Gimme an "A" | Gallery | Transcript |
"Gimme an "A"" is a Season 9 episode of Rugrats.
Characters Present[]
Characters Introduced[]
It starts with Didi in a rush feeding Tommy, but she hastily gives him a whisk instead of a spoon. Chas arrives with Chuckie and Kimi, and Betty arrives with Phil and Lil. They leave a sleeping Stu with Dil who is also sleeping, and Spiffy chewing Stu's pajamas. Climbing into the car, Didi says "We're off to college." The babies think that they are too young to go to college, as they can't read, write, tie their shoes or count, and Tommy, Kimi, Phil and Lil aren't even potty trained. Didi talks to Betty about babies falling asleep. The babies note that the college people are much older than them and some are a bit strange. Didi drops the kids off in a room next to the classroom. They like the room, as it is full of toys which they play with. Didi puts a lullaby pig in the room. Lil thinks they should dance, as it is music, so they do so. Didi freaks out, saying she needs to get an "A" or she'll cry. The babies don't want Didi to cry. Tommy is determined to make sure his mommy gets an "A", but he doesn't know what an "A" is. Chuckie knows and makes a capital "A" with his fingers, which the twins don't get. Then they set off to find an "A". Outside, a bunch of people are chanting and holding signs that say, "LUNCH IS A HUMAN RIGHT". Tommy tells Chuckie to get one of the "A"s from the signs, but he is scared. Chuckie sets off but gets tangled in a chain. Tommy and Kimi tie the chain to a bike, and they get unchained. Then a woman runs off shouting "I got an 'A'! I got an 'A'!" Tommy leads the babies to follow the A lady inside. Phil sees a lady with a mud mask and thinks "Cool, you get to play with mud in college!" They find the A lady, who is excitedly showing her roommate (a cynical-seeming woman), but it turns out the "A" wasn't hers, and she cries, confirming to the babies that if you don't get an "A", you'll cry. On the sports field, some cheerleaders are holding signs in big blue letters. One sign says "KIN", one says "YUK" and one says "A". Tommy is after the latter. A ballgame starts and the "A" sign gets trampled but is okay, and the babies get it. In class, a man shows an experiment involving a baby, a crib and a globe. The kids arrive back in the toy room. Tommy gives Didi the A. Didi then leaves, starting the lullaby pig again. The happy babies then take a nap. Didi gets an A+.
- This isn't the first time Tommy was used for a class assignment -- in "Little Dude", Didi used Tommy to show her students how to change a diaper.
- This is the final appearance of Betty in the original Rugrats series.
- The man presenting his experiment involving a baby, a crib and a globe looks very similar to Chas, with the only difference being that he doesn't have a mustache like Chas.
- For the longest time, this episode and its sister episode, "The Braveliest Baby," didn't rerun on NickRewind for unknown reasons until May 31, 2021, when they were finally aired. The block aired them again on June 19, 2021, which means that they will remain and continue to air regularly on the NickRewind block.