Rugrats Wiki

Dr. Cartunian Sr. is a minor character who appears in All Grown Up! He makes his debut appearance in "The Old and the Restless" where he cures Dil from his excessive burping by feeding him cabbage with syrup. He also makes a brief cameo appearance in the episode "Miss Nose It All."


Dr. Cartunian Sr. is a doctor who works at the local hospital and is the father of Dr. Cartunian.


Dr. Cartunian Sr. is an elderly man who wears a lab coat and glasses.


  • He treated Dil's burping issue with cabbage and syrup and claims it works every time.
    • When asked by Dil how he came across such a cure, Dr. Cartunian responds by citing his experience.
  • He makes a brief cameo appearance in "Miss Nose It All," where he can be seen walking in the hallways talking with another doctor.