Rugrats Wiki
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"Write this on your heart: 'the less we possess, the less we stress.'"
Lady De-Clutter to Didi Pickles (2021)

Lady De-Clutter is a con-artist under the guise of a professional organizer in the 2021 series of Rugrats.


De-Clutter is a supposedly a professional organizer who visits Stu and Didi's house to check if things will no longer service its universal purpose. At once, she takes some things and places them to the box since she thinks that they surrender to the past. She claims to be able to literally feel the energy of a space, closing her eyes and moving about it in order to get a read on it. It's later discovered that she is actually a con-artist in disguise of a professional organizer in order to take people's possessions and resell them online. De-Clutter is arrested after Tommy exposes her crimes to Stu, Didi and Betty.


Lady De-Clutter has tan skin with brown straight hair and eyelashes. She wears neon pink matte lipstick with an outfit that consists a white outfit with an aqua shirt underneath it and white high heels with heels that match her lipstick.
