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New Kid In Town Gallery Transcript
Season 3 Episode 22a
Rugrats - New Kid In Town
New Kid In Town
Original Airdate April 10, 1994
DVD release Season 3
Previous Episode The Mega Diaper Babies
Next Episode Pickles vs. Pickles

New Kid In Town is a Season 3 episode of Rugrats.

Characters Present


Tired of Angelica's bullying, the Rugrats go play with another kid in the park, Josh. When Josh turns out to be an even worse bully, Angelica shows up to rescue the babies from him. - Description from Klasky Csupo


Tired of Angelica being bad to them all the time, the Rugrats find Josh, a new friend to play with. Angelica threaten to put sands on their head but Tommy said they are tired of her bossing them around and they go to Josh. It started out okay, but it turns out, however, that he is more meaner than Angelica because he forces them to push him on the swing, takes their cookies, lollipop shares with 4 player lollipop to lick, and threatens to hit them.

Soon the babies are force to build a moat for Josh. Tired of this, Tommy decides to go to Angelica but Chuckie warns him about Josh, but Tommy doesn't care cause if they don't do something now, they will be stuck with Josh forever. He secretly goes to Angelica and tells her that Josh is worse than her and how he treats them. Angelica is shocked by this, but refuse to help them because they didn't listen to her. Tommy sadly went back to the other playground and Josh finds out what Tommy did.

Soon he decides to play a game called "Pillow" where he pushes them down on the sand, and goes to the swing.  Tommy ask if Josh is gonna jump over them, but Josh said he's not but he's gonna jump on them. Before he can do that, Angelica eventually steps in and throws a water balloon at Josh and the babies are happy that she's back and told them to get up, but Josh order them back down saying the babies are now his but Angelica said they are not and throws another water balloon at him. Soon Josh tried to convince her that the babies are just dumb, but Angelica said that may be true, but they are her babies and Josh said he's not afraid of her, but Angelica throws another water balloon at him. Josh said that he would split the babies 50-50 like Angelica would get Chuckie and Tommy, and Josh would take Phil and Lil, but Angelica refuses saying she won't leave until she get all the babies and then she pushes Josh causing him to scrape his arm. Josh runs away crying and everything is back to normal.


  • The voice of Josh is provided by Dana Hill, known for her voices as Charles on Duckman, Max in Troop/ Goof Troop, and Jerry in Tom & Jerry, The Movie, among other roles. In previous episodes of Rugrats, Hill voiced Hector (The Shot), "The Cleaver Kid" (Momma Trauma), Little Kid (Momma Trauma & Special Delivery) & Billy (Spike the Wonder Dog). In live-action roles, she was best known as Audrey Grizwold in National Lampoon's European Vacation (1985). Unfortunately, Dana Hill died of a stroke brought on by her severe diabetic condition on July 15, 1996, while at the age of 32. 
  • Josh could have killed the babies if he had jump on them with the game of "pillows" since he's older and chubbier than them. 