Rugrats Wiki
Let There Be Light Gallery Transcript

(Scene opens with a light going on and off, we then hear Tommy's excited giggles, the screen pulls back to show Tommy and Chuckie in their pajamas, Chuckie is on the floor and Tommy is on the table playing with the light from the ceiling turning the knob left and right)

Didi: (catches him) Tommy, honey, what are you doing up there? (takes him to his crib) You're supposed to be in beddy-bye by now. (sees Chuckie trying to creep away) You too, Chuckie. (she quickly grabs Chuckie and puts him in the crib next to Tommy) Here's your little nightlight. (turns on a Reptar nightlight on the side table) Ooh... (blows a kiss): Mwah! Sweet dreams. (turns out the light and closes the door)

(Tommy yawns and lies down, Chuckie goes still and sees scary shadows covering the walls)

Chuckie: Oh, no! It's happening again!

Tommy: What is it, Chuckie?

Chuckie: It happens every time the lights go off, Tommy. First the air gets black, and the scary shadows come out, and all the monsters crawl out of the closet.

Tommy: That's not true, Chuckie. There're no monsters in the closet. Besides, not all' the light went off. We still got the nightlight. (points at the Reptar nightlight)

Chuckie: Yeah, I guess you're right, Tommy. The nightlight will keep the monsters away.

(Reptar's glowing faces fades in to Stu's on the next scene, Stu is working on yet another invention in the basement)

Stu: Yes, sir. This new antigravity playpen is gonna put Pickles Toys on the map! (puts a baby test dummy in the playpen, he flips the switch on the major voltage box, the playpen reaches full power causing the dummy and the toys surrounding it to levitate) YES!!!!

(Just then, the playpen begins to malfunction, Stu gasps, the malfunction causes the major voltage box to spark and explode, the nightlight in Tommy's room suddenly goes out)

Chuckie: (screaming, off-screen): AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

(The voltage from the Pickles' house somehow travels alone a telephone pole and causes the entire neighborhood to go into a big blackout)

Stu: (off-screen): Uh-oh...

Didi: (off-screen): Stu, honey! All the lights in the house are off!

Stu: (half-sarcastically): I'm aware of that, Deed. (leaves and trips): Oof!

(Scene cuts to Tommy and Chuckie in the dark bedroom with only the moon shining in the window)

Chuckie: It's never been this dark before, Tommy! Where'd the light go?!

Tommy: (shakes his head): I don't know, Chuckie.

Chuckie: Tommy, the closet monsters are gonna get us! (tugs on the blanket)

Tommy: C'mon, Chuckie, there's no closet monsters.

Chuckie': Are you sure?

Tommy: 'Course I am. There's no such thing as closet monsters. Every baby knows that. (Chuckie smiles) There's definitely no closet monsters.

(The two babies suddenly hear thumping sounds, they gasp as the sounds intensifies)

Tommy and Chuckie: (screaming): AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Chuckie: (screaming, running in circles): IT'S THE CLOSET MONSTER, AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

(The sounds were actually knocking on the door, Didi answers it, Betty comes over carrying Lil and Phil with her, Didi holds a candle)

Betty: Pretty wild, Deed. Power's out all over town. Figured I'd bring the tots over and we can have us some java.

Didi: We can?

Betty: Always be prepared, Deed. (takes out a mechanizes kettle pot out of her bag): I got a battery-operated percolator, it'll brew a mean pot of Krakatoan espresso. (Didi smiles) Let's put the kids upstairs and try 'er out.

(Didi shuts the door and leaves, Spike sits with a leash in his mouth, Betty puts the twins in Tommy's crib, the twins notice Chuckie and Tommy shuddering under the blanket, Lil pokes them, Tommy and Chuckie scream, Lil and Phil scream back and fall over)

Tommy and Chuckie: (uncovers themselves): Phil? Lil?

Lil & Phil: Tommy? Chuckie?

Phil: Why are you under your blanket?

Chuckie: (goes back into hiding): 'Cause it's dark out there!

Lil: But it's dark under there, too.

Chuckie: (pauses, comes out): Gee, I never thought of that.

Tommy: Don't you guys know? All the lights is gone.

Lil: Yeah, the light's gone from our house, too.

Chuckie: Aren't you scared?!

Phil: No, why should we be scared?

Chuckie: Because... closet monsters!

Lil and Phil: (gasps in unison): Where?!

Chuckie: (points): Over there! (shadows are shown) There's a ghost! (Phil and Lil gasp) And a witch! (Phil and Lil gasp again) And a giant hand! (Phil and Lil gasp once more) AAH, IT'S GONNA GET US!!!

(The twins scream and hide with Chuckie)

Tommy: Hey, you guys. I don't think there are closet monsters.

Chuckie: Huh?

Tommy: Yeah, I think they're something else. (takes a screwdriver from inside his pillow) Let me just get my flashlight. (opens the playpen)

Chuckie: Tommy, don't!

Tommy: (jumps out and gets his flashlight): I wonder if there's any light in here. (turns the flashlight on, but it goes out) Hmm...

(Tommy rattles the batteries and the flashlight goes on, the three babies gasp in horror, Tommy goes to the ghost shadow and points that it came from a sweater jacket and hat on a little rocking chair)

Chuckie, Lil and Phil: (relieved): Oh!

(Tommy goes to the witch shadow and points the flashlight to what really is a bunny and a pole with rings in a "Bunny Ring Toss" kit)

Chuckie, Lil and Phil: (laughs): Oh!

(Tommy then heads to the giant hand shadow and points his shadow on what turns out to be a branch from a tree)

Chuckie, Lil and Phil: (happily): Oh!

Tommy: See? It's just a bunch of old clothes and junk.

Chuckie: Boy! I guess those weren't closet monsters after all. (climbs out of the crib) You know? I'm not a-scared anymore. In fact, I can't believe I ever was scared.

(Suddenly, without warning, Tommy's flashlight goes out, Tommy flicks the switch)

Tommy: Uh-oh...

Chuckie: (screaming): AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

(Scene cuts to Didi removing the sheet off a first aid kit with Betty holding the candle)

Didi: Candles, flashlight, first aid, water bottles and... (Spike pants with the leash still in his mouth) No time for a walk now, Spike; this is an emergency!

(Spike sadly whimpers and leaves, scene cuts back to Tommy's room where Chuckie is now under the blanket again)

Tommy: C'mon, Chuckie, that wasn't a real monster.

Chuckie: I don't care! I'm not coming out until the light comes back!

Lil: What are we gonna do?

Tommy: I guess we gotta get the light back.

Lil: But how?

Phil: Maybe the light's hiding.

Chuckie: Oh, great. If he's hiding, we'll never find him in the dark.

Tommy: We'll find him.

Phil: I wonder where the light goes every night when it gets dark.

Tommy: Hey, you guys, I know! I remember once, a long time ago, when I was really little. (a flashback begins, Didi goes to the kitchen in the dark) My mom took me in the kitchen to get some milk. It was really late, way past my regular bedtime. (Tommy's hands reach out for a bottle, Didi takes it for him) That's when I saw the light! (Didi opens the refrigerator where light begins to shine, Tommy is amazed as Didi grabs for the milk and closes the door) That must be where the light hides at night... (flashback ends) In the refrigerator!

Phil: Yeah, I've seen it, too!

Lil: He sure has been in there a long time.

Phil: Maybe he's stuck in the 'frigerator and he can't get out.

Lil: Yeah! Maybe we're the only ones in the whole wide world who can help him!

Tommy: We gotta do it! (picks up his flashlight) We gotta go down to the kitchen and get the light out of the refrigerator.

Lil: Yeah!

Phil: Yeah!

Chuckie: (still hiding under the blanket): I'm not going! Not this time. This isn't just regular old scary, Tommy; this is the dark! No light at all, not even a nightlight. No, Tommy. I'm staying right here!

Tommy: Okay, Chuckie. Whatever you say.

(The three babies leave)

Chuckie: Wait! Wait! You're not gonna leave me! Wait! I'm coming too!

(The Rugrats leave the bedroom, Chuckie still has the blanket wrapped around him, they head to the stairs, Tommy panics as he almost trips on the first step)

Tommy: Okay.

(The babies head down the stairs, scene cuts to Stu in the basement fixing the voltage box)

Didi: (off-screen): How's it going down there, dear?

Stu: Any minute now, Deed! This oughta do it. I'll just twist this a little bit tighter...

(The lights finally come back on, Stu smiles, the babies made it in the living room)

Tommy, Lil and Phil: Ooh...

Chuckie: The light! It came back! (suddenly, the lights go back off, hides in the blanket again): Oh, no...

Tommy: It's okay, Chuckie. We just saw the whole room lighted up and there's no monsters.

Chuckie: (comes out of hiding then panics): AAAAAHHHH!!!! WHAT D'YOU CALL THAT!!!!

(The babies gasps and see a figure approaching them, Lil shriek as Tommy turns on the flashlight, a closeup of inside a mouth is shown with a tongue whipping out)

Tommy: AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! (it was Spike as he gives kisses to Tommy) Spike, it's you! See, you guys? It was just his glow-in-the-dark flea collar.

(Tommy giggles as Spike continues giving affectionate kisses, the other babies smile in relief until the flashlight goes out, the twins gasp)

Chuckie: TOMMY!!

Tommy: Don't worry, Chuckie. (hops aboard on Spike) Now that we got Spike, we got no reason to be afraid.

(Spike leads the way with the babies following, scene cuts to Grandpa Lou with Betty and Didi with compressed logs by the fireplace)

Grandpa Lou: Why, in my day, we did all our schooling by firelight. (Didi removes the grille from the fireplace) Nothing wrong with good old-fashioned light. (Grandpa Lou throws a log in the fireplace, Spike rushes in the room leaving Tommy, the babies continue their quest) And I can tell ya: they built them fires the really way, not with these newfangled magic logs. (Spike whines as Grandpa Lou tries to get the lighter going) Shoo, shoo!

(The babies enter the kitchen, Chuckie is once again cloaked inside the blanket as he bumped into the babies and falls back)

Chuckie: Where is it, Tommy? I can't see anything!

Tommy: There!

Chuckie: Where?

Tommy: (removes the blanket from Chuckie): THERE! (points at the refrigerator, Chuckie gasps) C'mon, you guys! (walks to the refrigerator)

(The babies look at the tall refrigerator, Phil tries to open it, Lil knocks on it, Tommy and Chuckie join in to help until Chuckie walks over to Spike's dog bowl and looks at his bone before taking it, the babies back away as Chuckie whacks on the door to try and open it)

Tommy: (stops him): We gotta get up there and grab the door.

Chuckie: But how?

(The babies hear Spike's whine as he places the leash down on the floor and wags his tail)

Tommy: Hey! Great idea, Spike! (he takes the leash, Spike gives Tommy a kiss) C'mon, you guys, help me up.

(Spike goes sad wanting to go for a walk, the babies stack on one another, Tommy tries to reach for the handle)

Chuckie: (strains): Ooh, we better get the light out soon! He must be getting cold.

(Tommy holds the leash's latch and throws it into the door handle)

Tommy: There.

(Scene cuts to Stu still trying to fix the voltage box)

Stu: (looks at a knob): Not this one. (scene cuts back to Tommy looping the leash until he tugs on it to open the door with the babies helping, back to the basement): Not this one. (the babies continue tugging with all their might, Chuckie losing his balance as he screams until Spike catches him by the seat and helps, back to the basement): Must be this one. (turns the knob, heroic tone): And Stu said.. let there be light!

(The babies finally force the refrigerator door open as the babies and Spike topple over, Tommy gasps and smiles, the babies are amazed by the light in the refrigerator, Spike has accidentally tore a piece of Chuckie's pajamas from the rear, Stu flicks on the switch, the bone flies up with the ceiling fan light turning on)

Betty and Didi: (smiles and nod to each other): Mm-hmm.

Grandpa Lou: Rats! (holds two chips to start a fire): I just about had the darn thing going, too!

Stu: (goes happy, runs upstairs): DIDI! DIDI! I DID IT! I DID IT!

Lil and Phil: (happily jumping): We did it! We did it!

Chuckie: Hey, Tommy, why d'you think the light was hiding in the fridge in the first place?

Tommy: I don't know. Maybe he was afraid of the dark, too.

Stu: (walks in and sees the babies): Tommy! (Didi and Betty come in) Hey, Deed, look who's rummaging for a midnight snack.

Didi: (picks up Tommy): How in the world did you kids get here?

Betty: (picks up Lil and Phil): Would've thought the little rascals would be afraid of the dark.

Stu: Not these kids. They're not afraid of anything.

(Tommy and Lil wave to each other)

Didi: We better get you kids off to sleep. It's way past your bedtime. (the mothers leave with their babies as Stu closes the refrigerator door, scene cuts to Didi tucking Tommy and Chuckie to bed) Well, since you brave babies aren't afraid of the dark, I guess it's okay if I unplug this awful little nightlight.

(Tommy and Chuckie gasp in terror as Didi does so before shutting off the bedroom light and closing the door)

Tommy and Chuckie: (screaming): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

(Their screams echo the now illuminated neighborhood ending the episode)
