Rugrats Wiki
Dil's Bathtime Gallery Transcript

[A bottle lying on its side is shown close up is shown close up, with the liquid inside moving like waves. Tommy, clad only in a diaper, crawls up to the bottle and rolls it along the floor towards Dil. Dil grabs the bottle and shakes it. Stu is nearby. He puts on goggles and starts tinkering with a robotic invention.]

Stu: (humming) [Didi walks into the room, with a towel draped over her left shoulder. She walks towards her sons, who are rolling the bottle to each other.]

Didi: (sighs) Give me strength. [Tommy and Dil look at her and Dil picks up the bottle.]

Stu: The dreaded bath time again?

Didi: Stu!

[Stu looks up at her]

Stu: Huh?

Didi: Shh-shh! [She picks up her sons and Stu takes off his googles] I just can't figure it out. Tommy loves it. Why does Dil put up such a fight every time? [she sighs and leaves the room. Stu presses a button on a remote control. The robotic device shakes, and releases a plume of dust which goes all over Stu’s head and shoulder. He glares.]

[In the bathroom, we see Tommy already in the tub, splashing and playing happily. Didi picks Dil up after undressing him on the counter and carries him over to the tub.]

Didi: Who's my big boy, Dilly?

[When they get up to the tub, Dil turns around and looks in fear at the bath.]

Didi: (gasps) Yes, you are! You are going to have such a good time! [Tommy is in a ring-shaped float toy with a backrest, and Didi sets an unhappy Dil down into his own float toy. Dil waves his arms at Didi.] Come on, Dil; it's just water. Look at Tommy. He's having fun. [She looks at Tommy, who is splashing the water.]

Dil: Ooh! Oh!

[Didi gently splashes some water towards Dil. In Dil’s imagination, he is on the ocean, and the splash Didi had made turns into a giant wave that Dil rides over in a boat. Dil is sitting inside a baby seat and is wearing a sailor outfit. He looks afraid. Dil continues to ride fearfully over big, choppy waves. We see Tommy, also dressed like a sailor, come up rowing towards Dil in a raft. Dil flails around. He grabs the rope of his boat's bell. He desperately rings the bell. Back in reality, Dil is frantically splashing in the tub as he yells.]

Didi: Oh! Ptt- ooh... Oh, there's nothing about this in Lipschitz. Look, (in a sing-song voice) here's a little water friend who wants to play with yooou! [She picks up a rubber duck and holds it towards Dil. Dil stares fearfully at the toy, which makes a slow squeaking sound and, in his mind, turns into a whale. On the ocean again, the whale spouts water out of its blow hole and moves in on Dil. It goes into the water under Dil’s boat.The whale emerges a distance away and goes after Tommy's raft, which is against a bell buoy. Dil worriedly waves towards his brother.]

Dil: Tom-myyyyy! [The whale moves closer towards Tommy, whose back is turned, and he is pushing the bell buoy, which clangs. Dil continues to flail his arms.] Ooh... Didi picks him up out of the tub, wrapped in a towel.]

Didi: Dylan Pickles, I don't know what's going on in that little head of yours. [She shakes her head, and some water drips off her hair.]

Dil: Oh... phew. [His eyes are half-closed, and he looks relieved to be out of the water.]

Didi: But Mommy will make it all better. [She smiles at Dil. Dil looks over Didi’s shoulder at Tommy, who is still in the tub.]

Dil: (cooing) Ah...

[Tommy picks up the rubber duck.We hear one last clang of a bell as the camera moves over to the toy boat Dil imagined he was on, rocking in the water, beside a bird toy, which was probably the "bell buoy".]
