Rugrats Wiki
Dil's Binkie Gallery Transcript

"Dil's Binkie" is a Season 7 episode of Rugrats

Characters Present[]

Character Introduced[]


Dil's binkie travels all around the neighborhood, from Tommy's jack-in-the-box to Phil and Lil's mudpies to a bird nest and finally back to Dil. - Description from Klasky Csupo


Didi is making lunch when Dil repeatedly spits out his pacifier, giggling happily as Didi tells him it was cute the first twenty times he did it. Once his pacifier splashes in the lunch Didi is making and it gets onto Didi, Didi puts the pacifier back in Dil's mouth and goes to get cleaned up. As she does this, Dil looks at Spike, who comes into the room to get a drink of water. Dil spits his pacifier out once more and it bounces off the table and into Spike's water dish. Spike then carries off the pacifier with him as he goes outside where Tommy is playing with a jack-in-the-box. Spike drops the pacifier on top of the jack-in-the-box as Tommy keeps turning the handle until the box pops open and sends the binkie flying. Dil's pacifier then starts travels around the neighborhood as it bounces off the top of the garage and into Phil and Lil's mud puddle where they're playing.

Phil makes a mud pie, without knowing the binkie was pushed into the pie he was making, and he throws it; the binkie lands in the trashcan Howard is carrying nearby. Howard hands the trashcan to a man who seems to be collecting dirt, sticks, and what not as he dumps the trash's contents into the back of his truck before driving off. A bird is seen flying above the truck; it swoops down and picks up some sticks along with Dil's binkie. The bird then flies off to its nest in the park and it starts to put the sticks into the nest, dropping the binkie in the process. The binkie bounces down the tree and onto the sidewalk as it's run over by a kid riding a skateboard, which sends it flying once more.

The binkie then bounces off some of the playground equipment and down the slide where a boy kicks it along with the sand towards another boy. The binkie bounces right past the second boy and into another boy's bike tire where it ricochets off of that and flies over to the tether ball area where two girls are playing tether ball. The ball hits the binkie, sending it flying back towards Phil and Lil's house where Betty is cleaning off the twins. Betty waves off a mosquito before the binkie bounces off her head and she swat at it, thinking it's another mosquito. The binkie then bounces off the fence and into the Pickles' backyard. It rides across the sprinkler water before bouncing off the patio wall and through the kitchen window where Didi is washing dishes, and the binkie lands on the counter. Didi shakes her head and picks up the binkie before walking over and putting it in Dil's mouth. Dil is cooing excitedly as Didi puts the pacifier in his mouth and he sucks on it a moment before he pulls the pacifier out of his mouth, cooing happily.


Didi: Now keep Mr. Binkie in your mouth while Mom cleans the "oopsie" off her clothes.


  • This is the first Rugrats "short". The "shorts" appeared between the two featured cartoons of the seventh season.
  • Lil and Howard are the only two characters not to speak in the short, although Lil is heard laughing.
  • The two boys that are at the bottom of the playground equipment are seen again in the next episode "Big Brother Chuckie".
  • This episode is one of 5 where Tommy, Phil and Lil are the only members of the original main characters to appear. The others are Weaning Tommy, Game Show Didi, Baby Commercial, and Hurricane Alice.