Rugrats Wiki
Dil We Meet Again Gallery Transcript

"Dil We Meet Again" is a Season 6 episode of Rugrats.

Characters Present[]


When the Rugrats begin feeding Dil watermelon, Betty tells them: "You keep feeding him like that and he's gonna turn into a watermelon!" As Chas makes animal balloons for the kids, they don't notice Didi taking Dil inside to wash him off. All the Rugrats see when they turn around is a watermelon. Convinced this is Dil because his rattle is nearby, the kids begin to look after the fruit like it was a baby. When Stu announces a watermelon eating contest and watermelon Dil is taken away, can the babies rescue him and turn him back into a baby before he becomes someone's lunch? - Description from Klasky Csupo


The grown-ups prepare for a block party with Howard shouting safety rules through a megaphone and the babies eating watermelon and feeding it to Dil. Betty comes along and jokingly says Dil will turn into a watermelon if he keeps eating it. They are concerned, but then Chas makes balloon animals, and they are distracted.

Meanwhile, Didi takes Dil off to wash him at home and the babies turn around and see a watermelon with Dil's rattle nearby. They think they will have to look after it/him and they dress it in a nappy, yellow hat and purple top, try to play Pat a Cake with it and roll it down the slide.

Then, Howard announces a watermelon eating contest (while Didi changes Dil). Tommy declares they have to turn the watermelon into Dil again, and he thinks that seeing as (supposedly) Dil turned into a watermelon by being fed watermelon, the watermelon will turn into a baby by being fed baby food. They try to "feed" the watermelon, but Stu takes it away and they search for it in the watermelon pile (Lou locked Howard in the privy because he had it with his shouting). Meanwhile, Didi brings back the real Dil, and the babies rejoice as he is not a watermelon.


  • Chuckie mentions the time he swallowed a watermelon seed, as seen in "The Inside Story".
  • The episode title is a pun on the phrase "'Til We Meet Again".
  • This is the first episode to not have debuted on Nickelodeon in the US but instead debuted on Telemundo on December 1999. It made its US debut on the Make Room for Dil VHS but oddly did not air until May 2001 (hence why this episode's broadcasts have the show's second intro sequence).
  • The last time Howard was safety monitor at a block party, he made 23 citizens arrests.
  • Tommy says all the watermelon seeds were picked out, but there are still seeds in every slice.
  • On January 10, 2022, this episode and its sister episode "The Magic Baby" were the final two episodes to air on the NickRewind block before the block got discontinued on January 31, 2022.
  • The Reptar Wagon from The Rugrats Movie is seen in the Pickles' garage.

Video Clip[]


Lame Young Parents Rugrats The Splat
