Rugrats Wiki
Night Howl Gallery Transcript
Rugrats Short
Night Howl Title Card
Night Howl
Original Airdate May 14, 2021
Previous Short "Tommy's Ball"
Next Short "The Slide"

"Night Howl" is the second short of the Rugrats Shorts. It was released on May 14, 2021 on YouTube and premiered later on Nickelodeon.

Characters Present


Spike wakes up Tommy for a secret nighttime outing to see the full moon.


Spike wakes Tommy by licking his face as Tommy wonders why Spike is there, considering it's "night night time". Spike hands Tommy his screwdriver as he gestures to Tommy to open his playpen, scratching at the lock on the end of the crib. Tommy obliges, opening the playpen, and climbing down as Spike helps him. They both wander out into the hallway as they make their way down it.

The sound of a toilet flushing is heard as Lou Pickles (1991) emerges from the bathroom. Tommy stops and holds out his arm, expecting for his half asleep Grandpa to pick him up. Seeing this, Spike walks up in front of Tommy before Lou could pat him on the head, patting Spike's head instead, and Tommy's as well without a second thought, before going back to his room. Tommy and Spike keep walking down the hall until Tommy accidentally steps on one of Spike's chew toys as it squeaks.

Spike picks up the toy, making a grumbling sound as he shakes his head. Spike takes the toy into Stu and Didi's room and closes the door as he pushes Tommy to the top of the stairs. Tommy comments on how the stairs look a lot longer of a way down in the dark. Spike proceeds to go down the stairs, whining to Tommy to follow, as Tommy grabs onto the handrail slowly making his way down a step before sliding down the rest of the way. Spike catches the sliding Tommy on his back to stop his fall as he proceeds to run down the stairs into the living room. The sudden stop at the bottom of the stairs causes Tommy to fall onto one of his toy balls as he rolls into a side table almost knocking over a lamp, the bookshelf knocking a book off of it, and a guitar that was leaning against the coffee table as it falls as well. Spike successfully stops all these items from falling onto the floor as Tommy falls onto his back onto the floor letting the ball bounce away.

Spike licks Tommy's face once more before turning and scratching at the patio door and whining. Tommy thinks he has to go potty and comments that it's "too bad he can't just wear a diapey". Tommy and Spike both then work together to try and open the patio door, first pushing it with no succession, then, having Spike hold onto the handle with his mouth, pull with also no succession. Tommy tries to think of something else, but Spike picks him up and hovers him near the door's lock letting Tommy unlock it. Spike, now with Tommy on his back, slides open the patio door as he runs outside into the backyard. Stopping in the yard, Tommy climbs off Spike and sits on the ground next to him as they both look at the large full moon together.

Both look to each other before they began to howl at the moon together, in which a half asleep Stu yells at Spike and closes the curtains to go back to bed. Tommy and Spike continue their howling session causing other dogs in the neighborhood to bark as the short ends with a pan of the neighborhood.

Full Short


Rugrats - Night Howl Official Short - Paramount+
