Tommy: Maybe Angelica's right, you guys. Maybe we were dreaming.

Angelica: Now can I go to the bathroom?

(The babies nod, and Angelica opens the bathroom door; Cousin Bucky, still in his baby costume, which consists only of a diaper, pops out)

Cousin Bucky: Hey! Pull my finger!

(Angelica shrieks in shock)
