Rugrats Wiki
Grandpa's Date Gallery Transcript

(The episode's scene begins with futuristic sounds and a giant sphere connected to a long round object and big squares like buildings, the sounds of Tommy's cooing are heard, a giant eye looms over and blinks, whistling is heard, next we see Tommy and Chuckie looking at a remote that Stu invented, Tommy touches it until)

Stu: (snatches him): TOMMY, NO! (takes the remote away): You're not supposed to play with that!

Grandpa Lou: Oh, what's the big deal, Stu? It's just a little old remote control.

Stu: Not just any remote control, Pop. This is the control for my latest and greatest invention. (uses the control to activate a mechanic sofa): The Stu Pickles Auto Sofa. (the sofa suddenly goes haywire) OH, NO!

(Stu tries to stop it until the sofa attacks him, Tommy watches this and giggles joyfully before pushing the button to make it stop, Stu goes dizzy, Grandpa Lou laughs as will as Tommy presses another button making the sofa lean back with Stu still on it, Didi comes in)

Didi: Come on, honey! We're going to be late for the Stubblefield's party. (the sofa then flips Stu the opposite end) Pop, are you sure you don't mind watching Tommy and Chuckie tonight?

Grandpa Lou: Don't mind at all. (holds Tommy): We'll have a great time. Won't we, scout? (Tommy giggles) Watching videos, eating chocolate swirl ice cream... (takes Chuckie): Huh! It will be a regular boys' night in.

Didi: Okay. (Stu gets up still feeling dizzy) But whatever you do, just don't touch that crazy remote control sofa.

Stu: (feels his head and walks off stammering): Duh, duh...

(Grandpa Lou takes the two babies to the TV)

Grandpa Lou: There. Now that they're gone, let's get down to some real fun. (shows the babies two Reptar VHS movies): I rented you guys some movies. "Reptar Come Home", "Reptar Redux", and my personal favorite... (shows another VHS, partially covered): ..."Lonely Space Vixens". (stammers): That's after you go to bed. (he puts in the tape until he hears the telephone ring, leaves): Ah, sit tight, you little buckeroos. I'll be right back. (answers the phone): Pickles residence.

Morgana: Louis?

Grandpa Lou: That's me, Lou Pickles, at your service.

Morgana: Lou, it's me... (the screen zooms closer to Lou's eyes) ...Morgana.

Grandpa Lou: (amazed): Morgana?!

(Grandpa Lou remembers and has a flashback where he rushes to the train station where the train is about to leave)

Conductor: All aboard! (stops Lou): Sorry, young fellow. You can't go any further without a ticket.

Young Lou: But my girlfriend's on that train! If I don't stop her from leaving, I'll lose her forever!

Conductor: Spare me the sob stories, buster. (goes in the train)

(the train leaves)

Young Lou: (runs after it): Morgana! MORGANA!!

(A young Morgana turns seeing him until the train rides off, young Lou is left alone as he drops the bouquet he brought for her, the flashbacks end)

Grandpa Lou: Morgana...

Chuckie: What's wrong with your grandpa?

Tommy: I don't know. Looks like he swallowed a bug or something.

Morgana: Louis? Are you there, Louis?

Grandpa Lou: Morgana... It--it's been a long time.

Morgana: I know--a long time, Lou. I'm in town tonight and I thought it would be nice if we got together, for old time's sake.

Grandpa Lou: (nervously): Uh... Tonight? (stutters): How about tomorrow? I got some, uh, friends over tonight.

Morgana: I'm only going to be in town for one night. (the babies watch this still) I'd love to come see you.

Grandpa Lou: One night? (stutters): Give me fifteen minutes. (hangs up) Kids? Time for bed!

(Grandpa Lou grabs the two babies and rushes them upstairs to the bathroom, turns the water on in the tub and takes off their clothes to bathe them for a brief second then takes them out and put their pajamas on and puts them in the crib in Tommy's bedroom and drapes a blanket over them, he then takes a stool and a book out)

Grandpa Lou: (flips the pages): Once upon a time, there was a very lonely bunny who need to find some friends, and he found some friends, and everyone was happy. The end.

(he tosses the book away and then kisses both Tommy and Chuckie goodnight and rushes out of the room turning the light off)

Tommy: Chuckie, I think we've been gypped.

Chuckie: What d'you mean?

Tommy: (opens the curtains where the sun is setting): It's not even dark yet.

Chuckie: Well, maybe the sun's staying up late.

Tommy: Ah, c'mon, Chuckie, the sun never stays up late. Something' fishy's going' on around here, and we got to find out what it is.

Chuckie: (covers himself with a blanket): No, we don't.

Tommy: Don't you wanna know how come he made us go to bed before we're a-posed to?

Chuckie: No.

Tommy: Don't you wanna know why we didn't get to eat chocolate squirrel ice cream?

Chuckie: N--no, not really.

Tommy: Don't you wanna know how come we didn't get to see Reptar?!

Chuckie: (uncovers himself): Well, kinda.

Tommy: Well, let's go! (climbs out of the crib)

Chuckie: (to himself): He did it to me again.

(scene cuts to the two babies climbing down the stairs and into the living room, a table is set for Lou and Morgana's dinner, Tommy smells something unpleasant)

Tommy: Ew! What's that funny smell?

Chuckie: It's not me; I've been really careful lately!

(the babies gasp and hear Grandpa Lou singing in the bathroom, the smell was coming from a bottle of cologne labeled "Ancient Spice", he puts it on himself)

Grandpa Lou: (singing): Have you forgotten our castle of daydreams? Have you forgotten how pleasant our days seem? (continues)

Tommy: It's coming from grandpa.

Chuckie: Ew! How come he's spraying all that stinky water on himself?

Tommy: C'mon, let's find out.

(the babies crawl in to investigate, Grandpa Lou gets out a box containing his toupee, he puts it on his bald spot)

Grandpa Lou: (continues singing): You used to say your love was mine. When someone new is on that line. (continues)

Chuckie: Oh, no. Your grandpa's got somebody else's hair.

(Chuckie tries to run off until Tommy grabs him by the pajamas.

Grandpa Lou: (continues singing): Do you remember that place...

(suddenly, Grandpa Lou trips on the babies and falls on the tiled floor, scene cuts to Grandpa Lou putting the babies back in the crib and tucks them in)

Grandpa Lou: Now stay put, you two. Grandpa has an old friend coming over and he hasn't seen this old friend in a long time, and he wants to make a good impression on her--I mean, this old friend. So stay here, okay? (leaves)

Tommy: C'mon, Chuckie, we're going back downstairs. (gets out of the crib)

Chuckie: (follows him): But, Tommy, you heard what your grandpa said. We gotta stay in bed.

Tommy: (grabs a fire truck): He's doing' it all wrong. He's wearing his yucky hair, he smells funny, and he doesn't have any good toys out there or nothing.

Chuckie: I know, but...

(Tommy gives Chuckie the truck making him fall back)

Tommy: If grandpa really wants to "oppress" his friend, he's gonna need lots of toys.

(Chuckie sighs, scene cuts to Grandpa Lou putting a single daisy in a vase full of water, the doorbell is heard ringing, Grandpa Lou goes to the mirror and spiffs himself up before answering the door, Morgana has arrived)

Morgana: Hello, Lou.

Grandpa Lou: Morgana? (happily): Oh, Morgana, it's been so long.

Morgana: Yes, forty years next month.

Grandpa Lou: Come in, come in! Here, let me take your coat. (does so)

Morgana: Oh, you've got a nice place here, Lou!

Grandpa Lou: Well, thanks, I--I try. It's not bad for a bachelor pad, I guess.

(as he hangs Morgana's coat, several toys clatter down the stairs with Tommy and Chuckie following, Grandpa Lou sees them and gasps, he grins sheepishly and rushes to the babies taking them back to their crib and tucking them in)

Grandpa Lou: Now listen, scouts, here's the scoop: I haven't seen my friend in a long time--a very long time--and, well, I don't here to know that I'm a grandpa, see? Nothing personal; it's just that I want here to see the old grandpa, not the OLD grandpa. Get it? (the two babies just look at him) Oh, what am I talking to you for? (pats them) You babies don't understand a word I'm saying.

Morgana: (off-screen, singsong): Lou!

Grandpa Lou: Coming, Morgana! (leaves)

Chuckie: You were right, Tommy. Your grandpa really is confused. He needs our help.

Tommy: (hears music playing): Chuckie, he's worse than I thought. Grandpa's playing his yucky old music.

Chuckie: Yeah, if his friend hears that, she'll wanna run away for sure.

(Tommy once again gets out and takes out a tape from his toy cassette player)

Tommy: C'mon, I know what to do.

(scene transitions to an old record playing music, the record looks all wavy)

Grandpa Lou: (fixes his bowtie and bows): May I have this dance?

Morgana: Oh, Lou, you remembered! (they dance) Oh...

(as they dance, Tommy crawls to the stereo where the record is playing and injects a in a tap titled "Get Yer Wa-Wa's Out!", suddenly the record scratches to a stop, Grandpa Lou gasps and accidentally drops Morgana to the floor)

Dummi Bears: (on tape): Sing a happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy song! (continues)

Morgana: (surprised): LOU!

Grandpa Lou: (sees the babies once more, stammers): I--I just remembered, I left something on the stove! (snatches the babies back upstairs, scene cuts to Grandpa Lou on his knees) I'm begging you, stay in bed! Go to sleep! I'll--I'll make it up to you, I promise. I'll--I'll take you to the circus. I'll buy you an ice cream truck. (the babies look at him) And when you're old enough, I'll get you a car and put your through college! But right now, you got to go to sleep, please! (leaves the room) Morgana? Morgana?

Morgana: (sits on the sofa): Over here, Lou. Now sit down. (he does so, takes something out of her purse): I have something I want to show you.

Grandpa Lou: Show me? What is it? (Morgana shows him a photo album) Oh, a photo album.

Morgana: Mm-hmm, it's from the old days when we were just kids. (the two babies are out of bed again watching, shows Grandpa Lou pictures) Here's you on the debate team. And here is when you were working as a soda jerk. (the babies snatch the tablecloth off the table knocking everything to the floor) Oh, and here's when you hit the homerun to beat the Southside Blue Jays.

(pictures of their last encounter at the train station from the flashback is shown in the album)

Grandpa Lou: I can't believe you kept these pictures after all these years. Morgana, whatever happened that day at the train station?

Morgana: Don't you know?

Grandpa Lou: No.

Morgana: That morning, I saw you kissing Trixie McGee... (a flashback briefly shows a young Lou with a blonde woman kissing before going back to the present) ...and I knew you were making a date with her.

Grandpa Lou: (bewildered): Trixie McGee?! Freckle-faced Trixie, the girl who worked at the fish market? Oh, Morgana! I wasn't kissing Trixie McGee!

Morgana: (smiles): You weren't?

Grandpa Lou: Gosh, no! (flashback shows what he is saying, a guy watches Lou performing CPR on Trixie before going back to the present) She'd had an asthma attack; I was giving her artificial respiration.

Morgana: Really, Lou?

Grandpa Lou: Well, sure, Morgana. You were the only girl I was ever interested in. (Chuckie is shown sitting with Tommy standing on his head with a flower in his hand) I was crazy about you.

Morgana: Oh, Lou! I'm going to give you something I should have given you forty years ago.

(Grandpa Lou sprays mint in his mouth, Tommy climbs over to Morgana holding a flower, Morgana and Grandpa Lou unknowingly kiss Tommy, they open their eyes and panic)

Morgana: (screaming): AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! (suddenly, Morgana accidently activates what turns out to be the auto sofa from earlier, the sofa goes loopy) OH! Oh, oh, oh, help me! Lou, help me! (Grandpa Lou gets flown off) Oh, my! Oh, oh, oh, oh! Help!

Grandpa Lou: I'M COMING, MORGANA! (the babies join in) Hold on, Morgana!

Morgana: Lou!

Grandpa Lou: What?

Morgana: Lou!

Grandpa Lou: What?

Morgana: This is kind of f-f-f-fun!

(the two adults and the two babies laugh having fun until the scene transitions them back on the now stable sofa, Grandpa Lou and Morgana have the babies on their laps)

Morgana: Oh, Lou, they're so great. Why didn't you tell me you had grandchildren?

Grandpa Lou: (pauses): Well, uh, I was afraid you'd think I was too old if you knew.

Morgana: Oh, Lou! You'll never be old to me; you'll always be the same young slightly clumsy Lou Pickles (1991). (kisses him, Grandpa Lou grins) Well, I... I better be going. How about we get together next time I'm in town?

Grandpa Lou: Oh, it's a date, Morgana. (helps Morgana put her coat on)

Morgana: Oh, Lou? Could I ask you one favor?

Grandpa Lou: Of course, Morgana, anything.

Morgana: Would you take off that silly toupee (Grandpa Lou does so and grins) Oh, that's better.

(Morgana blows a kiss and leaves, Grandpa Lou stands at the doorway and waves goodbye and shuts the door, he smiles and walks to the babies)

Grandpa Lou: (sighs): Well, she's gone. Except for your grandma, that there was the finest durn woman I ever met. (sits between the babies and hugs them): But one thing I learned tonight, there's no point in wishing the past was different, not when you got so much going for you now. Right, you little sprats?

(he and the two babies laugh as the sofa acts up again ending the episode)
