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Mother's Day Gallery Transcript

[The episode begins with macaroni and pasta floating in space until Angelica's angry eyes come in.]

Angelica: Hey! What are you babies doing with my macaroni?!

Tommy: We were just playing with them, Angelica.

Angelica: Well, it’s not for playing with. If you knowed anything, you’d know that you use macaroni to make art.

Tommy: Is that art?

Angelica: Course it’s art. I made it didn’t I, and I’m an artist.

Phil: Hey, this is pretty good,

Lil: She really is an artist,

Tommy: What do you want to do with it, Angelica.

Angelica: It’s a present for my mom.

Phil: What for?

Angelica: You babies are so dumb, I can’t believe you lived to be 1! Today is Mother’s Day.

Tommy: What’s Mother’s Day.

Angelica: Mother’s Day is the day everybody gives their mom presents.

Lil: Why does everybody gots to give their moms presents just for being moms?

Angelica: Well in your case, it’s to say you’re sorry.

Tommy: And why do you got to give your mom a present?

Angelica: So she’ll have 2 of me, Now get out of here, and let me work!

Lil: We don’t gots no presents for our mom Phillip.

Phil: I’ve got a piece of candy I’ve been saving, It’s stuck.

Tommy: But if we look around, we’ll find stuff our moms will like.

Lil: Where should we look?

Tommy: Where we find the best presents for each other.

Didi: So, what's Howard doing for you today?

Betty: Oh, I gave him the day off. What's he going to do? Cook me breakfast. He does that everyday. So, what are you going to do with your mom today, huh?

Didi: I'm taking her to my favorite health spa.

Betty: The International House of Mud. Great choice, Deed!

Didi: I sure hope she enjoys herself. The last thing my mom and I both liked was the troll costume for my 3rd grade pageant. Actually, I hated that.

Lil: Hey, look!

Tommy: What did you find?

Lil: I don't know.

Tommy: Those are Grandpa's glasses.

Phil: Too bad it's not a grandpa day.

Tommy: I found a cookie. Do you think my mom would like it?

Lil: Mmm hmm.

Phil: Uh huh.

Tommy: You guys, our moms worked hard to be our moms. We can't go eating all their presents.

Phil: Sorry.

Lil burped.

Betty: You know they import mud from all over the world for that spa?

Didi: I know! I can hardly wait.

Stu: Well deed, its here. Get ready for the ultimate breakfast and bed.

Betty: Stu, its practically lunchtime.

Stu: I had a few technical difficulties.

Chuckie: You'll do that for me?

Chuckie: Don't cry, Angelica Mom. I'll get it.

Angelica: Oh, great. I'll be watching TV.

Chuckie: BEE!

Phil: Go, Chuckie, go!

Stu: Oh, great.

Chuckie: Oh, great.
