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Okey Dokey Jones and the Ring of the Sunbeans | Gallery | Transcript |
[coin clinks]
KIDS: Cool!
[imitating monkey]
[kids laughing]
[kids laughing]
[kids giggling]
LIL: Phil, the monkey's giving me a diapie rash.
[kids laughing]
GRANDPA: Wouldn't you know it?
The only thing that gumball machine wouldn't give me
is a piece of gum.
But I did get these.
Here you go, sprouts.
KIDS: Wow!
Now, you kids play with your prizes
while Dilly and I find Grandma Lulu
a nice talking bird.
[kids exclaiming]
Army guy?
He doesn't even come with hair assessories.
It's the most prettyfulest prize I ever gotted!
It's okay, I guess, if you didn't get
a really neat, um, superhero doll.
It's sure to be a corrector's item.
I will trade with you.
[birds chirping]
GRANDPA: Hey, Dilly,
Lulu would love that handsome fellow.
He likes me.
Course, I've always had a knack for communicating with animals.
[squawks loudly]
[Dilly laughing]
Must have lost a little something
in the translation.
[blows a raspberry]
Oh, Lil, if you give me your ring,
I'll tell you where I saw a smooshed cricket.
My compass is just like Okey Dokey Jones's.
[all gasp]
Hey, guys, someone's got giant feets with shoes just like mine.
Uh... um...
Never mind.
TOMMY: Hey, guys,
My toy looks like lots of fun.
You know, Lil, you could put the ring by the window
where the sun will make it super-duper sparkly.
Super-duper sparkly?!
[all exclaim]
It's like all the sunbeans is inside it.
Hey, babies, look!
There's, uh, some stuff babies like.
Hey, you gots to give that back.
Oh, yeah?
Who's going to make me?
We gots to get that ring back.
But we don't know where it is.
It's somewhere in with all these aminals.
Okay, there goes my nice, quiet, not scary trip to the pet shop.
Don't worry, you guys.
We'll find the all-powderful Ring of the Sunbeans
or I'm not Okey Dokey Jones.
Not so fast, Okey Pokey Pants.
Whoever wears the Ringof the Sunbeans
gets their wish to come true.
So, as soon as I find it and make my wish,
I, Miss Angelique, will be boss of the world.
[laughing evilly]
We have to stop her, Okey.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
We're the Okey Dokey Jones adventurers.
How hard can it be?
Yah! [whip cracks]
Okay, boy, try one more time.
Repeat after me: "Hi, Lulu."
[whistles and squawks]
Hey, lady, want a date?
How dare you, you rude man!
Dagnab it, that wasn't me.
It was the bird.
What are you looking at?
[blowing raspberries]
[blows a raspberry]
Look, Lil!
This looks like a job for Okey Dokey Jones!
Maybe we should wait till it's nappie time, Okey.
He's kind of a big monkey.
No monkey's too bigfor Okey Dokey Jones.
Uh, except maybe that one.
Why is he doing that?
KIMI: Maybe he's playing blocks.
I hope he doesn't decide to play patty-cake.
[loud thud]
Okay, men, and, um... the ones that are girls,
we gots to climb over those boulders to get the ring
afore Miss Angelique finds it.
Not so fast, Hokey Dopey!
I'm not leaving without the Ring of the Sunbeans.
Give me that thing, fuzz-face.
[babies gasp]
Come on, guys.
We got to get there firstest.
[worriedly]: Oh...
dark scary place,
regular scary place.
Aah! Wait for me!
We gots to hurry, Okey.
Who knows when Miss Angelique will get here?
PHIL: I do.
[all gasp]
There it is!
Out of my way!
[cries out]
Oh, why did it have to be lizzers?
Follow that lizzer!
Oh, no!
That's the Temple of Lizzers!
But Okey, you're not ascared of nothing.
Well, Lil, there is one thing
Okey's a little teeny bit ascared of.
I'm guessing lizzers.
Okay, let's go home.
ANGELICA: I want to get out of here,
and the Ring of the Sunbeans is going to be mine!
Oh, I hate when this happens!
Okay, guys, we're going in!
This place gots to be a mizzillion years old!
There he is!
I think we're...
I mean, you're going to have to go get it.
They don't call you Okey Dokey Jones for nothing.
You're right, Phil.
And Okey's got to do what Okey's got to do.
Okey, get my ring back!
Oh, I can finally relapse.
ANGELICA: Uh, your mommies are calling you!
Time for dinner!
[babies yelling]
We gots to get out of here!
This way!
Say "ah"!
Aha! Yippee!
Aw... too bad for Okey Dokey and his friends.
Oh, well, time to be boss of the world.
Not so fast, Miss Angelcreep!
Give me that ring!
It's mine!
Now look what you did!
Well, at least now Miss Angelique won't be
boss of the world.
ALL: Uh-huh!
[all gasp]
Dagnab it, get back here!
Well, sprouts, call me crazy,
but I bought this here fellow for Lulu.
He's spunky, ornery and stubborn--
just like her.
And he talks.
Say one of those funny things.
[blows a raspberry]
Not you. You.
[blows a raspberry]
Come on.
Let's see if you come
with an instruction manual.
Oh, it's just as beautiful as I dismembered it.
this is your last and final chance
to trade me the ring for the army guy.
I'm never letting go
of the Ring of the Sunbeans.
Well, I guess I can always put you
in a Cynthia wig and dress.
Going to the pet shop sure was fun.
Pretty good place for make-believe.
Even if it was a little scary.
Yep, I'd say it was Okey Dokey.
[all laughing]
OKEY DOKEY JONES: Oh, why did it have to be lizzers?