Rugrats Wiki

Josh is the main antagonist of the episode "New Kid In Town".


Josh is a chubby older kid who befriended the babies at the park when the babies didn't want to "play" with Angelica. He claimed that "fair is fair" and at first, he seemed to be nice. However, he forced the babies to push him on the tire swing, took their cookies, gave them a gross half-eaten lollipop to 'share' in exchange for their cookies, and then forced them build him a moat. When Tommy stated that he wasn't being fair, Josh told him that "this was fair" and made a fist. Tommy secretly went to Angelica to ask for help, but she refused. Upon returning Josh was furious and decided to teach them a lesson in a game he calls "pillow" where he jumps off the swing and lands on them. However, before he can do so Angelica almost hits him with a water balloon. They then debate over the babies starting with Josh trying to being "fair" with Angelica by taking half of the babies, then Angelica disagrees to his so-called fairness knowing that Josh is manipulative for fooling the babies in the first place just so he can degrade and bully them, and the argument ends with both of them about to fight and Angelica starts by simply pushing him down causing him to get a scraped arm which made Josh run away and cry to his mother and he is never seen or mentioned again.


In the original series, he has messy brown hair and wears a red baseball cap, yellow and purple shirt, blue overalls and light reddish-brown shoes. He appears to be around 5 or 6 years old.
