Rugrats Wiki
No More Cookies Gallery Transcript

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"No More Cookies" is a Season 3 episode of Rugrats.

Characters Present[]

Character Mentioned[]

Character Introduced[]

  • Angelica's doctor


"After getting sick as a result of eating too many cookies, Angelica swears off them. But will she keep clear of cookie temptation for long?"

--Description from Klasky Csupo


While the babies are hanging out at Angelica's house, Angelica eats an entire jar's worth of cookies. She becomes slightly bloated as a result. When Angelica decides to show the babies how one of her toys works, she gets a stomachache and passes out. Her parents call the doctor, and he says that Angelica should feel better in a day or so. After her parents and the doctor leave, Angelica calls the babies to her bedside, and she makes them promise to never let her eat cookies again no matter how much she begs, pleads, or threatens the babies. At first, they're a little hesitant - one of their reasons being that cookies are Angelica's favorite food - but they ultimately agree.

The next day, however, when Angelica goes over to Tommy's house, she smells a batch of chocolate chip cookies that Didi made and goes to get some. When the babies prevent Angelica from getting any cookies, Tommy reminds her that she made them promise the day before to never let her have cookies again; Angelica admits that she had forgotten. Tommy hides the cookies while the other babies watch Angelica, so she doesn't see where he hides them. While Angelica and the babies are drawing in the playpen, Angelica leaves to go "check on the babies," but then the babies realize that they're the babies.

It turns out that Angelica was looking for the cookies, which Tommy had hidden in his toy chest. Tommy manages to take the cookies before Angelica can eat any and hides them in a different place. Angelica later offers to play hide and seek with the babies (the twins hide under Tommy's crib, Chuckie hides under a blanket and Tommy hides behind a teddy bear). However, Angelica uses this as a ploy to look for where Tommy hid the jar of cookies. After trying but failing to find the cookies, Angelica goes back to Tommy's room, where she reveals that she knew where the babies were hiding the entire time and that she was trying to look for the cookies.

When Tommy points out that Angelica's not supposed to have any more cookies, Angelica admits that she realizes this, but feels she can't live without them, as they mean so much to her. She then reminisces about some of her best times involving cookies:

The first time Angelica ever saw a cookie, apparently, was right after she was first born, when she saw her Aunt Didi holding a cookie in her hand. Angelica tried reaching for it, but Didi told newborn Angelica that she was too young to eat a cookie, which broke Angelica's heart. Newborn Angelica was screaming non-stop.
The first time Angelica is crying non-stop in a stroller. Angelica ate a cookie was when she was in a stroller being pushed by her dad (the face is never shown) and she stole a cookie from another baby who had a cookie in his hand.
When 1 year old Angelica first learned how to walk, she got motivated by seeing her mom set down a plate of chocolate cookies on the living room coffee table, and her first word was "cookie." At age 2, She also remembers the time when she was sharing some chocolate chip cookies with her ragdoll.
In Angelica's present, two experiences she had with cookies at her current age are one time when she tore open a bag of groceries and ate an entire bag of oatmeal cookies and once at Christmas, when she ate the head off of a gingerbread man but put the cookie back in a Christmas Tree where she found it.

After this, Angelica tries getting Tommy to tell her where he hid the cookies. Tommy hesitates at first, but the others say that he probably shouldn't tell her. Chuckie accidentally reveals that Tommy hid the cookies under Grandpa Lou's bed. Angelica finds the cookies, and the babies chase after her and try to get the cookies back.

Eventually, Angelica runs into the laundry room and trips on a basket of dirty clothes, which makes her let go of the cookie jar, and the cookies fly into a tub of soapy water. Chuckie and Tommy point out that Angelica can't eat the cookies now, since they're all wet and soapy, but she jumps in the tub and eats them anyway (even the twins get grossed out by Angelica eating the cookies), saying that she doesn't care.

However, Angelica gets sick from eating the soapy cookies, and angrily yells at the babies to never ever let her have cookies again, just before burping out some soap bubbles as the episode ends.


  • The plot is similar to the SpongeBob SquarePants episode "The Paper", when Squidward says that no matter how much he begs/pleads/cries, SpongeBob shouldn't give him the paper. Angelica and Tommy do the same kind of thing here (Angelica telling Tommy to not let her have cookies, no matter what).
  • Lou never wakes up when Angelica is looking for the cookies on the couch he is sleeping on.
  • Angelica's doctor is voiced by the late Tony Jay, who previously voiced Dr. Lipschitz. Oddly, the credits list Jay as having played Dr. Lipschitz in the episode and not the unnamed medical doctor he portrays here; Lipschitz doesn't appear.
  • Angelica was born in 1988.
  • This episode reveals that Jonathan has been Charlotte's assistant since before Angelica was born.
    • Also, Charlotte was already talking to Jonathan over the phone shortly after Angelica was born, telling him about the baby, and Charlotte even briefly forgot what she and Drew had named her until Drew reminded her that they had decided on the name "Angelica."
  • All the way from the end credits to the Nickelodeon logo, a special instrumental track pertaining to the episode is played.
  • Morals:
    • Too many sweets are not good for you.
    • Don't make rash decisions as you don't know what the consequences will be.


  • In TV descriptions of this episode, Angelica's name is misspelled as "Angela".
  • When Baby Angelica says cookie with a close up, she has full set of teeth at that age.



Angelica's Cookie Withdrawal Rugrats The Splat


A Freak Named Finster Rugrats NickRewind
