Rugrats Wiki
Monster in the Garage Gallery Transcript

[Tommy and Chuckie are exploring under a large rug in the living room.]

Chuckie: Sure is dark. Are we lost?

Tommy: No. I can see the light. It's just a little bit further.

[Tommy and Chuckie made it out.]

Chuckie: I thought we'd never get out.

[Lou sleeping in a rocking chair when a loud noise is heard coming from the Pickles family garage.]

Lou: Jumping' jehoshaphat!

[Many cans of paint are knocked off their shelves in the garage and splatters blue-green paint on the floor.]

Didi: Good heavens!

Lou: What in the name of Betsy happened here?

Stu: Maybe it's a shift in the earth's gravity--a natural phenomenon.

Lou: Factual anomalous, my foot! It's hoodlums. That's what it is. Even a man's garage isn't safe anymore. Why, in my day...

[Didi picks up Tommy who was gonna touch the blue-green paint.]

Didi: I thought those shelves were a little flimsy.

[Spike barks. Stu and Lou point their fingers at Spike.]

Stu and Lou: Spike?

[Spike whimpers.]

Stu: Not so fast, pal.

Lou: I knew it was that dog the whole time.

Didi: Now, Pop, we don't actually know it was Spike.

[Didi sets Tommy down.]

Lou: In my day, we kept critters outside where they belong. Why, my dog Chester used to sleep inside a rotted old tree stump day or night, rain or snow. Could be 15 below zero, didn't matter.

[Tommy is looking outside at Spike who's in his doghouse tied up then Tommy turns from the window.]

Tommy: It's just not fair.

Chuckie: What's not fair?

Tommy: Spike, he's in the doghouse, and he didn't make that mess.

Chuckie: But if he didn't do it, Tommy who did?

[The next day Phil and Lil are over.]

Didi: Tommy?! Chuckie?! Look who's come to visit you.

Betty: (to Phil and Lil) You two little munchkins be sweet for Boris and Minka.

Didi: (to Betty) They'll be fine. Boris and Minka are so good with the children.

[Betty and Didi left. Boris and Minka are fighting but stopped.]

Minka: Have fun at the bowling.

Boris: Make many spare tires.

Didi: We will. Bye, mom. Bye, dad.

[Betty, Howard, Lou, Stu and Didi leave. That night, during a storm, Grandpa Boris and Grandma Minka are babysitting and Grandpa Boris tells the Rugrats a story.]

Boris: So, little kyanpipik went deeper and deeper into the forest.

[Minka is dusting.]

Boris: It was very dark, and for you and me, it would have been very, very scary but kyanpipik was a brave little wunderkind.

Minka: Ach, these babies don't understand a word you're saying, Mr. Storyteller.

Boris and Minka: Eh!

[Minka walks off.]

Boris: Anyway, kyanpipik wasn't sure which way to go but then his sharp ears, they picked up a sound-- a sound more terrifying than any he ever heard. It was the sound of the terrible deibik.

Minka: They don't know what a deibik is.

[Minka is standing at the doorway.]

Boris: Uh, it's a... like a... uh...

[Minka leaves.]

Boris: What do you call it? Uh... you know, a monster-- only bigger.

[Chuckie hugs Tommy scared.]

Boris: So, little kyanpipik. Drew his klubbermeister and prepared to face the deibik. He held his klubbermeister high in the air, because he did not know from which way the deibik might strike.

[The following day. Outside.]

Stu: Hey, old fellow.

[Spike whimpers. Inside.]

Didi: Are we having fun? Yes, of course we are.

Stu: Don't tell me we've got day-care duty again.

[Stu walks off.]

Didi: Well, Betty's training for the 10K again. How could I say no?

[Didi walks off.]

Chuckie: That story last night was scary.

Tommy: Yeah, and what's weird is the same thing's going on around here.

Phil and Lil: What do you mean?

Tommy: Remember that big crash in the garage Chuckie and me told you about?

Phil and Lil: Uh-huh.


Tommy: I saw Spike in the living room when it happened. He couldn't have done it. Someone, or something is making trouble, and it's not Spike.

Phil: Something?

Lil: Making trouble?

Tommy: Yep. Something... bad.

[In pink background, Another strange event occurs with books on top of the fireplace being knocked over like dominos, breaking a lamp.]


[Didi and Stu walks in.]

Didi: Good heavens! What happened, Stu?

Stu: I tell you there's a conspiracy, Didi-- first the garage, now this.

[Stu puts the lamp back.]

Stu: Now, where's that dog?

[Stu and Didi walks off.]

Chuckie: Tommy, Spike's outside. He couldn't have done it.

Tommy: See? It had to be one of those things-- a... a monster.

[Phil and Lil look at each other.]

Phil and Lil: A monster?

Tommy: A monster, and I think it's after us.

Chuckie: Help! Help!

Tommy: Don't worry, Chuckie. There's a lot of us, and only one of him.

Chuckie: But what are we going to do?

Tommy: The only thing we can do. We're going to stop it.

Phil: How are we going to do that?

Lil: We don't even have the klubbermeister.

Chuckie: Yeah. It sounds way too dangerous, Tommy.

Tommy: What else can we do? Wait for it to come and get us?

Chuckie: But...but where do we start?

Tommy: Where all the trouble started-- the garage.

[Chuckie, Phil and Lil are standing in a line.]

Tommy: Okay. Let's see your klubbermeisters.

[Phil holds out a ball.]

Tommy: Good.

[Lil holds out a rattle.]

Tommy: Yeah.

[Chuckie holds out a teddy bear.]

Tommy: Too silly.

[Tommy grabs the teddy bear and hands Chuckie a flashlight instead.]

Tommy: Now, don't turn it on till I tell you.

Chuckie: Why?

Tommy: You'll scare the monster. Okay. Let's go.

[Phil and Lil lifts the playpen up. Tommy and Chuckie crawls under it after putting play blocks under the playpen so Phil and Lil put the playpen down and the playpen stays in place. With their own versions of klobbermeisters in their hands, the gang sneaks through the kitchen but suddenly stop.]

Stu: I should take some food out to old Spike, bet he's getting hungry.

[Tommy makes a run for it.]

Didi: He already had his breakfast.

[Tommy makes it across the kitchen.]

Stu: Maybe I should take him a doggie treat then.

[Tommy waves his hand to lure the others over.]

Didi: Well, I just hope he doesn't end up weighing 300 pounds.

[Chuckie, Phil and Lil make a run for it. They go into the garage.]

Tommy: Come on. Let's go.

Chuckie: I don't know, Tommy. It sure is dark.

Tommy: Aw, come on. Don't be a baby.

[Tommy, Phil and Lil are frightened by a car until Chuckie turns on the flashlight.]

Chuckie: It's just the car.

Tommy: Come on.

[They are frightened again by a lamp. Chuckie turns on the flashlight again.]

Chuckie: It's just a lamp. See?

[More items are knocked over, just like in the garage earlier and the living room.]

Chuckie: Look out!


[Chuckie shines the flashlight on a log.]

Chuckie: It's just a...

[The lamp is showing a large shadow on the wall.]

Chuckie: Uh-oh.

[The shadow suddenly grows smaller and the "monster," is revealed to just be a tiny mouse.]

Chuckie: What is it?

Tommy: The monster?

Phil: Kind of small for a monster.

Lil: Maybe it's a baby monster.

Tommy: It's not really all that scary when you see it up close.

Chuckie: I think it's trying to say hello.

[Tommy walks up to the mouse.]

Tommy: We come in peace.

[The garage door is opened.]

Didi: What? How did the kids get in here?

[Stu is becoming scared of the mouse.]

Stu: A mouse! It's huge! Get it out of here!

Lou: For the love of Betsy, it's just a mouse. In my day, we thought nothing of finding herds of elk living in our garage.

Tommy: A mouse?

Stu: Help, Spike! Help!

[Spike arrives. Spike scares the mouse away.]

Didi: Okay, back in the house, sweeties. Now, who could have left the door open?

[Didi, Lou, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Tommy walk off.]

Stu: Spike, you saved my life. How could I have ever doubted you?

[In the house.]

Stu: From now on you're sleeping in our bed, old buddy.

Didi: Now, Stu, maybe he can sleep on the end of the bed for one night.

[Stu and Didi walk off with Stu holding Spike.]

Tommy: Pretty neat monster.

Lil: Yeah. At first I thought it was going to eat us.

Phil: I wasn't scared though.

Lil: Me neither.

Chuckie: Me neither. Well, maybe a little.

Tommy: It was fun. A mouse--ha!

Chuckie: Wow. Do you think we'll ever see it again?

Tommy: Naw, it was going real fast. I'll bet it's about a million miles away now. Too bad. I kind of liked that mouse monster.

Chuckie: Me too.

[The episode ends the same way with how it started, items being knocked off shelves in the garage.]

Stu: (voice) Didi! It's happening again!

Tommy: He's back.
