Rugrats Wiki
Mr. Chuckie Gallery Transcript

"Mr. Chuckie" is the second segment of the twelfth episode in the first season of the 2021 series of Rugrats. It premiered on Paramount+ on October 7th, 2021.

Characters Present

Character Mentioned

  • Aunt Linda


When Chuckie turns into a grown-up overnight, Tommy gets him to take the babies out on the town. - Description from Paramount+


Chas walks into Chuckie's room with a box wrapped in Reptar-themed gift-wrapped. He says it's a birthday present from Chuckie's Aunt Linda that's either a few months early or late. Chuckie opens it and it contains shows with Velcro, which Chas describes as being "grown-up shoes." He says it's all happening so fast, that soon Chuckie will have kids of his own and he'll be a grandpa. Chuckie yawns and Chas tucks him into bed, telling him to not grow up too fast. He leaves the room and Chuckie stares at the shoes, then falls asleep. Chuckie then wakes up, goes to the toilet and brushes his teeth, but something seems odd about him. The doorbell rings and Daxton is at the door, telling "Mr. Chuckie" that he has a package for him. Chuckie takes the package and looks in a mirror, stunned to see that he is now tall. He races over to Tommy's house and finds the babies in the playpen. Tommy notes immediately that he looks like Chuckie, and he explains that it is him. They wonder how this can be possible and Chuckie admits that he doesn't know. He simply woke up and he was a grown-up and ran there really fast.

Susie says his cool shoes must have made him run even faster and Chuckie figures it must be the shoes that caused him to grow up. Phil points out that he puts on his grandmother's shoes all the time and that never happened to him. Susie says that she heard birthday presents are special and can give you grown-up powers. Chuckie replies that he'll take them off, but Tommy wants to come with him to find out what grown-ups are doing. The other babies agree, but Chuckie says he doesn't know how. Tommy tells him not to worry, that they'll figure out how together. They head outside, where Daxton delivers Chuckie a new bike with sidecar, telling him to enjoy his new wheels. Chuckie almost squishes the babies, trying to sit in the sidecar. He tells them that since he's never ridden a bike before, he's going to take it nice and slow. Soon, however, they are off to the races. They use a ramp that Daxton is delivering to Graham and eventually reach downtown. Chuckie asks where they want to go first and Phil suggests "The place with all the balloons we're about to crash into." Chuckie brakes, just managing to avoid hitting Barry and Eve. Eve calls it the "sickest thing ever." Barry says if they want balloons, they have them, asking for their "money papers." Chuckie asks the babies if they have any, but they don't. Barry, however, suggests Chuckie try his pocket. Chuckie does and pulls out a large stack of hundreds. Eve says he could buy all the balloons with those.

Chuckie does so, saying he likes being a grown-up. Phil's stomach growls, so Tommy suggests a nearby ice cream truck. Lil points out that Betty makes them eat green stuff first. Chuckie, however, tells them that he's the grown-up and they can get ice cream. They cheer and Chuckie ties the balloons to the bike, causing it float away. Barry points this out, but Chuckie just shrugs. They take off and pass by Angelica and Charlotte. Angelia addresses Chuckie as "Chuckie's Daddy," telling him not to go to the ice cream truck, that they don't serve baby sizes. He explains that he's Chuckie and she's aghast that he became a grown-up before her, wondering how he did it. Susie starts to explain about the shoes, but Angelica tells her not to bother, that the grown-up in the truck will know they're all babies. They head to the cart, where Jake is getting a cone. The lady in the truck addresses Chuckie as "Mr. Chuckie" and asks for the order, but Chuckie just whimpers. He tells the babies he doesn't know what to ask for. The woman says that if he's with a bunch of babies, they must all want a big sundae. They sit and eat, Chuckie saying that being a grown-up is officially the best thing that ever happened to him. Angelica drops her cone in disgust.

Later, Chuckie and the others sit at the table, napping off their meal. Chuckie laughs and asks what they want to do now. A kid comes out of a toy shop and the baby's head off. The ice cream lady, however, hands Chuckie a hose, telling him he needs to clean up the mess they made, that it's what grown-ups do. Angelica heads off with Charlotte, mockingly telling Chuckie to enjoy it. Chuckie tries the hose, but sprays water everywhere, including on himself. He eventually rejoins the babies, who run squealing out of the store with new toys, He tells them that he doesn't mind carrying the bags, but he didn't get to pick a toy and now they're out of money papers. Tommy says that it's okay, that he can play with theirs. Susie agrees that they should go to the playground. They do so, and as they arrive, Chuckie trips and collapses. Tommy asks if he's okay, but he says he's not. He complains to Tommy that he said they were all going to figure out how to be grown-ups together, but he feels like he's doing it himself. He also asks that they stop calling him "Mr. Chuckie." Tommy suggests he'll feel better if they all play a game of "alium in-traitors." They begin a fantasy in which they're in a spaceship blasting aliens. Chuckie, however, is so strong that he breaks the button to fire the lasers. They try to evacuate the spaceship, but Chuckie gets stuck due to being too big. They take off, leaving Chuckie behind. Back on the playground, a firefighter laughs at Chuckie for having been stuck in the tube like her thumb in a bowling ball. She warns him to stay away from playground tubes and leaves. Chuckie wonders if the day could possibly get any worse.

Susie demands new socks from him, saying she lost both of hers. Lil tells him to hold her toys. Phil says he's cranky and doesn't know why, demanding he tell him a joke. Tommy says before anything else, he needs a diaper change. Chuckie declares that it's all too much, that they're treating him like a real grown-up instead of a friend. He says he's going back to being a baby and starts yanking at the shoes. The babies plead for him to stop, but he keeps trying. He finds he can't get them off and wonders if they're stuck forever. He falls over on his back, his glasses coming off. He wakes up, screaming "No!" He puts on his glasses and sees that he's still in his Reptar slippers. It was all only a dream. "Baby body, baby problems," he declares. He hops out of bed and ends up landing inside the new shoes. Chas comes in, calling him "little man." He says he knows the sticky straps can be a lot to handle, but they're fun when you practice. Seeing the shoes closer-up, however, he realizes that they're at least a whole size too big. He chuckles, saying Chuckie's not wearing the shoes today. He carries him to the kitchen, promising pancakes with blueberries and a nice long bike ride until his legs get tired.


  • The alert klaxon played during the "alium in-traitors" fantasy sounds almost like, if not identical, to the red alert klaxon heard in Star Trek and Star Trek: The Next Generation. The Star Trek franchise is also a property of Paramount; hence they may have been granted permission to use the asset.
  • This episode's plot has substantial similarities to the Season 2 cartoon of the original series, What the Big People Do, but this story mainly revolves around Chuckie being a father figure instead of an actual worker.