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Edwin Winston Cranstall Louis Xavier Quincy Carmichael, III is the younger nephew of Lucy and Randy Carmichael, older cousin of Susie Carmichael, and the younger brother of Buster Carmichael and the youngest son of Susie's paturnal aunt . He appears as a minor character in Nickelodeon's 2021 animated TV series Rugrats when he visits Susie, Randy, and Lucy with his brother in the episode Baby Talk.


Edwin is Randy and Lucy's five year old nephew who arrives at the Pickles' household with Randy for a visit. He is energetic and shows interest in wanting to participate in the same activities as his older brother, Buster. Upon their arrival, Edwin quickly learns that he can no longer understand what Susie is saying to him and quickly runs off with Buster to build with Click N' Pops. It is later revealed that in the previous summer a year prior, which was when he and his brother last visited, that he and Susie used to be able to communicate with each other; Susie mentions that they used to talk for hours.


Like his 1991 counterpart, Edwin is of African American descent with black eyes and dark brown hair. He wears red circle framed glasses, a tan shirt with shapes, green shorts, and red and white sneakers with white socks.


So far, Edwin has made his only appearance in the season 2 episode, Baby Talk

