Rugrats Wiki
My Fair Babies Gallery Transcript

"My Fair Babies" is a Season 7 episode of Rugrats.

Characters Present[]


Inspired by her mommy, Angelica decides to have a "biziness muncheon" for "grownups", which means "no babies". Phil, Lil & Kimi laughs during Angelica and Susie talks to me. Will Susie be able to teach Tommy and the gang how to act like "adults" before the party starts?


  • This episode is loosely based on the musical My Fair Lady.
  • According to Susie's sister Alyssa, diapers are a "big fashion no-no".
  • Surprisingly, Tommy's younger brother, Dil, doesn't appear in this episode.
  • Chuckie is potty trained and doesn't wear diapers, unlike the younger toddlers. However, he is kicked out of the party because 2 years old is still a "baby age" though Angelica and Susie are 3, and 3 is still pretty much a baby age, too. Angelica seems so unaware that she is very close to their age.



Susie: Wait a second. How do they have to act, Angelica?
Angelica: They'd have to...umm...tell a joke! And, um...Talk a whole lot gooder...and dress up...and I don't mean wearing a clean diaper!

Alyssa: First of all, lose the diapers. Big fashion no-no!


Gallery for the episode can be found here
