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"Dil Saver" is a Season 7 episode of Rugrats.
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As Dil keeps breaking all the Rugrats' favorite toys, Tommy wishes he would go away. So, when the babies don't see Lulu taking Dil out, Angelica tells them that he is now trapped inside Stu's computer. Will the gang find a way to get Dil back and reverse Tommy's wish? - Description from Klasky Csupo
Tommy, Chuckie, Phil, Lil and Kimi are building block towers. Dil keeps knocking them over, so Tommy wishes Dil would go away. Then, Lulu visits while the group hide in the closet and Lulu takes Dil off to change him. She dresses him in an orange beanie with stars, a green cardigan with blue horizontal stripes, off-white socks on his hands and pink trousers with yellow dots.
Stu has saved a photo of Dil on the computer. Angelica tells the babies in the closet that Dil has gone away so they look for him and find him on the computer. The babies believe that Dil is on TV, but Angelica "corrects" them, and says that Dil is actually trapped in the computer. She says this has happened because Tommy wished his little brother would disappear. Tommy tells his friends they need to find a way to get Dil out of the computer. Dil's voice is heard on the baby monitor that is beside the computer, and the babies think Dil is talking to them from inside the computer. Dil says something that sounds like "pee pee" and Phil takes this to be a cue to go pee. Lil suggests they instead try clicking the letter "P", so they try to get Dil out by typing but it distorts the image. Tommy says they should put a diaper on Dil, so Lil puts baby cream on the screen and Chuckie straps a diaper to the screen. Thinking Dil might be cold, Phil and Lil put his pajamas on the screen, accidentally knocking it over. Still no change. They think he is hungry, so they go get some fruit, meanwhile hearing Lulu (who gave Dil to Lou) say "Poor thing. Who's going to rescue him?" (she is referring to a cat that Spike chased, but Tommy thinks she meant Dil.) Tommy smears banana on the screen but of course Dil doesn't eat it. The babies accidentally print out a picture of Dil and think it is Dil. They build blocks and want him to knock them over, but he doesn't. Chuckie says they should put Dil back in the computer, because at least "he talked then". They try to shove the print of Dil back into the printer, and the image pops back up. A voice says, "Do you want help?" and they think it is Dil but note Dil can't talk and if he could, he wouldn't talk in that voice. Angelica says the computer talked. She says Dil should eat as computers have "menus". Tommy presses buttons to see if they make Dil eat, and the voice says "Delete" which they mishear as "Dil eat". They try to make him eat but knock the computer off the table. Tommy regrets wishing Dil away. The computer says, "Do you want to send?" and Tommy shouts "Yes! Please! Bring Dil back to us!". He turns it off and it disappears, so they check Dil's room to see if he's there and, much to their relief, he is.
Angelica stands by the mess the babies made and laughs about the trouble they will be in. Stu walks in and seeing Angelica by the mess, thinks she is responsible.
- In the scene where Tommy looks over the photo of Dil after it is printed out, the yellow tape on the side of his diaper is missing.
- Morals:
- Be careful what you wish for.
- Trying to get someone in trouble often for what you did comes back to bite you.