Rugrats Wiki
I Dream of Duffy Gallery Transcript

I Dream of Duffy is the second segment of the sixth episode of the first season of the 2021 series of Rugrats. It premiered on Paramount+ on October 7th, 2021.[1]

Characters Present

Characters Introduced


Tommy and his friends must keep Angelica under control when she discovers a way to get any toy she asks for. - Description from Paramount+


The Rugrats babies are busy playing a bowling game with bottles when there is a ring at the doorbell. Stu answers the door and lets in Angelica who is eating a cookie and Drew. Drew asks where Didi is and Stu tells him that she's at CheapCo with Betty. Drew asks why she didn't just stay home and order things using Duffy. "You rang?" asks an electronic voice and a device sitting on a table lights up. Stu says it reminds him that he saw a cool new toy online. He orders from Duffy a set of "Sonic Nirvana Wireless Ultra Noise-Cancelling Headphones." Lou comes in, saying that he thought he raised them better, mocking the idea of constantly ordering stuff using Duffy. He calls it vulgar consumerism, walking away asking if they really need all of it.

The doorbell rings again and Stu answers it to find a man, Daxton, hovering at the door with his delivery. "From our warehouse floor to your door in minutes!" He hands Stu the package and zips away. Angelica grabs Drew's hand, aghast that Stu didn't pay for the purchase, but Drew explains that they already have the credit cards on file, that it's like a genie. Angelica grins upon hearing this. Just then, Chas calls Stu to report that the flat-screen television he ordered from Duffy just arrived. He asks for help connecting it to his gaming system and Stu agrees to come right over. Drew says he'll come along to see which model Chas got so he can get a better and they ask Lou to look after the kids and take off. Lou then grabs Stu's new headphones and starts listening to music on them.

Angelica tells Duffy that she also wants a new toy. The device asks how it can help and she orders several Cynthia-themed products. She runs to the door and within seconds, Daxton arrives. He is confused to see Angelica, but she simply grabs the packages and closes the door on him. The babies are all awed. Susie declares that they should order stuff too, but Angelica steps in front of them, saying that Duffy is her genie and tossing the packaging material at them. Tommy suggests they find their own magical genie, beginning a fantasy sequence in which they are flying on a magic carpet. Angelica, however, interrupts them, telling them that they have to play with the boxes and not the bubble wrap.

She tells Duffy that she's bored and wants more toys. The machine replies that her wish is his command. She orders three more Cynthia-themed products, which are sent over by an increasingly exhausted Daxton. He calls to Lou, who is grooving to the music from the headphones, asking if everything is okay. Lou tells him that it's great and waves him off. As Angelica surveys her new toys, the babies contemplate just where the genie keeps everything. Susie says it's a magical cave full of fun stuff and they return to the fantasy. Now with Spike as their mount, they cross a vast desert, reaching the "Magical Cave of Fun Stuffs." The cave tells them to say the magic words to come inside. Tommy manages to open the cave using the name "Duffy," but back in the real world, Angelica grabs one of the boxes, telling the babies that she changed her mind. Susie complains that it's not fair and Tommy agrees that they deserve to have a genie just as much as her.

The babies hatch a plan, with Susie, Tommy and Chuckie distracting Angelica, while Phil and Lil seize possession of Duffy. When, however, Tommy tries to use the device, it lights up at its name, but only recognizes the rest of what he's saying as baby babble. The others try also, to no success. Angelica then realizes that Duffy is missing and takes the device back. She places it atop a tower of boxes and orders a number of additional items, including a miniature horse. "Take it. Take it all!" shouts an exhausted Daxton. The babies fantasize again about being in the cave. They climb a mountain of gold to reach the genie, but Angelica atop the horse grabs it, saying they'll never get it and she's the "most powderful sorceress in the universe." Tommy keeps climbing, saying they're not scared of her. He also tells her that they don't care anymore that they don't need a magical genie, that she can keep him.

Just then, the parents arrive home, ending the fantasy sequence. They are shocked to see all the boxes. Didi asks Stu and Drew to explain what's going on, but Stu says he just got there. "Angelica?" asks Drew. She replies that it was the babies, that she told them not to order all this junky stuff. He stares at her, and she says that it was Grandpa, that he talked to the "glow-y thing" and ordered everything. Just then, Lou walks in, saying that the headphones are incredible. Stu asks if he ordered all the toys as Betty snaps selfies with the miniature horse. Lou says he could have ordered it and not even known, that this is why you can't trust technology, that Duffy is always listening. Stu asks Duffy to replay everything he's heard in the past two hours and Angelica's transgressions are revealed. Drew grounds Angelica and orders that all the toys go straight to charity. She begs to keep just one toy. He agrees, and she asks to keep the horse, but he replies no. She crosses her arms, saying it's not fair and asking why "that kid Charity" gets all her good stuff. Drew apologizes to Stu for what Angelica did and promises to pay him back for all the stuff that Angelica ordered through Duffy. But when Drew asks Duffy for the total of all the stuff that his daughter ordered, the episode ends with a shot of the house's exterior where Drew's scream of anguish/surprise can be heard because while the total is not disclosed it’s definitely high enough to ensure that Angelica will be grounded for a long time.


  • When Angelica objects that Stu didn't pay for his purchase via Duffy, Drew tells her that they already have the credit cards on file, that it's "just like that genie in that movie, remember?" While not explicitly stated, Drew is most likely referring to Genie from the Disney film Aladdin.
  • The babies are able to activate Duffy by saying his name, however, Duffy hears all other speech from them as baby babble.
  • Duffy is a parody of Amazon's Echo with Alexa and other similar devices.
  • The name "Duffy" is probably a reference to Jim Duffy, one of the original series' most prolific directors.
  • The story title is a reference to I Dream of Jeannie, a classic television sitcom about a romance between a 2,000-year-old genie and an astronaut.
  • The plotline of this episode has similarities to the original series episode "Angelica Orders Out".
  • Moral: Don't be greedy.

