Escape from Preschool | Gallery | Transcript |
"Escape from Preschool" is the first segment of the twelfth episode in the first season of the 2021 series of Rugrats. It premiered on Paramount+ on October 7th, 2021.[1]
Characters Present
Characters Introduced
Tommy leads his friends on a daring mission to break Angelica free from her preschool. - Description from Paramount+
A man narrates a video, saying that those at the Whole Child Center for Excellence believe your child deserves to be excellent. He says that your child might reach for the stars and beyond as the video pans to an image of Jupiter, which transitions to the Jupiter on Chuckie's shirt. The babies, minus Susie, are out playing in the yard, Angelica driving around in her Cynthia car, while Didi and Betty watch the video on a tablet in the "She-Shed." Betty looks bored as the man in the video drones on, but Didi expresses that she hopes there's still time for Tommy. Angelica pulls up in front of the babies, demanding to know what their mommies are doing watching a show about her preschool. Tommy asks what "pee-school" is and Lil says it's where you learn all about pee. Phil replies that's his kind of place, but Chuckie says he gets enough in his regular life. Angelica shakes her head, saying it's about so much more than that. She says it's the best place ever because she runs the whole playground. She tells them the best thing of all is that they won't get to see it, that they don't let babies in preschool. She takes off in a puff of dirt. Back in the She-Shed, Betty still looks terribly bored as Didi tells her that Charlotte called in a favor and got them spots for a tour. She says that excellence is over-rated but agrees to come for moral support.
They arrive at the Child Center, babies in tow, and are greeted by Ms. Marjorie, the preschool's director. She says that they're so grateful for Charlotte's support that they squeezed her onto the waiting list. She tells Didi that they do a thorough evaluation of each child and parent, but questions Betty, since she's not on the list. She explains she's only there for support and Ms. Marjorie tells them to leave their strollers with the valets, who are Barry and Eve. They head inside, but the babies crawl out a doggy door, leading Didi to lament that they were so close to excellence. Outside, Tommy finds and sniffs a rock, saying that it smells like Spike's head. They are greeted by a man named Mr. Garth, who introduces himself as the "play coordinator." He takes away Tommy's rock, saying they'll find something more stimulating. As he walks up, Angelica pulls up on a tricycle, demanding to know what they're doing there. She reminds them that she's "in charge" and doesn't want them there. Just then, a girl comes up, asking Angelica to introduce them. She then says she'll do it herself, and introduces herself as Kimi Watanabe, saying she moved there from Paris. She asks if they want her to show them around, but Angelica tells her they aren't new kids. Tommy is her cousin, the others her "poopy friends," and they're all babies who don't belong at preschool. Kimi ignores her and Angelica shouts for them to scram. Kimi tells her she's not making a good choice, that they're supposed to be nice. She notes that Angelica doesn't have any "good choice stickers," pointing out several smiley-face stickers on her own shirt. She asks if Angelica wants one of hers, but Angelica slaps it away.
Mr. Garth walks up, waving his finger at Angelica. He reminds her they have rules, asking her to use her "repair words." Angelica complains that it isn't fair, saying that Kimi started it. He tells her to take a deep breath, blow out her mad, and then they'll go to the "booth of poor choices." The booth in question is a small, colorful playhouse. She asks him to give it to her straight as to how long she'll be in. He tells her that it's up to her and she can come out when she's ready to behave. "A life sentence!" shouts Angelica. Tommy comments to the other babies that he's starting to think Angelica's not actually in charge of the whole playground. He walks over and she asks what he's looking at, if he's never seen a booth of poor choices before. She calls it a jailhouse, declaring that she'll never behave. She pleads with the babies to get her out. They note her previous comments about being in charge and she admits she forgot about Mr. Garth. Tommy tells them that it isn't fair, that while things may not be as Angelica said, she does love preschool. They proceed to the sandbox and plot "Operation Breakout." They, however, have to switch to "Plan Z" when he realizes he forgot his screwdriver at home. Chuckie remembers seeing some keys inside and suggest they sneak in. They do just this, sneaking across the playground and evading Mr. Garth. They eventually end up on a wheeled food cart, which Mr. Garth pushes inside.
They eventually arrive inside, where Didi is busy making her pitch for Tommy to attend the school. Phil and Lil, spotting some good toys, ask just why it is they have to save Angelica now. Tommy replies that Angelica may be bossy and mean, but she's still the only cousin he has. He doesn't want her spending the rest of her life in the playhouse. They get the keys. Meanwhile, back in the playhouse, Angelica is busy chatting at a bug. The babies arrive back, only to find that the keys seemingly aren't working. Just then, Kimi shows up. Tommy tells her it isn't what it looks like. Kimi says it looks like they're helping Angelica get out and that she'll do it. She opens the door, saying that if the babies care about Angelica that much, then deep down, she must really be nice. Angelica chuckles at this, then tells her "Good choice." Chuckie gives her the tricycle and she hops on, shouting "Free at last!" Mr. Garth calls everyone over for snack time and she comes to a stop. Tommy asks her about it, reminding her that she wanted to leave and is almost free. She says that she just remembered it's "Fruit Leather Friday" and joins Kimi for snack time. Didi secures Tommy in his stroller and Mrs. Marjorie tells her that "Thomas" has been accepted into the preschool. She says that he can start today. Didi asks if it's really the right time and Mrs. Marjorie assures her that it's never too early. Betty says that it's Fruit Leather Friday and the school might not be so bad. Didi, however, says that Tommy won't be attending that year. Ms. Marjorie asks if she understands you only get one chance to apply. She replies that they'll decide one day, but for now, Tommy is happy being a baby playing with his friends and she thinks that's excellent enough. They drive off, Didi asking if she really did the right thing. Betty agrees she definitely did.
- This is Kimi's first appearance in the reboot -- here, she's reimagined as being the same age as Angelica and being one of her preschool-classmates.
- According to Didi, Tommy rolled over at 2 months and sat up at 5 months.
- This is the third episode of the reboot in which Susie doesn't appear.
- This episode reveals that Angelica goes to a preschool called "The Whole Child Center for Excellence," and judging from the looks of it, the Whole Child Center is presumably a private school.