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Crossing the Antarctic Gallery Transcript

"Crossing the Antarctic" is the first segment of the first episode of the second season of the 2021 series of Rugrats. It premiered on Paramount+ on April 14, 2023 [1]. It later premiered on Nicktoons on February 20, 2024.

Characters Present


Tommy and his friends cross the frozen tundra to find help for Angelica after she "hurts" her leg. - Description from Paramount+


While at a local ice rink, half of the ice is being used for a children's ice-skating class (instructed by Gabi) while the other half is being used for a women's hockey league consisting of moms (three of the moms being Betty, Lucy and Didi). Angelica's excited about her ice-skating lesson while Didi's excited but a little nervous for her hockey practice (she's never played hockey before and, like her niece, has possibly never gone ice-skating before). While the younger kids are in a play area set up near an entrance to the ice, Angelica eagerly takes part in Gabi's skating lessons -- but it soon becomes apparent that Angelica's not that good at ice-skating, and she eventually fakes hurting her leg to avoid embarrassing herself in front of Gabi and the other kids in the class. Angelica rests in the play area with the other kids, who offer to take her to Susie's mom (who's a doctor) to get her leg healed up -- Angelica tries refusing (which makes Susie suspicious), but they insist on doing so.

Meanwhile, Betty and Lucy (both of whom are avid hockey fans) do their best to explain the sport and how it's played to Didi. While she seems to have some trouble understanding it, Didi's eager to learn and does her best to follow what her friends are telling her.

The other kids eventually realize that Angelica was lying about hurting her leg after she saves Tommy from getting hurt on the ice -- Angelica admits that this is true, as she didn't want to embarrass herself in front of Gabi and the other kids at the ice-skating lessons. But the twins point out that she's at least skilled enough in ice-skating to have been able to save Tommy, which she realizes is true, adding that she was so focused on making sure Tommy was safe (and that he didn't get hurt) that she completely forgot about falling herself.

The episode then ends with the moms' hockey game -- Betty and Lucy are excited to finally play hockey with Didi, but Lucy also points out to Betty that they shouldn't expect too much from her, especially since it is Didi's first time playing the sport. But as soon as Didi comes out on the ice, she appears to have remembered all the stuff her friends taught her in the locker room (and is also now acting rather aggressive). Lucy then expresses both fear and excitement about playing hockey with Didi.


  • Angelica pretends her leg is broken just like she did in the 1991 series episode: "Angelica Breaks a Leg."
  • Lou's friend, Graham, is revealed to know how to drive a Zamboni -- he also apparently works for the ice rink as their Zamboni-driver.
  • Moral: Never fake or lie about an injury.

