Garage Sale | Gallery | Transcript |
(The scene opens up with what looks like white mushy substance, a hand moves the substance revealing part of a newspaper, it was Tommy's, Tommy smiles and reacts in amazement at his art from his baby food at the Classified section of the newspaper before rubbing his hands all over the newspaper)
Stu: (takes the tarnished newspaper): Deed, here it is! (without noticing the baby food all over it): Our ad for the garage sale! It's gonna be the best garage sale ever!
Didi: We can finally get rid of all the old junk we've collected over the years.
Stu: Yeah, and make room for my new stereo.
(A new stereo is shown in the living room)
Betty: (comes over with Phil and Lil): Yo, Pickles!
Didi: Hi, Betty, what's all this?
Betty: Got some goodies for your little garage sale here. (puts down a heavy box on the table and shows Stu supplies) You got your fondue set, your basic lava lamp, and that old standby, the pet rock.
Stu: Hey, a lava lamp! We could use one of those in the bedroom, Deed.
Didi: Stu, we're supposed to be getting rid of things, remember?
Stu: Oh, yeah.
(Next scene shows Tommy, Lil and Pil in the playpen watching the grownups walking back and forth moving old supplies)
Grandpa Lou: You know, I used to be in sales back in the '40's. I was pretty good at it, too. Top-Dollar Pickles they called me.
Betty: No kidding!
Grandpa Lou: I could sell a six-slice toaster to a one-man family.
Tommy: What do you think a garage sale is? You think they're gonna go sailing on the garage?
Lil: Maybe it means we're all gonna be living outside from now on.
Phil: Maybe they're gonna put the chairs and stuff on the grass and water 'em so they'll grow. (Lil and Tommy blankly look at him then at each other, disappointed): Or not.
Angelica: So, you don't know what a garage sale is, eh? (enters the playpen): Well, I'm in a good mood today, so I'll tell ya. (walks over and takes a bouncy ball): A garage sale is where you put your stuff on the lawn and try to talk people into taking it off your hands. (throws the ball aside, the three babies look at their hands and make sad expressions) Never mind. You won't understand 'til your brains get bigger.
(The scene cuts to outside the Pickles residence, everything is set for the garage sale)
Didi: Hey, Stu, how about this? (holds a mechanized vehicle)
Stu: (gasps in shock): OH, NO! Not the whirly mover! That was my first invention--a breakthrough in children's riding devices.
Didi: But, Stu, it didn't work.
Stu: It's got sentimental value! Take it back! Take it back!
Didi: Oh, all right.
(The scene cuts to Didi spreading out a quilt near a "Sale" sign, Stu comes over and dumps a boxful of old supplies on the quilt)
Didi: STU!!!
(Betty puts up a sign near the end of the driveway that read "Last Yard Sale for 40 Miles", Grandpa Lou finishes a pyramid of empty mayo jars on a table)
Grandpa Lou: There. That oughta do it. (he sees one more empty jar on the grass, ne crawls to get until he bumps his head on the table knocking down the entire pyramid of jars all over him, rubs his head): Aw, conflab it!
Didi: (looks at old 45-RPM records): Look at all these old records, Betty!
Betty: Yeah. Who'd wanna listen to those things?
Didi: (reads their labels): "Chick-a-Boom", "Locomotion", "Seasons in the Sun"--oh, I can't bear to sell these. They're classics. (takes the box of records back)
(The scene cuts back to inside the house, Didi walks out the living room with a white jacket until she bumps into Stu)
Stu: (notices this): Didi, that's my favorite suit! (takes his jacket back)
Didi: Stu, you haven't worn that thing since 1977.
Stu: Hey, disco's coming back. (does a disco pose)
Angelica: (tugs on Didi's dress): Aunt Didi, what's disco?
Didi: (kneels to her): Oh, nothing sweetheart. It's something that happened a long time ago, and it's never, never coming back. (pats Angelica) So don't you worry.
(Didi glares at Stu, who nervously gulps)
(The scene cuts to outside the house)
Grandpa Lou: Well, that's the whole kit and caboodle. (the garage sale is ready) Everything we could bear to part with is out here on the lawn.
Stu: (proudly) Any minute now, the bargain hunters will be swarming all over! (the three grownups wait, which turns out to be a while, next scene) Yes, sir, any minute now. (Drew and Betty are waiting too, points): Here comes a customer!
(They rush to their places as a young man arrives and checks out the first item he sees, the five adults arrive and talk to him all at once, the man gets scared at this)
'Customer: (runs away) Help! (panics and jumps in his car and speeds off)
Stu: Where'd he go?
Didi: I think we sacred him off.
Grandpa Lou: Forget him. Here comes a hot one!
(A car pulls over, it was Chas and Chuckie)
Chas: (gets out and waves): Hi, there! (the grownups frown, carries Chuckie and frowns): Oh, nice to see you, too.
(The scene cuts to the Rugrats peering out the window watching the garage sale)
Tommy: I still don't understand. What did Angelica mean by take it off your hands? Do you have to take your hands off to have a garage sale?
Chuckie: No, no, no, Tommy. A garage sale is when the grownups take everything out of the house and put it on the front lawn. Then other grownups come and take it away.
Tommy, Lil and Phil: Oh...
Tommy: But why?
Chuckie: That's the thing: nobody knows. But after our garage sale, we get a whole bunch of new stuff to put in the house.
Phil and Lil: Neat!
Lil: (to Tommy): But wait a sec. (points and shakes her head): Your mom and dad didn't do a good job. Look at all the stuff they left in the house.
Tommy: Hey, maybe they need us to help 'em.
Lil: Help 'em?
Phil: But how, Tommy?
Tommy: We'll get all the stuff they forgot and we'll put it outside so the people can take it away.
Chuckie: (unsure): Wait a minute, Tommy, we can't do that. We're too little.
Tommy: Too little, Chuckie? Do you remember when we went over the fence to get my ball from the other yard. (glares): Were we too little then?
Chuckie: Well...
Tommy: (walks to him): Or when we put mud in my daddy's shoe so he'd make squishy noises when he walked. Were we too little then?
Chuckie: Um...
Tommy: Or when we filled the potty with Jell-O so the fish wouldn't get hungry? Were we too little then?
Chuckie: No, but... all those times, we got in trouble.
Tommy: We're babies! We're supposed to get in trouble. That's our job. Now, who's with me?
Phil and Lil: (they jump up and down happily): Me, me, me!
Tommy: What about you, Chuckie?
Chuckie: Aw, okay, me.
(The scene cuts to the garage sale where a few customers are checking out items)
Didi: Gee, Stu, this doesn't seem to be going very well. Nobody's buying anything.
Stu: Just a matter of time, Deed. Just a matter of time.
(The scene cuts to the babies taking everything with them, Phil takes a box out of the closet, Lil pushes another box)
Phil: Look what I found.
Lil: Mine's better.
(Tommy takes a valuable seashell off the table, Chuckie takes down a valuable clock off the bureau, scene cuts to inside the house almost empty)
Tommy: Good job! Let's go!
(The scene cuts to the babies dragging the boxes without the grownups noticing, the clock that Chuckie took hits the table and lands on the grass)
Teen Girl: (sees it and picks it up): Hey, look Kirsten, here's something neat!
(Grandpa Lou sees them and spruces himself up)
Grandpa Lou: (walks over to them): Can I help you, ladies?
Teen Girl: Uh, how much is this?
Grandpa Lou: (curiously): Hmm, I didn't think Didi wanted to sell that thing. (turns at Didi with a customer): Oh, well, I guess she changed her mind. You see, girls, this here's an antique. I couldn't let it go for less than $25.
Teen Girl: (giggles): Well, that seems like a fair price.
Grandpa Lou: In that case, how about $15?
Teen Girl: (excited): Okay, we'll take it for $15!
Grandpa Lou: Oh, well, you've got me over a barrel! Five dollars.
(The teen girl giggles and pays Grandpa Lou as the babies watch from inside the window)
Tommy: C'mon, let's get some more.
(Phil and Lil walk over to the backdoor and take down the curtains, Chuckie goes to the cupboard in the kitchen and takes a stack full of pots and pans, Tommy is in the parents' bedroom looking at Stu's disco suit in the closet)
Tommy: Wow, look at this! (takes it and accidently wear it)
(The scene cuts to the garage sale, a lot of people are at the garage sale, much to Didi's surprise)
Steve: Hey, lady, how much for the joke suit?
Didi: Gee, I though Stu wanted this. Oh, well. I guess he came around. Five dollars?
(Steve smiles and pays her before leaving)
Chuckie: Look at 'em all! They're really taking it off our hands.
(The babies go confused as they look at their hands)
Tommy: We got to get more stuff, guys. Everybody split up and get the biggest, bestest stuff you can find.
(The scene cuts to the babies doing so, Phil tosses a lot of books in a box, Phil puts on some dress shoes as she carries a lot of shoes, Tommy carries a rod and reels in a box of fish bait off the table, the babies them place a speaker on the dolly and roll it down)
(The scene cuts to the garage sale, more people have arrived as more items are shown)
Didi: Hmm, that's funny. We've got a lot more junk that I realized.
(The scene cuts to a pile of household items, Tommy and Chuckie are exhausted and out of breath, Phil and Lil approach them with the whirly mover)
Phil: What's this thing?
Tommy: I don't know. Throw it on top.
(Phil and Lil do so)
Chuckie: Only one problem, Tommy. How are we gonna get all this stuff outside?
Tommy: (smiles): I know! We'll use my wagon!
(The scene cuts to the Rugrats trying to push and pull the red wagon to the backdoor)
Tommy: C'mon, push!
Chuckie: I got a idea, Tommy. Let's just give up.
Tommy: No! There's gotta be a way. If only we had a big kid who could help us.
Angelica: What are you babies doing now?
(Chuckie gasps as they see her)
Babies: Angelica!
Angelica: That's my name. Don't wear it out.
Tommy: Wanna help us?
Angelica: That depends. What's in it for me?
Tommy: We're helping garage sale. We're taking the wagon inside so we can load it up with all the stuff the grownups forgot.
Angelica: What?! No! You're not supposed to do that! You're only supposed to-- (gasps then smirks): Sure, I'll help ya.
(The scene cuts to Angelica helping the babies)
Tommy: Well, that's all of it.
Angelica: Your mom and dad'll be so proud of you little kids helping 'em with the garage sale and all. Just promise me one thing, Cousin Tommy.
Tommy: Sure, Angelica.
Angelica: Don't tell 'em I helped ya. I don't want any of the credit for your idea.
Tommy: Hmm, okay. Well, let's move it out!
(The Rugrats do so until the wagon's wheel gets stuck near the baseboard)
Angelica: This isn't working!
Chuckie: Yeah! Somebody better steer it, Tommy.
Tommy: Good idea, Chuckie, we'll help you up.
Chuckie: Me?! Why me?!
Tommy: Because it was your idea.
(The scene cuts to the babies trying to push the wagon as Chuckie sits up front, the wagon is not budging)
Tommy: Boy, you're heavy, Chuckie. Push harder. Push harder!
Phil and Lil: We're trying! We're trying!
(The wagon begins to move)
Angelica: (strains): Maybe if I could get ahold up here.
(Angelica reached out and pulls the lever to the whirly mover activating it, the motor runs making the wagon go very fast, Chuckie screams as the babies watch in shock, the wagon zooms across the room knocking down some furniture as Chuckie scream,, the wagon zooms out of the house around the garage sale, one man catches a golf bag, Chuckie runs through old clothes and a pyramid of boxes, he screams again as he crashes into a chest and flies over Betty and a customer and bounces on a trampoline and lands onto a pillows on a folded mattress, Larry pays Grandpa Lou for the stereo Steve is carrying on a stroller)
Larry: Five, ten, fifteen. (leaves): Radical price on the stereo, dude!
Sailor: (takes the fishing rod and fishing box from Didi): Thanks, lady!
Didi: Thank you. (counts money)
Lil: (watches from the window): It's good we helped out.
Phil: 'Cause the grownups couldn't do it alone.
Tommy: Yeah, we did a great job.
Angelica: Ha! Babies... What a crackup.
(Suddenly, the door swings up, Chuckie approaches the Rugrats panting furiously)
Babies: Chuckie!
Chuckie: (screaming angrily): AAAAAH!!!!
(The scene cuts to outside the house, the garage sale is over, Didi waves goodbye to the last customer driving away)
Stu: (counts the money): $237! We made out pretty good considering we only sold a lot of junk.
Grandpa Lou: Yes, sir, you folks got to see Top-Dollar Pickles back in his old form!
Didi: (as they walk back to the house, sighs): Oh, it'll be nice to have all that extra space again.
(The grownups enter the house with Angelica holding the door open for them with an innocent smile on her face, the grownups stop dead at the doorway and gasp in shock seeing the entire house empty except for the playpen with the babies, residue lines are shown where the furniture used to be)
Stu: (screaming): AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
(The outside of the house is shown as a satellite dish falls off the roof)
(Scene cuts to the inside of the empty house, Betty and Chas have come over, Chas sits on the floor playing guitar and singing with Grandpa Lou, Betty, and Angelica singing along in a circle with snacks, Didi has brought out hotdogs, the room is lit with a few candles on a little table, Stu sits alone sulking)
Chas, Grandpa Lou, and Betty: (sings): Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya. Kumbaya, my Lord, Kumbaya...
Stu: (lowly): My disco suit, my 8-tracks, my stereo...
Didi: You know, Stu, maybe this isn't such a bad thing. I mean, all we lost were material possessions, and what we've rediscovered are the important things, like family and love and other real human values.
(Stu still sulks at this, the babies are happy in their playpen)
Stu: (miserably): Put a sock in it, Deed.
(Didi gasps offensively, the grownups continue singing "Kumbaya")
Betty: Sing it.
Chas, Grandpa Lou, and Betty: Oh, Lord, Kumbaya.
(The outside of the house is shown at night ending the episode)